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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi

Chapter 195
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Chapter 195 Ever since Peggy's incident with the lake, | found myself returning to that exact spot every night to practice my newfound powers. | wasn’t sure if | was just a natural talent or if | had learned all this in my six year mind gap and it was just slowly coming back to me. Whichever it was, | couldn't help but imagine just how cool it must have been forto own these powers. | felt unstoppable.

Marie had let go of her grudge and sometimes sat down by the lake withand watchedpractice. She said it made her feel safer being around the lake knowing | was there and could pull her out if need be. | wasn’t sure if that made us friends but | was glad that she wasn’t trying to runout of the house. Speaking of the house, | had to move out soon.

| hadn't told either of them but | didn’t want to be a bother anymore and it seemed like everything was going haywire. | didn’t want another situation like the one where Marie completely hated my guts. | didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable and | had already started searching for a new job without saying anything to them.

it was proving to be difficult considering we lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone. | knew it was only a matter of tbefore things got out.

“Camilla,” my my door slammed open and Marie walked inside with her hands crossed over her chest. For a split second, | thought she had found out about the job but she simply lookedover. “What are you still doing here? We have to be in town in a few minutes. Today is market day or have you forgotten.” | muttered a small curse under my breath and leaped to my feet. | was so lost in my own thoughts that | forgot we had something else to 1. do. | shoved my journal under my pillow and grabbed the basket by the foot of the mat. She rolled her eyes when she sawscrambling but didn’t say a wordpay The market was a considerable distance away from where we lived which was why we limited market errands to once a month. It was a hassle walking the entire way there and back and in that moment, | would have killed for a horse but only the rich were able to afford them and rich wouldn't have been the right words to classify us. We were barely above water as it was.

“We have to be quick,” Marie whispered to me. “I want to be in and out before mid-afternoon. You know that is-" “That is when the market becomes rowdy. | know, Marie, you have repeated this tomore than five times in the past two days alone,” | drawled and she rolled her eyes. “Why don’t we split up? | can handle a portion of the list and you can handle another. That way, we can get it done in half the tand you can return has early as you want.” | saw her turning my words over in her head. It was hard for someone like her to concede control. She loved being able to watch over everything but unless she wanted to be in the market for far longer than necessary, then my way was the best way. She debated it for far too

Chapter 193 long and | sighed.

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“Delegate, Marie, you cannot do it all,” | whispered and she let out a defeated sigh.

“Fine, but we meet at Joe's café once we are both done, okay?” I nodded.

The market was a small but busy place. Everyone was talking, everyone was moving, it could have been overbearing to the wrong people but to me, it felt like a breath of fresh air from the unusual quiet of the house.

The smells clashed against each other and sometimes, it gavea pounding headache but I still loved it. It sounded like the beginning of a toxic relationship.

| made sure to meticulously check everything off my list. | didn’t want to give Marie a reason to hateor get pissed off. | was getting the flour which so happened to be the last thing when | heard someone clear their throat behind me. | turned to see one of the older women in the town. | didn’t know her name, but | knew she owned a cleaning service and she was one of the people | had approached for a job.

“Cressida, is it?” she asked and | gave her the fakest smile | could muster.

“It's Camilla,” | corrected. “Do you need shelp?” “No, | just wanted to know why you were leaving Peggy,” she muttered the nwith sdisdain in her tone.

“She is all perfect, so why would you want to leave? Is there something that we don’t know?” She resembled a predator looking for fresh meat. Her eyes were alive with the potential of possible gossip and | knew without the shadow of a doubt that she was not the kind of woman | wanted to be working for under any circumstances. | gave her a small smile and slowly removed her fingers that had latched onto my other arm.

“I just wanted a second job,” I lied. “I had no plans of leaving Peggy. She truly is as amazing as you think she is.

There is nothing to be told and if that is all-” “I cto tell you that you got the job,” she cutoff. “But on the condition that you stop working for Peggy and work foronly. What do you say about that?” “I don’t think so. Thank you for the offer though.” She looked taken aback. She was what you would call wealthy and although she still underpaid her workers, she paid more than Peggy would ever be able to paybut | couldn’t betray her like that, especially not to someone who looked at us like we were dirt at the bottom of her shoe. Her mouth was agape with shock so | gave her a warm smile and turned on my heels only to bump into Marie.

Her expression was carefully blank and | couldn't help but wonder how much of the conversation she had heard.

| opened my mouth to explain but she beatto it. “I was

Chapter 195 looking for you. You spent way too much ton your part of the list even though | gave you the shorter one.” “| got roped into a conversation.” She glanced over my shoulder at the woman. “Clearly; are you done now? | want to grab something to eat before we return home.” She was acting weird but | couldn’t say anything. | wasn’t sure what she knew and I didn’t want to risk telling her more than necessary. We made our way over to Joe's café and she ordered scones for us and swarm chocolate. We sat on a chair outside which I noticed was a bit secluded from the others and she waited until our order arrived before she finally spoke.

“When are you leaving?” she asked and my brows furrowed. “That is what you were talking to her about, wasn’t it? Don’t play dumb with me, | just want to know.” “I'm not leaving.” “Then why were you talking with her? Why was she offering you a job?” | let out a sigh and explained everything. | started from the beginning and by the t| was done, she had a frown on her face. “I didn’t want to be in your hair too much so | thought a job would-" “No,” she cutoff and | was taken aback by the sheer determination in her voice. “I am not letting you leave.

If you want to be paid then we can pay you. It won't be much because we cannot afford what she can but you aren't leaving.” “Marie-"

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‘Mum brought you in! I let you in. You cannot just pack up and leave when you see fit. This is not a matter of payment or not this is family , you do not leave family. I know you have only been with us for a little over two months but you are still family and | am not letting you leave. If you want to, then you are going to have to fight ” .

me.” | stared at her for a second. She had her hands crossed over her chest and she tried to feign indifference but | could see through her disguise. “I am not leaving. When she offeredthe job, | knew | couldn't. There is nowhere better.” She seemed surprised but she quickly wiped it away. “Good.” She wanted to say more but was cut off by a gasp followed by the sound of hooves. | was taken aback because it sounded like an entire army. “What the hell is going on?”

I managed to get to my feet but so did everyone else as the horses finally made their way into the market. There were at least five and the men on them had some sort of sigil on their upper arms . | couldn't make it out but Marie let out a gasp and she grabbed my arm tight enough for it to hurt.

Chapter 195 “That is the sigil of the royal family,” she whispered in my ears. “I have never seen any of them before. They never cthis way. What could they want?” “I don’t know, now please stop squeezing my arm, you are cutting off my air supply.”

She released her hold as one of the horses came closer and I realized that the rider was a woman. Her hair was a similar shade to mine and she looked somewhat tired. She looked around and her eyes landed on me.

There was something akin to recognition in them and her hand flew over her mouth. | felt awkward from the way she was staring atso | took a step back. “I think we should go,” | whispered but Marie wouldn't move.

“Is she staring at us? Why is she staring at us?” “I don’t know but | want to-" The woman dismounted and everyone parted for her as she made her way over to us. | watched with apprehension and baited breath. She was gorgeous and she looked a tad bit intimidating but | kept my shoulders squared.

Once she reached me, she threw her arms around my shoulders. “I've been looking everywhere for you.”