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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1194
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Chapter Chapter 1194 After dinner, Blake was deep in thought about Kevin's past. ‘The basement, the rats... What exactly had he been through?’ As the sun set and the streetlights flickered on, Kevin's phone rang from his coat pocket. He answered without hesitation, “What's the matter? Speak.” Blake overheard the urgent voice on the other end. “Kevin, it’s bad. A group of unknown people found our hideout and the police have us surrounded. I'm hiding in a secret room, but they'll soon arrest our people and take all the documents.” Kevin's frown deepened, his voice cold and reproachful. “I told you to destroy those documents. Why didn’t you listen?” “It's my fault. | didn’t warn them in time. And some, blinded by greed, wanted to profit from this situation. I'm hanging up. The police are closing in.” After the call ended, Kevin immediately accessed a backend system and deleted all the data.

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Seeing Kevin's troubled expression, Blake asked worriedly, “What happened? What's with the police? Are you in trouble?” Kevin replied, “It's about the underground casinos and some personal information trading organizations. They've been exposed, and everyone has been arrested. | need to handle this. You should head home.” As he hurried to leave, Blake grabbed his hand. “No matter what, Chapter 1194 promise to let me know you're safe. | know many influential people. If you're in trouble, I'll find a way to help you.” Kevin gently removed her hand. “Don’t open the door to anyone but me. Keep yourself safe. If there's danger, go to Southern Haven Villas. Mr. Jardin’s men are there, and they can protect you. Even Cecilia can’t get in.” Blake nodded in agreement.

‘If Mr. Jardin really anticipated everything, then the first thing he’d want to protect, aside from Madelyn, would be everyone in that villa. Since Hayson died because of Mr. Jardin and Madelyn’s family was destroyed, then Mr. Jardin would also try every means to keep the villa. After all, Dalton is still there,” Kevin thought.

However, trouble was brewing at Southern Haven Villas. In the yard, Margaret, carrying Dalton, wondered, ‘The wedding went well, but neither Mr. Jardin nor Ms. Jent had returned. Instead, a group of strangers in uniforms appeared out of nowhere, guarding the outside; it's so terrifying.’ Dalton had been unusually quiet. Normally, without Madelyn’s embrace, he would cry and make a fuss. But now, he was calm, eating and sleeping on schedule. Then, Margaret noticed a red car approaching and recognized it immediately. She knew the car because it came several times a day, and she thought the woman driving it was no good. Margaret hurried back to the room with Dalton.

Cecilia stopped the car and got out of it, with Susan following her. But as they tried to enter, they were stopped by two men at the gate.

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“No outsiders are allowed without Mr. Turner's orders.” Chapter 1194 3/3 The man who spoke was Zachary Zimmerman, one of Fred's deputy wardens, dressed in a black uniform with an eagle emblem on his chest and a pistol at his waist.

“So soon you forget who | am?” Cecilia asked, removing her sunglasses to reveal her almost mocking eyes.

“Ms. Samford? Of course, | remember. | didn’t expect you to rise so high as the deputy CEO of Jardin Corporation. But as far as | recall, Mr. Turner has no connection with you anymore. If you're here to see him, you should go to Ventropolis Prison, not here.

You're at the wrong place, Ms. Samford,” said Zachary.

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