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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1215
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Chapter 1215 Dishes were gradually brought out one after another. Then a bowl of sweet potato soup was served. Cecilia took the ladle and filled a small bowl for Blake. “I specifically requested them to make this. | used to drink it often. Of course, this can’t compare to the soup that you used to make for me in the past.

“Now that I've made some money, you won't have to cook anymore.” Blake, who had been watching Cecilia talk, avoided eye contact. “I don’t know what you're talking about.” Cecilia smiled at Blake. “It's okay if you can’t remember that now; | remember everything.

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“Come on, have some soup. After you finish, I'll show you what you want to see.” Blake, despite her initial reluctance, grabbed the spoon and gradually succumbed to Cecilia's persuasion.

Blake finished the soup in her bowl in just a few minutes. She said, ” Can you tell me now? You'd better not be playing games with me.” Then, Cecilia took out her phone and opened a video.

In the video, Kevin was dressed in a black windbreaker, accompanied by several menacing individuals behind him. A woman in her forties or fifties knelt on the ground, speaking in a language that Blake could not understand, pleading desperately.

Kevin, who was standing in front of the woman, looked cold and remained indifferent to her pleas.

He uttered a few words, and the woman's pupils immediately dilated and filled with despair.

Then, a man with a gun behind her, pressing against her, aimed the gun at her body.

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The next moment, a loud gunshot sound could then be heard, and blood splattered.

Blake’s hands trembled as she stared in disbelief at the paused video on the phone. She could not endure it any longer, so she ran to the side, clutching her chest, and retched.

Cecilia then stood up and went to pat Blake’s back. “Blake, this is the man you like. This is the side of him that you've never seen.” Blake shook her head. “I-impossible. It definitely isn’t him! | don’t believe that's him. Y-You're lying to me!” Cecilia replied, “I've told you before that Kevin is just like Zach. He's not worth waiting for. Isn't Liam treating you well? During the long time when you were hospitalized and sick, he took care of you meticulously without asking for anything in return. I'm willing to help him and let him be with you.” Blake responded, “You said Kevin is the same as Zach, but what about you? Aren’t you fond of Zach?” “I'm different from you.” “Different how? | can feel that Kevin likes me. He's afraid to be with me because of his past and his experiences, but | don’t care who he used to be. | spent a lot of time with him when | was working at Chapter 1215 Jardin Corporation, and | know that he isn’t a bad person. He's been living a normal life.

“As for this video, | don’t know where you got it, but unless he admits it to me himself, | won't believe a word you say.

“Thank you for lunch today. I'm full, so I'll leave now.” As Blake hurriedly exited the room, she suddenly bumped into someone familiar at the doorway.