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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 It's A Warning

“Four years,” Evelyn replied. After receiving the key to the research institute, she had only been there once, then

focused all her attention on William.

Gavin said matter-of-factly, “Four years are enough to change many things, including the rules your

grandmother set. The current NS Research Institute is far more chaotic than you imagine.”

After sthought, he added, “If you still want to benefit from it, it depends on you.”

“Me?” Evelyn's expression darkened. “In these four years, you, the acting director of this institute, what have

you done?”

“Do you remember how much you despised the research institute back then, clearly showing no interest? Since

it was destined to be abandoned sooner or later, why bother to work so hard?” Gavin listed nonchalantly. Seeing

Evelyn's displeased face, he added, “You had such an

indifferent attitude towards the research institute. If it was bound to be shut down sooner or

later, then why should I bother running it??”

Evelyn's face turned darker.

Seeing Evelyn getting annoyed, Gavin put on a serious expression. “I'll take responsibility for retrieving the lost

items. You handle the people in the research institute.”

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She gave Gavin a disdainful look. “You can leave now. Contactwhen you have everything


Evelyn checked the tand returned to the company.

Not sure if it was enhanced senses after the rebirth, she always felt someone is following her after leaving the

coffee shop. However, every tshe turned around, there was no sign of


At the Powers family mansion, Angela rushed back hto find the servants running around in a panic. Her

parents, looking haggard, were sitting on the sofa. In just half a day, these two seemed to have aged several


“Dad, Mom, what happened?” Angela asked.

Mrs. Powers, upon seeing her daughter, broke down in tears. “Angela, your brother had a car

accident while racing, and he fell down a slope. His hands and feet are all broken.”

She gave Gavin a disdainful look. You concave Timin arranged.”

Evelyn checked the tand returned to the company,

Not sure if it was enhanced senses after the rebirth, she always felt someone is following her after leaving the

coffee shop. However, every tshe turned around, there was no sign of


At the Powers family mansion, Angela rushed back hto find the servants running around in a panic. Her

parents, looking haggard, were sitting on the sofa. In just half a day, these two seemed to have aged several


“Dad, Mom, what happened?” Angela asked.

Mrs. Powers, upon seeing her daughter, broke down in tears. “Angela, your brother had a car accident while

racing, and he fell down a slope. His hands and feet are all broken.”

“How could this happen?” Angela was shocked. Just as she was about to ask more questions,

her phone rang.

Even though she knew her brother was seriously injured, Angela's heart fluttered with excitement when she saw

Henry’s number.

“Henry, is it really you? Did you hear about my brother's accident and specially-"

“Angela.” The cold voice cfrom the other end of the phone. “This is just a warning.”

“What did you say?” Angela couldn't believe it. “Henry, are you joking with me? What warning? |

don’t understand.”

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“Remember, there won't be a next time.”

“Henry!” Angela unwillingly shouted, but all she heard from the phone was the cold busy tone.

As her parents worried and cried, Angela’s tears uncontrollably overflowed from her eyes. She had waited for

years, and in the end, all she got was such a painful warning.

He could have had David, his assistant, or anyone else inform her. But for that woman, he personally handled

this matter!

Did he think this warning could make her spare Evelyn, that wicked woman?

15:53 Thu, 22 Feb G B7

Chapter 98 It's A Warning

Mrs. Powers was also furious. “Xanadu, The Wilson family has really gone too far this time. Listen to your

daughter. Teach The Wilson family a lesson, or who knows how they will trample

us in the future.”

“For so many years, you've worked for The Wilson family, and this is how they repay you. We absolutely can’t

swallow this humiliation.”

Xanadu fell into contemplation. He suddenly remembered that enticing email and looked at his furious wife and

daughter. In his heart, a wall seemed to be built, isolating him from his last

loyalty to The Wilson family.

“I know what to do. You both go to the hospital to be with Randall. I'll go out for a while.”