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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1236
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Chapter 1236 In the evening, Blake went to the hotel, wanting to bring Liam his laptop bag and some clothes before returning to her apartment.

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Before she knocked on the door, she saw that the door was already open. Liam stood there dressed in his pajamas, looking much better.

“You're back?” His tone was gentle.

Blake regained her senses and said, “Mhm, I've helped you get everything back. See if there is anything | missed.” Walking into the living room, she noticed her messy house was clean and tidy. Even the air smelled fresh, and the blanket she left on the sofa was folded. Every corner was swept spotless.

“You've cleaned up all this?” Blake looked at him, surprised. She felt embarrassed and said, “Didn't | tell you to rest? Why did you do this?” There was even food made by Liam on the dining table. The gas was running in the kitchen where something was braised. Liam took the things over naturally and said, “Go and wash your hands first. | made some potato soup. It'll be done soon.” Blake wanted to say something more but hesitated. In the end, she said, “What about your medicine? Did you feel better after taking them? Is your head still hurting?” Liam shook her head and said, “It doesn’t hurt anymore. I'll get you some cutlery so you can eat first. I'll be done soon.” Blake had actually wanted to tell Liam that she was going home after Chapter 1236 putting his things down, but there was no way she could leave in this situation. If she were to refuse his offer now, she would never forgive herself.

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Blake had no choice but to sit at the dining table. Liam took a set of utensils and placed them before her. He then said, “I've made a lot of dishes. Eat them soon, or they'll spoil.” “Don't just leave me to eat alone. Join me. | can't finish all this on my own,” Blake invited him.

Liam agreed, “Sure.” Then, He removed the apron and brought a bowl of soup out before sitting beside her. Blake ate half-heartedly while Liam kept piling food onto her plate. Blake’s mind was filled with all the words Cecilia had told her, “I'm giving you three days. If | don’t get an answer from you once the time's up, I'll kill Madelyn.” “Think carefully, Blake. My patience is limited. You know I'm a woman of my word. Madelyn is helpless without Zach's protection.

All'it would take to Kill her is just a few words from me.” Cecilia’s words kept ringing in her head.

Suddenly, Blake accidentally dropped her utensils out of frustration. and apologized swiftly, “'m so sorry.” Liam stopped her from picking up her fork and replied, “It's okay, | can pick it up.” After that, Liam helped her change into a new set of utensils. He passed it to her and asked, “Did something happen at the company? Are you free to talk?” Chapter 1236 Blake thought she could not hide the truth anymore. She could no longer bear it the instant she made up her mind and placed her utensils down. Her gaze was thoughtful as Blake stared at the gentleman before her. She said, “Liam, tell me truthfully. When you leave StartReading Literary and return to the Xander family, will you enter the political world and plot against Kevin with Cecilia?” Liam's expression changed drastically. The hurt from her distrust was visible in his eyes as he asked, “Even you don’t believe me?”