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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1210
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Chapter 1210 “Blake.” At the sound of this long-missed voice, a torrent of tears broke from Blake. She rushed forward, her arms enveloping the woman before her in a desperate embrace. “Mom!” she cried.

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Hannah Sutton, her own eyes shimmering with unshed tears, held her daughter close. Years had passed since they last saw each other. Why the tears, Blake? I'm here now, aren't I? Let me look at you,” she whispered, a tremble in her voice.

Blake, her face a canvas of distress, looked up.

“You've grown even more beautiful,” Hannah observed softly, her fingers tenderly brushing Blake's hair.

Yael Dion, his presence a mix of authority and warmth, joined them. Calling only for your mother, Blake? Have you forgotten your dad?” Between sobs and laughter, Blake retorted, “Dad! How can you say that? You never responded to my messages.” Yael, a leading academician in a research institute, was vital to many experiments. Even so, he had not forgotten about his daughter. He pulled out a bracelet made from valuable aerospace materials from his pocket and said, “I was in a rush and forgot to package it, but here you go.” Blake, her reluctance palpable, accepted the gift. “This isn’t enough to earn my forgiveness,” she teased, a smile breaking through her tears.

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2/3 “Next time, | want ten,” Blake added.

Yael laughed heartily, “As many as you want. This thing is priceless, not available to just anyone.” Blake wiped away her tears, turning to Liam. “My parents are here, and you said nothing?” Hannah, wiping the corner of her eye, said, “Liam wanted to surprise you. You haven't been home for so many days. Don’t bother Liam too much. He’s very busy and can’t afford to indulge your whims.” Blake pondered silently, ‘Mom doesn’t know about my hospital stay. Thankfully, I've healed a lot since then.” Hannah's voice brought her back. “I've made your favorite dish. Let me get it for you.” Liam, intending to leave, was persuaded to stay for the meal. The tw families sat together for dinner, with Mya sitting across from Blake, offering her a chicken drumstick, “Blake, don’t cry. Here, this is for you.

1" “And this buffalo wing is for you,” Mya said, handing one to Liam.

Liam smiled and thanked Mya.

Blake, having not eaten properly for days, suddenly regained her appetite. Liam served her some soup to start with. Blake and Mya, both food enthusiasts, had different physiques. Blake could eat a lot without gaining weight, unlike Mya who seemed to have put on some weight recently. Knowing their appetites, the meal prepared was plentiful.

Chapter 1210 Hannah served Liam thoughtfully, “I heard you're working at Jardin Corporation? How's work?” Liam responded respectfully, “Yes, it’s going well. Blake has been a great help as my assistant at the company.” Hannah proudly added, “Blake has always been a bit of a troublemaker, but academically, she’s never disappointed me.” Mya, enjoying her meal, added, “Yeah, Blake's the best.” After dinner, Liam received a phone call and stepped away. Hannah and Blake decided to have a conversation in Blake's room.