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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1257
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Chapter 1257 Upon smelling the savory aroma of pork ribs, Blake groggily opened her eyes and realized she was at home. Without much thought, she knew that the person cooking outside was Liam.

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Blake’s stomach kept growling. Hungry and weak, she quickly put on her shoes and rushed toward the table, where a plate of grilled pork ribs was placed. She then grabbed a piece of it and started eating.

Liam also made clam chowder. When he saw Blake, he smiled and walked to her. He said, “Eat slowly. Everything on the table is for you.” Blake said, “Liam, | want to eat spaghetti.” Liam said, “Sure. I'll get that for you right now.

He then served her a large plate of spaghetti and provided her with fork. This is something he noticed about Blake over this long perio of time.

After having a plateful of spaghetti, Blake was finally full. Then, she drank a bow! of soup.

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Feeling satisfied, she let out a burp.

Liam handed her a tissue, “Do you still want to eat?” Blake replied, “No, I'm full. Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, | might've died from starvation instead of exhaustion.” Liam said, “I called you last night. Why didn’t you answer? Where did you go?” Chapter 1257 “I went to the hospital. Mr. Jardin just had his surgery completed. | was there to take care of things. By the way, why were you waiting downstairs last night?!” Liam smiled, “I just wanted to wait for you. You didn’t come back last night, so | intended to look for you.” Blake pursed her lips and suddenly fell silent.

She wanted to tell Liam not to be so good to her. But she remained silent for a while and did not say anything. She did not feel good to say that now because she had eaten the food he cooked, and he took care of her after she fainted.

Blake changed the topic, “By the way, do you know what Cecilia has been up to lately? Mr. Jardin just had surgery; why wasn’t she at the hospital?” Liam explained, “I was going to tell you about this. She was drugge and has already been taken to the hospital.” Blake instantly widened her eyes, “Drugged? Someone actually dared to drug her? No wonder she wasn't at the hospital during Mr. Jardins surgery last night.

“What about Joanna Griver?” Confused, Liam asked, “Joanna Griver?” Blake replied, “I forgot that you don’t know her. She’s Mr. Jardin’s attending physician.” Liam responded, “I'm not sure.” Chapter 1257 373 Blake, absent-minded, pondered, ‘Why'd someone drug Cecilia?" In the Community Hospital, Cecilia, who had bruises all over her body, had awakened. She pulled out the IV drip needle in her hand and went crazy in the ward, “Kill him! Agustin, help me kill him! “He almost ruined me!” Cecilia was drugged with an aphrodisiac, and she was almost violated by ten men! If it were not for Agustin timely bringing people to save her, she would either be dead or severely injured.

Agustin embraced Cecilia and comforted her, “You're safe now. | won't spare any of those people!” “Fred Turner, you asshole! | want you to rot in hell!” Chapter 1252