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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1199
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Chapter 1199 Blake was stunned as she watched Dalton in overalls playing with toys on the floor near the couch. She had not paid much attention to him during the wedding, but now, observing closely, her eyes widened in shock.

“Is Dalton really the one Mr. Jardin adopted from the doorstep of an orphanage? Not a child he had with another woman? Or did Madelyn forget that she had a child?” Blake asked.

Margaret, taken aback by her questions, clarified, “Oh, no, no, you can’t just say things like that! Mr. Jardin’s assistant can verify that Dalton was indeed adopted. He was brought home so Ms. Jent wouldn't feel lonely and had someone to accompany her.

Dalton does resemble Mr. Jardin and Ms. Jent, but it could just be a coincidence.) There are many unexplainable occurrences in the world.” Blake asked, “May | hold him?” As soon as she spoke, Dalton seemed to understand and toddled over to Blake, extending his arms. His adorable behavior melted her heart. Observing him closely, she could not help but exclaim, “His eyes are just like Mr. Jardin’s, and the shape of his lips. If you cover his eyes, doesn’t he look just like Madelyn? | wouldn't believe anyone who says Dalton isn’t theirs.” Margaret observed. “Ms. Dion, it seems Dalton is quite fond of you! In this villa, aside from Mr. Jardin and Ms. Jent, he hasn't let anyone else hold him without making a fuss.” Blake inquired further, “Has Mr. Jardin ever done a paternity test with the child?” Margaret replied, “Oh, Mr. Jardin would never consider such a thing. Besides, as Dalton was adopted, he definitely doesn’t share blood with Mr. Jardin.” Blake frowned. “So, neither Madelyn nor Mr. Jardin ever did a test?” Margaret confirmed. “Yes, that’s right.” Blake suggested, “Is there any way to find a strand of Madelyn’s hair in the house? Mr. Jardin’s would work too. | think it's worth investigating. What if there's a blood relation?” Margaret laughed off the suggestion. “Ms. Dion, you really have a wild imagination. | think it's just a coincidence.” However, Margaret's smile faded as she looked into Dalton’s clear, watery eyes. She swallowed hard and said, “Well, it's hard to say.” Margaret had spent many days with Dalton and always sensed something unusual about him. He would sometimes talk in his sleep, and during thunderstorms, he would cry nonstop.

Shortly afterward, Margaret hurried upstairs and returned with a comb from the master bedroom. Handing a strand of hair she found on it to Blake, she said, “I've been cleaning Ms. Jent’s room, and | found her hair from her comb.” Blake carefully wrapped the hair in a tissue. Contemplating plucking a hair from Dalton, she hesitated, recalling Mr. Jardin’s stern expression. Swallowing nervously, she said, “I-I can’t do it. Could you?” Margaret refused, “Mr. Jardin instructed that not a single hair of Dalton should be touched. If he finds out, I'll lose my year’s bonus. I'm not risking it!” Blake thought, ‘Even though Dalton might be related to Mr. Jardin by blood, he is, after all, Mr. Jardin’s child, and his existence is of great significance.’ Ultimately, Blake devised a plan to use nail clippers to snip a tiny strand of Dalton’s hair without him noticing.

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