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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 I'll Kiss You In Public

Evelyn aimlessly wandered the streets after leaving the hotel.

Suddenly, she heard someone playing the piano.

Evelyn walked over and saw someone performing at a charity event. She listened attentively and noticed that

the pianist consistently played one wrong note.

There was a musical instrument store next door, so Evelyn stepped inside, sat down at the piano, gracefully

raised her hands, and immediately played beautiful music.

The original pianist paused for a moment, then quickly followed Evelyn's rhythm. His assistant nearby didn’t look

pleased and angrily said, “Who is this? How dare she disrupt your performance? Master Zayn, I'll go and drive

her away.”

The interrupted collaboration left Master Zayn feeling irritated. “Shut up,” he sternly glared at his assistant, then

closed his eyes, thoroughly enjoying the musical harmony with Evelyn.

Upon realizing that another set of piano notes intentionally pointed out his wrong note, Master Zayn’s excited

eyes sparkled. This was a trap he had set, hoping to find someone compatible enough to bechis apprentice.

The composition had cleverly placed missing notes, almost indistinguishable to anyone non-professional.

Master Zayn suddenly increased the piano’s tempo, expecting the person to only catch up with half, but to his

surprise, they perfectly matched. This discovery thrilled him.

He swiftly concluded the piece, disregarding the assistant’s objections, and headed straight into the music store.

Unfortunately, it was empty, and Evelyn had already left through the back.


Seeing this, the brightness in Master Zayn’s eyes dimmed. Dejectedly, he walked out, only to encounter a girl

coming from the direction of the restroom.

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Che had just washed her hande and her fingertine fluttered in the air making a motion as if

14:28 Fri, 23 Feb


Chapter 108 I'll Kiss You In Public

playing the piano.

“It’s her, there's no doubt about it.’

Master Zayn approached, removing his hat, sunglasses, and mask.

“Miss, was it you who playing the piano just now?”

Mia paused, and upon recognizing the face of the person blocking her way, her heart couldn’t help but race.

“You... you're Master Zayn.”

Almost involuntarily, Mia nodded.

Master Zayn was very pleased. “Excellent, truly excellent. Your sense of music is outstanding.”

“Master Zayn, you're too kind.”

Mia smiled somewhat shyly. Just as she was about to say a polite remark, Master Zayn spoke again, “The piece

you played just now, could you play it again?”

Mia's face turned pale with embarrassment, and her smile froze.

“What's wrong? Is it inconvenient?”

Mia nodded hesitantly, “I have a friend waiting for me. | might not have the tright now.”

Master Zayn nodded, “No problem. There's a business reception tonight. If you have the time,

feel free to cand enjoy.”

He signaled his assistant to hand Mia an invitation card for the event, then they left with a


Mia stared at the familiar invitation card, her lips pressed tightly together. After a moment,

she tossed the invitation card into the trash bin.

She quickly left the music store, hold onto a man across the street, and soon hopped into a

sports car.

Evelyn had been wandering outside until dusk, completely unsure where to go. She stopped

by the riverside, looking at the water angrily, pouting.

14:28 Fri, 23 Feb


Chapter 108 I'll Kiss You In Public

She had been out for so long, and Henry hadn't even made a single phone call. All his claims of love seemed

fake. Frustrated, she stomped her foot, letting the river breeze tousle her hair.

After a while, Evelyn shivered from the cold. Suddenly, something heavy was draped over her shoulders. It's a

coat. The fragrance enveloped her instantly.

Evelyn wanted to throw it away, but Henry firmly held her shoulder. “It’s cold; you might catch a

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“Even if | catch a cold, it’s none of your business.”

“Be good.” Henry hugged her tightly, the other hand covering her stomach. “You haven't eaten anything all day.

Are you hungry?”

Upon hearing this, Evelyn guessed that he had been keeping an eye on her movements all

along. Her mood improved slightly.

But the fact that she was deceived...

She turned her head, ignoring him. Suddenly, Henry bent down, whispering in her ear with a low, husky voice, “If

you are still angry, I'll kiss you in public.”


Just a little coaxing when she’s angry is enough. How could he even think of using such an embarrassing


She looked at Henry in astonishment, thinking she had misheard.

However, the next moment...

With a tender smile, Henry leaned in, closing the distance between them. His lips landed on her mouth, the first

touch of their lips sent a shiver down their spines. The kiss began with a soft, lingering tenderness, like the

delicate brush of butterfly wings. His other hand found its place on the small of her back, pulling her closer as

the intensity of their connection deepened.

His lips explored hers with a passionate urgency...

On the riverside where passersby constantly walked, many stopped to look at the two.

Evelyn's face instantly turned red, and she quickly pushed away the man in front of her, unable to utter a single

complaining word.