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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 119
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Chapter 119 GMatch

Before she could think further, Henry's large palm had already landed on her cheek, gently caressing it.


“Hmm?” Evelyn turned around, meeting a pair of deep and worried eyes. Seeing the concern in his gaze,

Evelyn's heart sk ipped a beat.

“You're not allowed to...”

Before he could finish his sentence, Evelyn suddenly stood up, embracing him tightly, rubbing against him in a

spoiled manner. “I won't do it again.”

Having experienced the separation in the previous life, she just didn’t want to see him get into trouble again.

Feeling the warmth transmitted from the man, Evelyn sighed in relief. At the stime, she moved her arms

and legs.

There was no expected pain.

She clearly remembered colliding with the front windshield, and there was even a strong taste of blood in her


She was injured, so why didn’t she feel any pain?

After regaining consciousness and gradually recalling the memories on the car, she also remembered the scene

of lifting the driver. He should be a hundred kilograms!

14:33 Fri, 23 Feb

Chapter 119 GMatch

In her previous life, she had great strength, and after being reborn, this power seemed to undergo a

transformation, growing stronger day by day.


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Evelyn furrowed her brow slightly. Everything seemed to happen after she contacted the NS Research Institute.

She was thinking about finding an opportunity to ask Gavin what was going on when a message suddenly came

to her phone.

Gavin messaged her to handle the conflicts among the personnel in the research institute and assigned her to

the corresponding position.

After a brief introduction, Gavin left only one line.

[Be careful with Colin Fisher.]

Colin Fisher?

In Evelyn's limited impression, this person was an expert in gdevelopment and

programming, and he seemed to have... not-so-great character.

After confirming her physical condition, Evelyn pleaded with Henry for two days before being allowed to leave

the hospital.

It happened to be Saturday, and she could report to the company under the research institute.

At this moment, in the development department of this company, a group of people was flattering around a man.

“Boss, you've been striving for three years and still haven't taken the position of the director of the development

department. Who is this woman suddenly parachuted in?”

“I've never heard of this woman. Could she be a vase sent in by the higher-ups?”

“Boss, we only want to follow you...”

Sitting in the middle, Colin suddenly chuckled, “Three days. | make sure she will scrams.”

Looking at the self-assured expression on his face, the people around him who were flattering

began to show signs of excitement.


“Boss, are you planning to take action yourself?”

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Chapter 119 GMatch

Colin glanced at him, his gaze icy. “Myself? Is she worthy of that? What's the use of the useless guy in Team 27”

At his words, everyone around revealed meaningful expressions.

Just as Evelyn found the entrance to the company, she saw an angry man blocking her path.

“Do you

have something to say?” Evelyn furrowed her brows and glanced at the work badge

on the man’s chest.

Yancy Flores!

The information Gavin sent showed that he was recruited into the research institute without

the usual procedures. His background was untraceable, he couldn't code, didn’t know development, and he

spent his entire day playing games on his phone.

Moreover, his personality was odd, and he had a quick temper, unmistakably carrying the air

of a spoiled rich kid.

He was the second person Evelyn needed to pay attention to after Colin.

Yancy looked at Evelyn with interest, “Do you recognize me?”

“I've heard of you.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Good. Let's have a match.” Yancy said, taking out his phone and sitting on the steps,

preparing to start playing games.

Evelyn: “...”

Inside the company, a crowd had gathered to watch the excitement. Seeing this scene, many

couldn't help but gloat.

“The new director of the development department is really unlucky, being targeted by Yancy.”

“This guy goes crazy when playing games. He won't stop until he wins. And he dominates every game.

Remember the previous director? He was driven insane by Yancy and is still recuperating in the hospital.”

*#Rumor has it that Yancy is an heir to a mysterious organization in Europe. The last person. who refused to play

games with him disappeared the next day.”

14:33 Fri, 23 Feb DG

Chapter 119 GMatch

“So, the new director is in for a tough time.”


Evelyn frowned and glanced at the group of people. Suddenly, she realized that her hearing. had improved after

the car accident. She could hear their conversation clearly.

Before she could react, Yancy approached her, took her phone, and swiftly downloaded eight

games. He then returned the phone to Evelyn.

“Let’s start with the easiest one. Can you handle it, newbie?”

Gavin had warned her to be cautious of Colin and to stay away from Yancy. But now that he

had cto her, she couldn't avoid him.