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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112 Apprentice

Now, the minds of the people at the banquet were filled with the piano piece played by Evelyn, completely

forgetting about Mia.

14:29 Fri, 23 Feb DG.

Chapter 112 Apprentice

Having achieved her goal, Evelyn walked down from the stage indifferently, her contemptuous and mocking gaze

lightly passing over Mia.

‘This insult was just the beginning, Mia, | intend to play with you slowly!

Mia received Evelyn's gaze and her eyes flared with anger. If Jasper wasn’t present, she would

have gone mad.

“Don’t worry, the Reid family hasn't fallen to the point of relying on cooperation with Master Zayn, Jasper

reassured Mia in a low voice, gripping her shoulder.

Mia looked up, “It's okay, I'm happy for Evelyn. She practiced the piano so hard for... for that


Jasper also knew about Evelyn's involvement with the older man, and he frowned instantly. Practicing the piano

so diligently to please an older man was an insult to art.

As soon as Evelyn stepped off the stage, Master Zayn caught up with her, “Miss, please stay.”

“May | ask what your current piano level is??”

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Master Zayn voiced the thoughts of many, and for a moment, everyone's gaze shifted to


Evelyn thought for a moment, “Level seven, | just took the exam on a whim a few days ago.”

During her leisure time, she casually took the exam online.

Level seven didn’t match the skills she demonstrated, and the people present couldn't help but feel a bit


Layla breathed a sigh of relief. She had said it before, how could this woman's skill surpass Mia’s? It seemed like

her unusually good performance just now was just luck.

“Mia achieved level nine two years ago,” Yulianna couldn't help but boast.

Master Zayn is skeptical about Evelyn's piano skills. But he suddenly had a flash of insight and seemed to realize

something. His excited heart pounded. If what he suspected was true, the skill of this girl in front of him was at a

level he couldn't even reach.

“Miss, what organization rated your... your grade seven piano level?”

Fri, 23 Fet

Chapter 112 Apprentice

“Master Zayn, didn’t you hear her say she casually took the exam online? It must be sobscure

organization,” Yulianna hurriedly explained.


Master Zayn immediately glanced back at her disapprovingly, asking coldly, “I'm talking to her, you, shu up.”

Yulianna’s face instantly turned pale, “I... ........"

Master Zayn didn’t want to continue paying attention to her. He turned back, eagerly awaiting. Evelyn’s answer.

Evelyn sneered, “Osliton.”

“So... My guess was correct. Osliton...” It was a height he had always dreamed of. Osliton Music Academy was

the world’s top music grading institution. Even he, after ten years of effort, had only achieved level six. He had

once thought that as long as he could reach the highest level, level seven, in his lifetime, he could die without

regrets. The girl in front of him, at the age of around twenty, had already achieved a full-level!

When the crowd heard the nOsliton Music Academy, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Osliton! Osliton! That's a place | can’t even think about.”

“So young, full level at Osliton Music Academy? It’s simply outrageous. Today, | finally see what genius looks


“I remember someone just said that. achieved level nine two years ago? Placed in Osliton Music Academy, level

nine is equivalent to two levels. It’s like kindergarten level...”

When the crowd suddenly turned their attention towards Mia, her face turned slightly pale, and she

subconsciously looked at Jasper.

Jasper was currently looking in Evelyn's direction.

Mia was too familiar with this kind of gaze, just like when he found her initially, carrying an appreciative and

intense aggressiveness.

“Jasper,” Mia called out, “Did | embarrass you?”

Jasper was slightly stunned, but he was ultimately moved by her vulnerability, holding her in his arms. “Don’t

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overthink it. I've always been by your side.”

“No matter what others think, the woman who moved my heart has always been you.”

Back when the Roid family hit rock bottom as the hair to the Doid family lacper fasad.

14:30 Fri, 23 Feb G-

Chapter 112 Apprentice

Back when the Reid family hit rock bottom, as the heir to the Reid family, Jasper faced pressure from various

forces. There were several times when he almost couldn't hold on. In the end, relying on a piano piece he heard

during a competition that touched his heart, her persevered. That piano piece, like Mia's gaze, could easily heal

him at any time.

Mia nodded shyly, but her hand on the side quietly clenched until her nails embedded into her


Evelyn, listening to the crowd's doubts about Mia, felt it was almost enough. She politely nodded to Master Zayn

and was about to turn and leave.

“Miss!...” Master Zayn hurriedly caught up.

The organizers quickly held him back, “Master Zayn, Lwonder if you have found a satisfactory apprentice in this


Master Zayn stopped. Mia thought that the matter of apprenticeship had been ruined this time. Unexpectedly,

after Master Zayn looked around, he hurriedly walked towards her.

“Young lady, your piano music is very dynamic, it can really move me. Do you have the intention to be my
