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The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 606 yu jiaos wonder
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LUO YAN was just about to enter the third-year teaching building when he saw a familiar figure riding a bicycle. He waited on the side until the other parked their bicycle on the designated area.

"Jiao Jiao!" he called.

The tall girl looked back and a bright smile appeared on her face when she saw him. Luo Yan was a bit surprised. Because the other was not wearing her usual thick glasses. Even the fringe that was usually covering half of her face was now gone. Because of that, when she smiled, her full handsomeness was displayed for everyone.

As expected, the students who were walking towards the teaching building and saw Yu Jiao stopped on their tracks and just simply stared. He really couldn’t blame them. When he first saw her face without the glasses and the fringe, he also had the same reaction. Who would have thought that she would look so handsome, right?

But what brought this sudden change?

"Good morning, Yan Yan," Yu Jiao greeted when she reached Luo Yan.

"Good morning," Luo Yan greeted back. He looked at the side of Yu Jiao’s forehead and saw that there’s was only a band-aid remaining. "Is your wound okay now?"

"Yeah," Yu Jiao said, unconsciously touching the band-aid on the side of her forehead.

It’s already been four days since that incident. The wound she got from that was already starting to scab. She didn’t even attend two days of classes just so she could rest. Saying that she’s not okay would be too much of an overkill.

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Besides, there’s something she wanted to ask Luo Yan as soon as possible that’s why she convinced her mother that it’s okay for her to go to school now. It’s true that she could just ask Luo Yan via phone call. But she just felt like it’s better to ask the other in person.


It was because of what happened yesterday. Mr. Mo suddenly visited their apartment.


Yu Jiao was sitting on the living room, observing the man who suddenly appeared here out of nowhere. Mr. Mo was looking around the apartment, as if checking if the place was livable or not. Then, as if he was finished with his ’check’, he turned his sight at her mother who was currently preparing tea in the kitchen.

The apartment was designed in a way that the living room, kitchen, and dining room were all in one area. The only ones that had a door to separate them from other areas were the bathroom and the two bedrooms. It was similar to their old apartment. But this one was much bigger and much more beautifully designed.

Just like her mother, the first time she entered the place, she quickly fell in love with it. That’s why she decided to buy the place from the original owner once they returned to the country. She had a feeling that her savings would be enough by then.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand, she looked at Mr. Mo once again. Why did he suddenly visit? Was he here to convince her mother to not go through the divorce? Well, if that’s the case, it’s not like Yu Jiao was against it. As long as it’s something her mother wanted, that is. But considering the talk she had with her, she doubted if that would even happen.

Whatever decision her mother would make, she would just sit here and support it.

Mr. Mo seemed to notice what she was thinking because she suddenly heard him say;

"Don’t worry, I won’t ask your mother for the impossible," he said with an embarrassed smile.

Yu Jiao was a bit surprised hearing that. Did that mean that he wasn’t here to convince her mother to not go through the divorce? Then, what was he here for?

At that moment, her mother returned from the kitchen with a tray of tea cups. Mr. Mo quickly stood up and took the tray from her.

"Let me do it," he said.

Her mother let Mr. Mo, but even she could see that her attitude was very distant. It’s hard to believe that three days ago, the two were still together. Mr. Mo seemed to be pained by the distance that her mother purposely put up. But he still carried the tray and put it on the center table. He waited for her mother to sit down beside her before sitting down himself.

"This is a good apartment," he commented, probably trying to start a small talk.

"Mr. Mo, please, stop with this small talk and just tell us what you came here for," her mother said.

Mr. Mo’s eyes flashed with sadness and pain. Probably much more so because her mother called him ’Mr. Mo’, as if he was nothing but a stranger now. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, he bowed deeply in front of the two of them.

"I apologize for what my daughter had done. Not only for the incident three days ago but also for all the pain that she inflicted Yu Jiao. And I, as her father, also apologize for not doing anything and so, encouraging her even further in doing the things that she did. Truly, I’m very sorry."

Yu Jiao was very shocked. She didn’t expect that Mr. Mo would actually apologize. No, it’s much more surprising that he actually admitted that Mo Jian did something wrong. Just, what happened?

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She glanced at her mother who seemed to be also shaken by the other’s apology. She turned to Yu Jiao, her eyes silently asking if she would accept this apology. Yu Jiao nodded as an answer. She wasn’t a vengeful person. If the other party realized their wrongs, then, that’s enough for her.

"My daughter accepts your apology," her mother said. "I just hope that from now on, you can keep an eye on your daughter."

"Don’t worry, Jian-er would not bother Yu Jiao anymore," Mr. Mo said. He raised his head, looking embarrassed as he added, "Actually, I wanted her to come here in person. But..."

The other didn’t need to finish that sentence, because Yu Jiao quickly understood what he meant. Well, this was Mo Jian they were talking about. It’s already surprising to have Mr. Mo personally come here and apologized. If Mo Jian came with him, then that would be nothing short of a miracle.

Then, she suddenly remembered something that Luo Yan had said to her the other day.

[Ah, by the way, you don’t have to worry about that Mo Jian anymore... I think she would no longer bother you from now on.]

Wait- could Luo Yan be related to this? But... just how?


Before she could ponder more on that, she heard her mother saying;

"Jiao Jiao, can you go to your room for a moment? Mr. Mo and I will just discuss something."

Yu Jiao had a feeling that this ’something’ would be about their divorce. So, she nodded without complaining and walked to her room. There, she continued thinking of the possibility that Luo Yan might have lent a hand for this kind of ’end result’ to happen.


Yu Jiao glanced down at her friend and decided to ask him about it later during lunch.