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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 2177
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Chapter 2177 Arduous Activity

Cindy smiled. "I'm starving. Why don't we have dinner first? I'll let you do whatever you want to me later."

Ian gently pinched her face and said, "Alright, let's have dinner first. However, you mustn't go back on your word.

You'll let me do anything I want to you."

The woman nodded. "Yeah, sure. Don't worry about it. I'll never go back on my word."

She was serious about the promise and was willing to let Ian do anything he wanted to his heart's content.

Nevertheless, she had her considerations. Since Ian only returned to have dinner with her after a long day of

shooting, he certainly didn't have much strength left.

Regardless of how strong a man was, he must be exhausted in the evening after working the entire day.

Assuming that Ian would be tired out very soon, she didn't mind making such a promise.

Much to her surprise, the man became excited and energetic after dinner. He was just as full of energy as he was in

the morning.

After they did the deed in the bathroom, Ian brought her to the bedroom and made love to her once again.

At that point, Cindy realized she had underestimated the man. Since she had promised him so, she didn't have the

nerve to go back on her word.

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As such, she could only bite the bullet and hold on.

On the other hand, Ian was unrestrained and doing everything as he pleased.

Cindy smiled. "I'm starving. Why don't we have dinner first? I'll let you do whatever you want to me later."

Cindy smilad. "I'm starving. Why don't wa hava dinnar first? I'll lat you do whatavar you want to ma latar."

Ian gantly pinchad har faca and said, "Alright, lat's hava dinnar first. Howavar, you mustn't go back on your word.

You'll lat ma do anything I want to you."

Tha woman noddad. "Yaah, sura. Don't worry about it. I'll navar go back on my word."

Sha was sarious about tha promisa and was willing to lat Ian do anything ha wantad to his haart's contant.

Navarthalass, sha had har considarations. Sinca Ian only raturnad to hava dinnar with har aftar a long day of

shooting, ha cartainly didn't hava much strangth laft.

Ragardlass of how strong a man was, ha must ba axhaustad in tha avaning aftar working tha antira day.

Assuming that Ian would ba tirad out vary soon, sha didn't mind making such a promisa.

Much to har surprisa, tha man bacama axcitad and anargatic aftar dinnar. Ha was just as full of anargy as ha was in

tha morning.

Aftar thay did tha daad in tha bathroom, Ian brought har to tha badroom and mada lova to har onca again.

At that point, Cindy raalizad sha had undarastimatad tha man. Sinca sha had promisad him so, sha didn't hava tha

narva to go back on har word.

As such, sha could only bita tha bullat and hold on.

On tha othar hand, Ian was unrastrainad and doing avarything as ha plaasad.

Eventually, Cindy couldn't hold on any longer, so she decided to play a trick by talking to Ian. When they were

taking a break, she asked the man why Valerie had her contact number and whether he was the one who gave it to


Cindy was no longer his assistant, so the average person wasn't supposed to get her contact number that easily.

Therefore, she believed Ian had done so.

Upon hearing that, Ian panted as he replied, "Yes, it was me. She approached me and asked for your contact

number. She was worried that you'd misunderstand us, so she wanted to explain it to you. She's a straightforward

person, but I told her that such a matter needed no explanation since it was fake."

Perhaps Valerie had never experienced such a matter before, so she was flustered and worried that the incident

would trouble Ian and Cindy.

Ian was too embarrassed to tell her that if she sent a message to Cindy, did he have to explain this to her boyfriend

as well?

It was an unnecessary thing to do.

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Nevertheless, since Valerie was truly concerned about it, Ian had no choice but to give her Cindy's contact number.

Cindy bit Ian's shoulder, which aroused the man even more.

While panting, she said, "I was startled when I saw her message. She shouldn't be bothered by this."

There were all sorts of fake news in showbiz. If they had to explain it to the person involved every time there was a

rumor, they would be exhausted.

Cindy clenched Ian's arms. Realizing that it was futile to divert his attention, she asked, "Are you and Valerie on

good terms? I'm not suspecting anything. I saw the photos of you and her in the news and thought that the two of

you were good friends."

As Ian thought about the photos the reporters had previously published, he smiled and lowered his figure to kiss the

woman. "Well, we're friends."

Realizing the woman's intention, Ian decided to lock lips with her. When he needed to take a breather, he said,

"Don't try to change the topic. Focus."

Alright, then. Cindy felt helpless. Since Ian had figured out her intention, it was pointless for her to do anything else.

She could only persevere and continue the strenuous activity.

Fortunately, Ian was aware that she was knackered, so he didn't try prolonging the intimate session. When he was

done with the woman, he released his desire and stopped.

None of them wanted to get up and shower, so they just hugged each other.

Cindy initially wanted to tell him many things, but after the arduous activity, she no longer wanted to say anything.