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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74
To say that Camilla hated being locked in was an understatement but I couldn’t bring myself to regret the decision. If it were a
choice between her happiness and safety, I was going to choose her safety each time without hesitation. As long ast she was
safe, I could focus on the most important thing which was finding Frederick who seemed to have disappeared into thin air.
Thankfully, the doctors and physicians were able to come up with a cure and there was only one casualty but it was enough to
inspire fear in the hearts of the people. There was unrest and unease and I couldn’t say that I blamed them. Most people still
didn’t know exactly what was happening but I knew it was only a matter of time before the news spread so my main focus was
quelching it before it became a threat and that meant finding out who was helping Frederick.
It would have been easier if his mother were alive or if she had any family but no one seemed to remember her much because
she kept to herself. I managed to find the address of the woman in charge of the maids while Eva was in the palace and I went
with Camilla to see her. She lived in a small cottage a distance away from the palace and when we arrived, she was out in her
garden picking herbs. The file said that she was around eighty by now but she was still nimble for her age
When she sighted us, she bowed. “Your majesties, I was not expecting a visit. How can I help you?”
“We need some information on the maid, Eva,” Camilla said and I saw her feign ignorance as she tried to wrack her brain.
“There were so many people by the name of Eva while I worked at the palace. It would be impossible for me to remember each
one. I am sure the palace has records of everyone. You might find what you are looking for there.” “There was only one Eva who
did not have a last name and only one who was having an affair with the king,” Camilla cut by
. Don’t waste our time and – pretending not to know. Believe me when I say that I do not want to have this. conversation as much
as you.
The old woman hesitated before finally clearing her throat. “Please, come in.” Despite the fact that she was old and harmless, we
still went in with our guards. There was no guarantee that she didn’t have people inside or that she wasn’t helping Frederick. She
led us into her house which had a soft feeling to it. There were potted plants lining all the windowsills and fresh flowers on every
table. It was clear that she took great care of the space.
She sat on one of the chairs. “I might not be of as much help as you think, your majesties. Eva never spoke to anyone and even
if she wanted to- no one would speak to her. It was a well–known secret that she was having an affair with the king and a few.

despised her for it but that was not why she was a loner, she was a loner
because of how horrible she was.”
That managed to catch my attention and I sat up straighter. “I’m not quite following.”
“Eva was under the delusion that the king was in love with her and was going to make her Queen. He may have told her that
himself but the king,” she glanced at Camilla as if she were unsure of whether she should speak or not.
“It’s alright,” Camilla assured her. “The dead cannot be hurt by our words.” “The king was like that. He got bored of women
quickly and while he may have. loved her at some point, he definitely got bored later. She didn’t want to believe that and it got
worse after she became your mother’s maid, she was so proud of herself for being able to deceive the Queen but the Queen
knew, she just wanted to keep her close. What she didn’t expect was for Eva to stop taking her tonic because she wanted her
child to be heir. She hoped that by having a child before the Queen then she would be recognized.”
“She was not,” I finished and she nodded.
“It still didn’t break her faith in the king but it made her bitter and resentful. When she came back after a year she was not the
same. It was worse when the Queen got pregnant and it was announced that her child would be the heir. I personally overheard
an argument between her and the king where he told her that it was all a mistake. She was never herself after that. Everything
settled down. and she was planning to leave the palace then you went missing and she disappeared shortly after. People
believed she was the one who took you but there was never any evidence.”
“To blame her, they would have needed to provide a motive and that meant. exposing the fact that the king had another child,”
Camilla’s voice was soft and the old woman nodded.
“I know you came here for information on her son but unfortunately, that is something I do not have. I have never met the boy
and I don’t know what he looks like. I don’t even know where she raised him. Like I said earlier, she was very secretive. She kept
her cards very close to her chest.”
“How did you know this was about her son?” I asked and the corner of her lips. pulled up slightly.
“I was in charge of the maids in the palace for thirty years. I know more than half of the people in there. News like this never
stays hidden for long especially with that recent attack on the stream. He has his mother’s ruthlessness, that is for sure.” “What
do you mean?” I asked. “She had never mentioned anything about Eva being ruthless before.”

She hesitated and dropped her voice into a whisper. “There is a girl, her name was Gabby but she will not be on your lists. She
worked in the palace for two days Gabby was beautiful with blond hair and innocent eyes. Everyone wanted her, even the king.
Eva was furious that Gabby had the king’s attention and she made
sure to voice it out. One night, Gabby told a friend about how the king had called. her beautiful and asked to see her‘

I had a feeling I knew where the story was going but I found myself inclining my ear to listen.
“The next morning, Gabby was found tied to her bed with a horrible haircut and she was blind. Someone had gone into her room
at night and poured washing fluid into her eyes. She would not say who it was but Gabby was never heard of again,” the old
woman sat up straighter. “If that boy was raised by Eva alone then goddess help you all.”
We left her house shortly after that but her words didn’t leave me. Even Camilla seemed to be pondering over her words and I
hoped it was enough to change her mind on Frederick. If anything that woman said was true then Frederick was not the innocent
and redeemable child that she thought he was. I wanted to talk to her and find out where her head was at but as soon as we got
into the palace, we were ushered into the council room where the elders were waiting.
“Is there a reason for this last–minute meeting?” Camilla asked sounding as annoyed as I felt. “I thought you were supposed to
be helping with the damage. control from the stream incident.”
“We were doing that, but we are afraid that it is more than that,” one of them spoke. “The people know about Frederick.”
“What do you mean by that?” the words left me before I could stop them.
“They know that he is the son of the king and the people are torn on it. He has a lot of supporters among the people and even
those who do not support him fear that you cannot defeat him. The kingdom is divided and torn by fear. It does not make it any
better that you have not been seen leaving the palace since that incident.”
“Whose fault is it that I have not left the palace?” Camilla quipped and the elders fell silent. “It was your idea to keep me locked
in. Do not make it seem like I did it out of cowardice.” There was annoyance in her tone and when she realized, she exhaled
deeply to calm herself down. “What do you propose that we do?”
“If you could hold an emergency meeting in one of the squares. The people will come and they can hear you publicly discredit
Frederick and his claims.”
“His claims are true.”

“No one knows that. The only people who do are dead. Anything he says will be seen as a lie and a desperate attempt to steal
the throne.”
It was at that moment that I realized just how brilliant the elders really were. If only they could put aside their pride and animosity
once in a while then they would be a formidable asset to the kingdom.
“That is going to hurt him,” Camilla looked unsure.
I always knew her kind heart would be a stumbling block on the road to being a great Queen and while I didn’t want her to lose it,
I wanted he to be able to identify times where kindness was not the right course of action.
“You know it is the only way,” I mind linked her. “You are Queen now and it isn’t just about you or him. There are thousands of
people looking up to you. Think about your kingdom, Camilla. Do what is best for them.”
I broke the mind link but she still said nothing.
“You are in a war, your majesty,” I could hear an undercurrent of frustration in the elder’s voice. “This is a kill or be killed situation.
You can either discredit him or watch him take your throne from under your fingertips. It is your choice.”