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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1187
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Chapter 1187 Cecilia's eyes narrowed, “I'll give you three more days at most.” The person gritted their teeth and said with determination, “Okay, Ms.

Samford.” ‘Madelyn, you better stay hidden this time and never show your face again. Otherwise, | won't hesitate to end you. Everyone who backs you up this time will meet the same fate as those who supported you in the previous life. They'll all drop like flies because of you.’ After Cecilia wrapped up things at the company, she headed to the hospital. The whole twentieth floor was reserved. In the monitored ward, with bodyguards at every turn, a nurse had just finished administering medicine to the man lying unconscious on the bed. She then walked out with the discarded medical supplies and happened meet Cecilia, who was walking to the ward. “Ms. Samford.” Seeing the tray in her hands, Cecilia frowned, “Thanks for all your hard work. How's Zach's condition?” The nurse looked young, and Cecilia had not seen her before. She checked out the nurse with her sharp eyes and found the nurse easy on the eyes. The nurse said timidly, “Mr. Jardin’s condition is much better. He's out of danger for now but unsure when he'll wake up. | believe a good person will have good fortune. Mr. Jardin will probably wake up soon.” Cecilia smiled inexplicably. “You look young, but you're good with your words. From now on, you're in charge of looking after him here specifically.” Chapter 1187 2/3 The nurse said, “I'm sorry, Ms. Samford. According to the hospital policy, nurses here aren’t allowed to care for one patient individually, and I'm just temporarily assigned to this role. I'm relatively new to the hospital. My experiences are limited, and there might be areas where | fall short in providing care. If Ms. Samford is concerned, | can request the head nurse to arrange for a more experienced nurse to look after Mr. Jardin.” Cecilia found her response relatively satisfactory. “I got it. You can go back to your duties now.” “Okay, Ms. Samford.” Once the new nurse left, Cecilia's expression immediately changed. She instructed the nearby bodyguard, “From now on, no matter who it is, females arent allowed to get close. Change all the nurses taking care of Zach to men.” “Okay, Ms. Samford.” Cecilia entered the ward. Only she and Zach were inside. She sat by the bed, gazing at Zach lying there. Her eyes were filled with longing as her hand gently traced across his face. “You still have terrible taste in women. What's so special about Madelyn that you'd be willing to throw away your life? Zach, you said in the previous life that we were kindred spirits. You admired me, and we eventually became the most compatible soulmates.

“However, why'd you give up everything easily just because of a single sentence from someone like Madelyn? Even if you planned everything and thought of every possibility, did you think | wouldn't figure out what you were up to? You want to hand over all the assets and wealth Chapter 1187 3/3 you and the Jent family have accumulated over the years to Madelyn. You even drafted a will ridiculously! Are you curious how | found out? Zach, it's because | know you too well!”