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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82
He let out a groan and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like ‘thank the goddess’ as he kissed me- claimed was a
more appropriate term for what he did. His hand cupped the back of my head to angle it just the way he wanted. I was practically
helpless against him because I couldn’t keep up with the pace he was setting. It was different but it was exhilarating at the same
He pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him. I landed directly over his erection and I let out a strangled moan which Ryker
swallowed by slipping his tongue into my mouth. He devoured every inch of my mouth as his tongue explored me. His hand
moved from my head to grip my hips and roll it directly over his in slow and torturous strokes. I was a moaning mess in his lap
but I wanted more. My dress was too thick and it didn’t allow for me to feel every inch of him.
As if he were thinking the same thing, he reached down for the neckline of my dress and ripped it apart in one clean move. I let
out a gasp and pulled back to look down at my exposed chest. Ryker pushed my dress off my shoulders leaving me in just my
corset and under skirt. It was not the most sensual thing but he looked at me as if I were his favorite treat. Before I could speak,
he reached out and ripped my corset the same way he did with my dress.
This time, he didn’t push it off my body before he leaned down and took my nipple into his mouth. His mouth was warm and it
had my head titling back especially when he grazed his teeth over it and bit down hard enough to make my vision blur. There
was something erotic about the boundary between pain and pleasure. It was exhilarating and it stuck a cord in me that I didn’t
know existed.
I didn’t notice when he lay me on the ground and pulled down my skirt in one quick move. He sat on his knees and began
working the buttons on his shirt. “I want to taste you so bad and I want your mouth on my co ck but I feel like I am going to die if I
don’t get inside of you right now.”
“I want you too,” I moaned unable to keep the pleasure out of my voice. I was already wet, I didn’t need him to do anything else
but get inside of
I watched him shed his clothes and he settled between my thighs. He leaned down to press a soft kiss to my neck. The bite from
the grass was
at contrast with the softness of his kiss. He ran his hands down my body before coming to settle at my waist.
“You know that I love you right,” he began and I hummed not knowing why he suddenly said it. “Good, I want you to remember
that because for a second, it might feel like I don’t.”

I was about to ask what he meant by that but he suddenly flipped me over and ran his hands down my spine so he could position
me just the way he wanted. It wasn’t the most comfortable position to be arched down against the grass but when I felt the head

of his co ck tease my entrance, all my discomfort was forgotten and I pushed my a*s back into him.
Ryker moaned and gripped my hips tight. “Do that again, f**k.” I
repeated the action swallowing the head of his co ck but he pulled out. “Not yet, baby, I need to know that you want it.”
“I want it,” the words left my lips before I even realized they had.
He leaned down so his lips were by my ear. “Beg for it. Beg me to fill you up with my c ock. Beg me to make you cu m, Camilla.”!
Hi words had blood rushing to my ears. I felt i ke I was going to explode from the pleasure wracking through me. I knew that the
moment he entered me, I was going to explode around his co ck. I moaned and tried to move but his hands were firmly holding
my hips. He knew what I wanted but he wasn’t going to give it to me until I did what he asked. “Please,” I begged unable to stop
the cr ack in my voice. “I am begging you, Ryker, I will go crazy if you don’t-”
The words were barely out of my mouth before he entered me in one quick thrust. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my
or gasm wracked through me. Ryker hissed through his teeth as he fought to not follow soon after.
“You feel so good clenched around my co ck,” his voice was hoatrse from restraint. “You’re so f**king tight, baby.”
He didn’t wait for me to recover from my or gasm before he started moving again. I had barely come down from the high and I
was climbing that peak of pleasure again as Ryker f**ked me relentlessly. His hand wrapped around my hair in a makeshift
ponytail and he used that to keep me just the way he wanted as he brutally assaulted me.
I couldn’t match his thrusts so I just lay there as he moved inside of me. I could feel his moves becoming jerkier and I knew he
was reaching his
release. He reached around me to pinch my cl it and I exploded just as he came. I would have fallen to the ground if it weren’t for
his hand holding me up. The force of my or gasm was like nothing I had ever experienced before.
I was vaguely aware of when Ryker pulled out of me. I expected him to let go of me now that he was calm, but he pulled me
close to him and stroked my hair affectionately.
“You’re so good to me,” he murmured as he placed a kiss on my hair. “How do you feel?”
“Good,” I didn’t have to think about it before I responded. “I am a little sore though.”
“Let’s get you back inside so you can take a bath and I can take care of you properly.”
“You kind of ruined my dress,” I mumbled and he at least had the decency to look a little sheepish.
His eyes went unfocused for a second and I knew he was mind linking someone. He rose to his feet once he was done and
pulled his clothes back on. I watched him out of the corner of mt eye unable to shake the thoughts of what we had done. I never
would have considered outdoor sex before but it was something I genuinely enjoyed.
A few minutes after Ryker was dressed, I heard Christine’s voice. Ryker went to retrieve the dress from her and I let out a sigh of

relief when I realized she had brought a casual dress and not something for court. Ryker helped me into it and we walked into
the palace hand in hand. All anyone needed was one look at us to know what we were up to but I didn’t care. I wasn’t ashamed
of having sex with my mate.

When we got to the room, he all but pulled the dress off me and led me into the bathroom. I was shocked when he sat at the
edge of the tub and gently washed me. I couldn’t help but stare with my mouth wide open. If he noticed, he didn’t care and went
on to washing my hair. His touch was so calming and relaxing that I almost fell asleep in the tub when his hands buried
themselves into my hair. He helped me out and dried me off but wouldn’t give me clothes to wear.
“Are you still sore?” he asked and I nodded slowly wondering why he asked.
“It’ll be gone by tomorrow. I’m just not used to that level of intensity.”
Ryker didn’t eem to be paving attention to anything I said as he led me
towards the bed. He lay me gently against it and I watched him strip off his clothes from outside and exchange them for more
comfortable pajamas.
“They say eating before bed is not advisable but I find that desert before bed makes for a very restful night,” as he settled
between my thighs, I realized exactly what he was planning and my cheeks heated. “Don’t you agree, Camilla?”
I opened my mouth but no words would come out. He chuckled when he realized I was speechless. He leaned down until his
beard was brushing my inner thigh and I had to bite down on my bottom lip to prevent any sounds from escaping. He raised a
brow when he noticed,
“Good luck keeping silent, I am going to make sure that I draw out every sound possible from those ‘
It was more of a promise than anything and as soon as he had said it, his mouth dived onto my pu ssy. He ate me out in slow
and languid strokes that had me fi sting the blanket and biting down on my bottom lip in an attempt to mu ffle the sounds. I tried
to clamp my legs shut but his hands held onto my thighs and forced them as wide open as they would go.
His pace was such a stark contrast to how he had f**ked me in the woods and it was more intense when he kept eye contact
with me the entire time. Each time I tried to look away, he would graze my cl it in a silent warning. It didn’t take long before I was
writhing underneath him and he teased my opening with one finger.
“Come for me, baby,” he pushed his finger in and sucked on my cl it simultaneously and that was all I needed to explode all
around his tongue. Stars danced around my vision and my body shook with the force of my org asm.
He lapped up everything I had to offer and by the time I had come down from my high, he climbed over my body and kissed me
deeply. I could taste myself on his tongue but I didn’t mind because it was perfect.
When he pulled back, I smiled up at him in a daze. I cast a glance towards the window where I could see the sun beginning to
set. “It’s still early and I think we have a few meetings for the day.”
He made a sound deep in his throat but didn’t make any attempt to move. Instead, he settled in bed next to me and pulled me to
his chest. “I believe we can take an early day. What do you think?”
I smiled. “I think that’s a great idea.”.