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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi

Chatper 131
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Chapter 131 CAMILLA’S PO.V Damien didn’t really tell anyone when he left and only Ryker and | went to see him off. There was sdisappointment on his face at the turnout but he couldn't really have expected anything different considering what was happening at that point. Once he was gone. | tried to rope Riley and Christine into joining us for squiet tin the private library with the girls but neither of them wanted to. They were more than happy to remain locked in their rooms. | wanted to help him, the problem was that | didn’t know how. | couldn't imagine how they both felt and | figured the best thing to do would have been to leave them alone.

| was fully prepared for her to leave the next morning so imagine my shock when she ctoand begged to stay for another few days. | immediately agreed because | wanted her to be safe and happy. It was the last t| saw her the entire day because while we were speaking, | saw Caius. It was unusual for any of the elders to seekout so seeing him in the private living room ledto realize that there ssomething horribly wrong.

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| quickly mind linked Ryker and he was able to meetin front of the council room. We walked in and | was shocked to see the other elders there. They were seated as usual but there was something in the air that made it feel more like an interrogation and not a meeting. | glanced over at Ryker only to see that he was thinking the sthing | was. He reached out for my hand and squeezed it tightly as we made our way inside. The eyes followed us but | tried my best to ignore them. | was the Queen, there was no reason why | should be worried about overgrown men children.

“Is there a reason why you wanted to meet?” | asked as soon as | had taken the seat.

“Sconcerns have been raised in the towns,” Caius began slowly with a look at the others. “It started as a whisper here and there but the towns folk are running with it and it might prove disastrous if it is allowed to-" “For fuck sake, Caius, just get to the point,” another elder snarled before turning to me. “Did you burn the body of the vampire king?” | stared at them blankly. “What does that have to do with anything?” “There are whispers among the people because they think he will cback. You didn’t burn the body.” “I don’t know how they know that but regardless, | cut his head off, no one can survive that. If that is all then we can officially call this meeting to a close. | cannot believe you would callout for something as miniscule and trivial as this. Do you not have better things to do?” | started to rise but Caius stoppedwith his words. “There is something else, and it is more important,” | stopped and took a seat. “There have also been whispers about the vampire king wanting to recruit you before he died. | don’t know where the information cfrom but the people have been running with it. Ssay that you are now a vampire and ruling in his stead while others say that everything that happened was of your planning. We need to know if this is rea | couldn’t respond to them, | turned to Ryker who seemed to have the sconfused expression on his face that | did. There were only a few people in that cave including him and Damien. | knew Damien would not say anything and neith would Christine. All the vampires who were there were dead as well so who could have spilled it? Was there someone els the cave that | missed because of my rage? “All you need to know is that | am not a vampire and | was not working with Alastair Why would | work with the man who tried to kill my children more than once? It makes no sense. Why would the people even believe it?” “It doesn’t have to make sense to them, they are terrified,” Caius explained softly. “They are looking for someone to blfor their fear and you are the most viable option. Your majesty, you need to be very careful how you proceed after this. Even the slightest scandal can throw this kingdom on its side. We will work to dissuade the people of their beliefs.” | ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “What you need to do is find out where and how the rumors started. The people will realize on their own that their rumors hold no consequence. There is a lot that | might be guilty of but fraternizing with a psychopathic vampire is not one of them. If that is all-” “About your powers too,” he cutoff and | resisted the urge to let out a groan.

12:49 Mon, Feb 12 le Chapter 131 21% - “Is this an interrogation?” Ryker cut in. “Is this truly as a result of the people’s questions or is this just to satisfy your own curiosity. How cwe have not heard the whispers? How have they not reached the ears of the palace yet?” “They will soon but when they do, it will be too late and our job is to prevent the scandals from happening, not watch them happen, your majesty,” even though Caius was telling us off, he was doing it in the most respectable tone possible. “Perhaps you should do something for the people with your new powers, maybe it will remind them of who you are on the inside. If they can see that they have nothing to fear in regards to you then it should help quell their rumors.” “My new powers do not work the way you think they do and | will not go into details explaining them. Thank you for the information elders, but I think it is tthat you focused on your part of the job and allowedfocus on mine. My powers are my business and no one else’s and | refuse to be turned into a show animal for the entertainment of others.” “That wasn’t-" “I think we can call it a day now.” It was a clear dismissal and they took it for face value because they all stood to their feet and bowed as one. | watched as they exited in a single file. Once they were gone, | turned to Ryker only to find him already looking at me. There was so much at the tip of my tongue but he held out a hand to stop me.

“Relax,” he ordered. “I know what you're thinking and no, it cannot be Alastair. He is dead and gone. He didn’t cback from the grave to spread rumors about you and destroy your kingdom.” “if it isn’t him then that means there is someone else that we didn’t take into account. There was someone else that we missed and we are paying for it.” “We will catch them,” he assuredas he cupped my cheeks, “when we do, we will make them answer for their crimes. Do not conjure up problems in your head that have not happened yet. Just focus on what you have in front of you and we will make do with that, okay?” | nodded hesitantly and he gavea small smile before kissing me. | immediately melted against him as his tongue parted my lips and slipped into my mouth. | let out a moan to which his hands trailed down to my waist and pulledcloser against him. He was warm and hard and | wanted to feel him underneath the many layers of clothes that he had on.

As if he knew exactly what | was thinking about, he pulled back. “As much as it is a dream to take you over this table, | don’t want to give anyone a view.” “We're alone,” | pouted, “and no one comes in here anyway,” He let out a groan and placed a wet kiss on my collarbone. “You make a very compelling argument, Camilla,” he liftedby the hips and placedon the table. “Do you want to know where | really want to take you?” I nodded.

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“On your throne,” he whispered as he bunched up my dress around my waist. “I want you to rideto oblivion on that seat. | want my Queen on my dick, what do you think?” | let out a strangled moan once his fingers grazed my slit. “It sounds like an amazing idea. Can we make it happen?” “I'm sure we can think of something,” he claimed my lips with his once again as his fingers pushed intoslowly. He was spearingwith two fingers and | was so lost in the troughs of pleasure that | vaguely heard him undo his slacks.

The head of his cock nudged my opening and | hissed. | wanted to see him but due to the many layers of clothes, it was nearly impossible. He parted my legs even wider for him and trailed his hands down to my ass to give it a squeeze. My legs wrapped around his hips of their own accord and in one move, he gripped my ass and entered me.

My head fell forward and | bit down on his shoulder to smother the moan that threatened to rip from my throat.

Ryker was holdingclose as he started to move. A moan left my lips and he hissed.

“You have to be quiet, baby, can you do that?” | nodded because words had failedat that moment. “Good girl, I'm going to fuck you right here then take you back to our room and do it again so that | can feel you againstwhile | do.” His nslipped from my lips.

“I would normally take that as approval but today | need your words,” he gripped my chin in his hands and forcedto look at him. “Say the words.” “Yes.”