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The Return of the Disguised Princess

Chapter 379
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Chapter 379 Trap?

Although Mr. Jack didn’t look very smart on the surface, he also noticed Lamont’s actions, so he didn’t say anything


Immediately afterwards, he finished, and then glanced at the secretary behind him.

“Both of you, this is the preliminary letter of intent for this project. It contains some of our requirements. You can

take a look at it. If you think there is no problem, we can sign it now.”

The secretary opened the two documents separately and placed them in front of the two of them.

“It can be signed now? Isn’t this a little too anxious?”

Amelie suddenly felt a little strange.

“It’s normal for Ms. Cisneros to have some concerns. After all, it takes several times to finalize the project, but as

far as I know, you also came from China. I also consider your situation and don’t want to make you too tired. Don’t

worry. We’ve all checked it out, and there’s nothing wrong with it.’

Mr. Jack said with a smile all over his face.

Seeing his attitude, Amelie felt even more agitated.

Amelie didn’t agree immediately, but picked up the document and read it calmly.

“Mr. Jack, don’t worry. After all, it is cooperation. We should be more cautious. I wonder if you can give us some

time to discuss it.”

Amelie asked politely.

“Why bother to think about it? Didn’t you also review the project?”

The smile on Mr. Jack’s face had already started to disappear.

Amelie noticed it and smiled meaningfully.

“Mr. Jack is really good at joking, we have just arrived here, how do we have time to review?”

“Is there no chance to review? But before you come here, you have already investigated our company. Since it is a

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cooperation, then don’t talk so much nonsense. Sign it, and we are partners, and the future cooperation will be

particularly pleasant.”

Mr. Jack’s words were threatening.

Although Lamont had not spoken, his eyes had become extremely serious.

The atmosphere in the room changed drastically.

Amelie looked at the water glass on the table calmly, without saying a word.

A few minutes passed before Mr. Jack continued to speak.

“It seems that you two haven’t considered it yet? If that’s the case, let’s think about it here. When will you think it

over, and when will you sign and leave.”

After speaking, he got up directly and prepared to leave.

“Why is Mr. Jack in such a hurry? Isn’t it just cooperation? How can we do win-win cooperation without a good


Amelie stood up while talking.

“Planning? What else does Ms. Cisneros want to plan? Isn’t this satisfactory? Isn’t it a good opportunity for us to

cooperate with you on such a big project?”.

Mr. Jack raised his hand in doubt.

“Mr. Jack, since you want us to sign this project letter, please ask your president to sign. with us. Isn’t it

inappropriate for such a big project to only have you, a small person in charge, come forward? What’s more, You

don’t have to threaten us like this, it’s useless, we don’t accept this, we are at the mercy of other n if we are alone

now, so what? it does not mean that “What?”

Mr. Jack looked at Amelie in shock, and was still in a daze for a while, until the secretary at the side called him, and

Mr. Jack came back to his senses didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, you turned out to be…”

“Mr. Jack, since they have already made this request, the president is just waiting for them. I will take them to see

the president now.”

The secretary actually walked past Mr. Jack and walked in front of Lamont and Amelle.

“Mr. Byron, Ms. Cisneros, please follow me.”

Mr. Jack could only stand there in embarrassment.

Sure enough, as Amelie expected, this Mr. Jack was just a cover, for the showing himself. purpose of

“Your president is quite interesting, why make such a show, is it because that we will be afraid to cooperate with


Amelie walked into the elevator and asked helplessly.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on the secretary’s face, but she still didn’t say anything.

Lamont on the side sneered.

“I’m afraid this kind of operation is just to choose a more suitable partner, isn’t it?”

The secretary had no choice but to nod.

The elevator continued to go down until it reached the bottom five floors, and then the elevator stopped.

This floor was very quiet, and there were only a few workstations outside.

The secretary led them to the door of the president’s office.

Amelie looked curiously at the door in front of her, it turned out to be silver with a few golden decorations on it.

The gold looked like real gold.

She didn’t expect the company to be so rich, and even the gate was so high-end.

“Please wait a moment, I will go in and report first.”

Only then did the secretary leave their sight and opened the door to enter the office.

The two stood at the door.

Amelie glanced at the surrounding environment, and carefully moved closer to Lamont’s side.

“It seems that as you expected, this person is very likely to be a famous figure here. As for what he did, I don’t

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“Don’t worry about these, as long as the project can be taken down.”

Lamont looked around vigilantly and found nothing strange, so he felt relieved.

It took about five minutes before the secretary pushed the door out, the expression on her face still unchanged.

“Please come in with me, both of you.”

The secretary opened the door.

Lamont and Amelie walked towards the office one after the other.

As soon as she entered the office, Amelie saw a man in a black suit standing with his back to the door, tapping on

the table with his slender fingers.

Amelie couldn’t help but take a few more glances.

Amelie took a few more glances, and then, led by the secretary, sat on the sofa beside her, and then she left the


There were no extra lights in this office, and it looked very dim.

The dimness was depressing.

Amelie didn’t speak, just looked at him quietly.xo.com fast update

There was some embarrassment between the three of them. After about a few minutes, the man turned around,

and saw that he was wearing glasses with gold-rimmed eye sockets, and there was a hint of sternness in his eyes.

Amelie could tell at a glance that he was not someone who was waiting for nothing. He glanced at Lamont who was

also silent, and finally decided to speak first.

“Sir, what do you think about this project cooperation?”

Amelie said calmly.

“Of course I have an idea, but I don’t know if Ms. Cisneros has any concerns about this project, so that you hesitate

and never sign it.”

It turned out that he knew everything that happened at Mr. Jack’s place.

Amelie looked at him hesitantly, then looked away, and then opened the file directly