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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1205
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Chapter 1205 After Blake had gone missing as a child, Cecilia focused all her efforts on earning more money to bolster her family’s financial background. This had allowed her to hire more people to search for Blake's whereabouts. Over the years, despite no news of her sister, Cecilia never stopped searching, hoping to at least find out whether her sister was alive or dead.

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In the hospital ward, Blake lay on the bed, muttering weakly, “Close the door, | don’t want to see them.” “Alright. I'll send them away. You rest here, and we'll eat something later,” Liam responded.

Blake was in a VIP hospital ward. Outside in the main hall, the bodyguard arranged everything neatly on the dining table.

Cecilia waited just outside the door.

Liam approached Cecilia and confronted her, “I never thought you of all people would be the one who hurt her like this! How could you do this to her? She may be a bit stubborn, but Blake has never even spoken badly of you!” Cecilia signaled for the bodyguards to leave, then turned to Liam. “Do you truly care about her?” she asked Liam replied cautiously, “Ms. Samford, are you planning to harm me too?” His expression hardened.

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Cecilia sighed, “It seems I'm cruel and ruthless in your eyes.” Suddenly, she removed her sunglasses, revealing bloodshot eyes with dark circles under them, catching Liam off guard.

“I guess there’s no harm in telling you. | recently discovered Blake is my little sister who got lost and was kidnapped when we were kids,” Cecilia disclosed.

Liam, shocked by the revelation, questioned, “Are you regretting your actions now? The past can’t be undone. Ms. Samford, have you considered, if Blake was a stranger to you, would you be acting this way?” Cecilia paused, then replied coldly, “I've investigated your background. You're the only son of the Secretary-General, and your childhood illness required expensive surgery. What, did you think the funds for it appeared out of nowhere? If not for your father agreeing to a marriage in exchange for money, would you be alive today? You were given a way out, but we, the less fortunate, do not have such luxuries. If | hadn't been ruthless, | wouldn't have achieved what | have now.

Liam, realizing that Cecilia was right and his medical expenses as a child had been funded by his father’s actions, clenched his fists, emotions swirling.

Cecilia continued, “The whole reason | worked my way up was so that | could find her one day. | don’t know what my sister endured or why she was adopted by the Dion family, but now that | know, | want to make amends. You can tell Blake what | said, or not. But ultimately, she’s a Samford by blood, just like me.” After sharing her story, Cecilia gave Liam her unsolicited advice. “I believe in your genuine feelings for Blake. More than Kevin, | hope you Chapter 1205 and Blake can be together. Your status provides security for her future. If Kevin ever becomes a hindrance, I'll help remove him to ensure Blake's safety and happiness. She'll never need to know.” 3/3