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The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

Chapter 44: Got Into Trouble With a Noble ①
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Chapter 44: Got Into Trouble With a Noble ①

Translated by AmaLynne

Edited by AmaLynne

Sam and Erica waited for their turn at the reception desk without exchanging a word.

There were still about ten people in front of them in line, so it was going to take some more time to challenge the dungeon.

(―――This is awkward. Maybe if we could get into the dungeon soon, things would be a little different, but it looks like we have a long way to go.)

As far as Sam could see, all of the adventurers were carrying a lot of luggage.

They will probably spend several days in the dungeon.

(Come to think of it, how much time can we spend in the dungeon?)

Lise knows that they are headed for the dungeon, so she has informed everyone in the Count’s family.

However, they haven’t told her how many days it will take to conquer the dungeon.

Sam was also brought here by Erica in the first place, so there are a lot of unknowns.

In the Item Box, there is a tent and other outdoor preparations.

He has enough food and water to last him for a week or so.

However, Erica is a student.

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Sam doesn’t want her to neglect her schoolwork because of the dungeon battle.

(It seems that I need to reach the lower levels to get Erica’s approval, but I don’t even know how many days that will take. If I could have done more research beforehand, I could have made a schedule… Is it too late?)

It was understandable that he wasn’t prepared for this, as he was only here on the spur of the moment.

Sam didn’t put up much of a fight either, and he couldn’t blame Erica alone for getting on board when he heard she was going to challenge the dungeon.

While Sam was thinking about this, a group of three boys and a girl came into the guild.

From the way they were dressed, they looked like nobles.

The combination of two boys and a girl did not look like adventurers.

A well-built boy with short blond hair carried a large pack, while a girl with long blue hair in a ponytail carried a slender long sword at her waist.

A slightly plump boy, walking a step ahead of the two, took one look at the adventurers and snorted.

The three of them walked straight up to the counter, without standing in line.

(Not challenging the dungeon, are they?)

As Sam watched the boys not get in line, the three of them interrupted him at the front of the line.

「…I’m sorry, but you’ll have to line up in order.」

The guild receptionist gave the boys a troubled look, and the face of the boy at the front of the line clearly distorted.

「What? Do you expect me, the eldest son of Viscount Lansgully here, Dolgana Lansgully, to be treated like a filthy adventurer!」

「It’s a rule.」

When he sees an arrogant aristocrat, he thinks of her family.

The boy who called himself Dolgana reminded him of his half-brother Manion.

「Well. You’ve got a lot of nerve, sticking up for me. I’ll tell Papa and have you fired from the guild! Tell me your name!」

Sam resisted the urge to blurt out.

It was interesting to see him wielding the power of his「Papa 」, here, as he really seemed to be a typical idiot aristocrat.

More than anything, the boy with the smug look on his face like「I’ve got it now」, got Sam’s attention and he would have laughed out loud if he hadn’t held his mouth.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen arrogant aristocrats before, but they were more likely to be marquises or dukes, so it was funny to see a boy with the arrogance of a viscount.

However, if anything, arrogant nobles tend to be those with low titles.

This is especially true of newly risen nobles.

To give a representative example, Sam’s family, the Baron of Reinbach, are just like that.

(I mean, I don’t think a nobleman of the rank of viscount has the power to order the adventurer’s guild.)

Here in the Dungeon of Beginning, the country and the adventurer’s guild seem to have a cooperative relationship, but the adventurer’s guild is basically an independent organization.

Because of this, the power of the aristocracy is often denied.

Of course, there are exceptions when it comes to royal families and dukes, but basically, the Adventurers’ Guild does not change its attitude just because they are nobles.

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If they did that, the Adventurers’ Guild would lose its value.

Requests from nobles and cooperation with nobles are normal, but the Adventurers’ Guild would never obey an order that was imposed from above without reason.

(It’s interesting to watch, but it’s going to get messy if someone doesn’t stop them soon, and I don’t want this to take any longer than it has to.)

The adventurers in line were just watching, leaving the receptionist to deal with them, as if they didn’t want to be spotted by the nobleman’s monk.

Sam could understand why they didn’t want to bother with a kid who was obviously wielding power.

But he wants to challenge the dungeon soon.

(I know I’m probably just adding fuel to the fire, but I can’t just leave him out there either.)

Sam is a child who has not yet reached adulthood.

If he was warned by such a child, there was a possibility that it would only pour fire on the anger of the selfish-looking viscount boy.

But he also didn’t want to leave it alone.

Sam sighs, and tries to speak to him.

「Hey, stop it!」

But there was a girl who shouted faster than Sam.

It was Erica Walker.

「Eh, Erica-sama?」

Sam’s eyes widened and he looked at the girl.

Erica had a look of obvious anger on her face and walked towards the boys making noise in the reception area.