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The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 322 The True Meaning Of The Dawn Oath
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Moku was startled; those two names were not the first time he had heard them. He still remembered when the God of Death uttered the same names before he fainted. What could the significance of those two names be?

Moku had always kept these questions in his heart, but unfortunately, he hadn't had the chance to ask. Perhaps the only person capable of answering those questions was Garuda. However, until now, Moku hadn't found the time to visit the Mind Realm and meet him.

However, both names were uttered again, this time by an orc who was a captive of the demons in front of him. The orc was merely repeating what the Shaman had said. Who was this Orc Shaman really? How did he know those names? What did he see in his prophecy?

So many questions bombarded Moku that he couldn't respond. Meanwhile, the orc continued with his words.

"We asked too, 'Who are those two individuals?' We thought Gog and Magog were the names of two separate people, but the Shaman said otherwise."

"Gog and Magog is He/She or Them."

"Of course, that only added to our confusion. But before the Shaman could explain further, he took his last breath."

(A/N: In the monster language, there are no gender-specific pronouns. Monster language does not differentiate between he/she or him/her, and instead, it typically uses neutral or genderless pronouns to refer to individuals.)

The orc bowed his head in sorrow, clearly indicating that it was the Shaman's words that had kept them going all this time. Embracing the cruelty and torture inflicted by the demons upon them. Surviving while having to consume the flesh of their own kin, burned alive by the demons. Swallowing it all, even if tears had to flow.

"I... we kept waiting and waiting until the Messiah arrived. We held onto the Shaman's words steadfastly. Even if we had to survive by eating the flesh of our own kin, who were burned alive by the demons, we consumed it despite the tears."

The female goblin who had earlier asked Nedira spoke with tears streaming down her face. The same emotions struck the other monsters too.

Even the orc's eyes started to well up. It seemed that the presence of Moku and the other monsters had ignited all the sorrow and pain they had been enduring in silence.

"If you truly are Gog and Magog, as promised to us, then we will make your leader our leader. But I have one request in return for our submission," he said.

Moku nodded and said, "Speak."

"I want you to exterminate the entire demon species from the face of this earth. Turn them into the playthings of your children, feed their flesh to the roaring flames, and leave no hope for their future."

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The orc's eyes filled with fiery vengeance. His voice was low and trembling, but anyone who listened couldn't help but shudder. The gaze of the captives changed too – no more despair or hopelessness. Deep darkness emanated from their eyes as if that darkness could swallow the world whole.

Moku was taken aback by the hatred behind their eyes. He couldn't respond for a moment, and for some reason, he felt tickled. Eventually, he couldn't hold back his laughter.


His laughter resonated as if it could shake the world. Nedira was surprised; it was the first time she had seen Moku express himself like this. Her usually calm and composed husband was now laughing like this. She had no idea what triggered Moku to laugh like that, but her instincts told her it might be best not to know.

Meanwhile, the early-generation asuras hearing and seeing Moku laugh brought back memories. Memories of the event that might have been the beginning of it all, the event that made them understand the meaning of Moku's ambition.

Recalling that incident made the hair on the back of every early-generation asura stand on end. They reminisced about the time when Moku laughed like this before, so unrestrained, so grand, so loud. Yet, anyone who heard it couldn't laugh along; it felt like they were hearing the roar of hell demanding justice from heaven.

And, like deja vu, the same event repeated itself: The Oath of Dawn.

He continued laughing until he caught his breath.

"hah hah hah hah" Moku regained his composure.

He smiled brightly, gazed at his people, and spoke loudly.

"My brothers,

I am Moku.

I am your 'Ku'.

I am not a pest. I am not a weak creature. I was born to be the strongest!

I was born to leap higher than a soaring bird! I was born to shatter mountains to pieces! I was born to outrun sound!

I was born as an orc.

I was born a warrior. I was born to die in battle!

I was born to turn my enemies into a sea of blood and mountains of corpses! I was born to make every living being in the Meer continent remember my name!

The name Ku Moku would be chillingly narrated. The name Ku Moku would haunt their dreams.

I was born to be their fear!

I was born to be their nightmare!


The entire body of the early-generation asuras trembled. Their fists clenched so tightly that their bones collided, producing a resounding noise.

Meanwhile, the new-generation asuras were astonished, as Moku's words were not new to them. All of this had been written and explained during their schooling at The One's church. Some teachers had tried to repeat Moku's words with great enthusiasm, and these teachers were usually early-generation asuras who had witnessed Moku's declaration firsthand.

At that time, all the students who listened felt inspired and wished to grow up quickly to be as strong as Moku. However, now they realized that none of the teachers truly understood the profound meaning behind Moku's words.

Or perhaps they understood but couldn't replicate it the way Moku did. His words were not mere words of encouragement, not motivational phrases, nor mere oaths. Instead, they were absolute statements from someone with a towering arrogance that could not be moved.

They realized that Moku wasn't giving the prisoners newfound courage; he was merely introducing himself.

The same feeling was shared by Nedira and the other hobgoblins. They had read and known Moku's words, which were the initial speech of the Oath of Dawn.

At that time, they believed it to be a testament to Moku's love for the monster species. They thought Moku wanted the monsters not to feel inferior and wanted to remind them that with hard work, they could be as strong as any other species. But it wasn't like that.

Moku didn't care about the monster species. For him, whether they existed or not, he would still be the strongest. Moku presented two options to the monster species: Submit and follow him or submit and be left behind.

"Do you think I care so much about your fate?

Do you think I need you so much?

Who do you dare ask me to avenge you? Do you think the demon species is a hindrance to me?"


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They are nothing more than a dish I haven't tasted yet! I must finish other items on the menu before devouring them. But whether I eat them or not is none of your concern!"

Moku's voice thundered again, causing all the prisoners to bow their heads with grim faces. However, for some reason, the hobgoblins now felt as if they heard the clinking of chains crawling towards their feet. It was now their turn to experience deja vu.

"I am the strongest! I will become the strongest! It is my destiny! A destiny that no one can deny!

My kingdom will rule the entire world!

My warriors will set the stars ablaze!

Every time they cross a sea, the sea will be drained dry for their drink! Every time they pass through a forest, the forest will be reduced to ashes for firewood!

It's only a matter of time!"

The chains continued to crawl up, entwining around the prisoners' legs, compelling them all to stand.

"I don't have time to deal with cowardly creatures like the demon species! If you truly are monsters, then seek revenge on your own! Why are you so weak that you ask me to avenge you? Are you truly that spineless? Do you think your brothers died just for you to beg me for vengeance?"

The chains kept creeping up, forcing the prisoners to straighten their bodies and puff out their chests.

"If you want revenge, then submit to me! I will train you until you vomit blood! I will crush your weaknesses! I will turn you all into killing machines that only live on demon blood fuel!

Listen, o monsters!"

The chains continued to rise to their heads, forcing them to lift their chins, fixing their gaze forward, and blocking their ears to hear only one voice.

"The Wilwatikta Kingdom has no special forces unit. But today, I will create the first special forces unit! Destiny has led you across vast oceans to this continent! Destiny has also subjected you to torture and suffering like this! But it is also destiny that has brought you to me!

Until now, destiny has controlled, supported, and bound all of you. But it is time for you to break free from those shackles and challenge destiny. I name your special forces unit Fate Reckoning.

Your main task is to sever destiny!"

The chains descended and bound their necks, pulling their bodies to kneel and controlling their mouths to scream.

"YES, KU!"