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The Protector Novel

Chapter 4012
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Chapter 4012 Witness His Death

Not to be outdone, the leaders of Battle Tiger Tribe, too, went out in full force. After all,

their blood had been awakened, and one could hear a faint tiger’s roar with each move

they made. In short, their combat power had become truly impressive.

The head of the Divine Blade Sect promptly led his sect’s five elders onto the , with

complex sword formations appearing above their heads as they walked. From the looks of

it, it was clear they had perfected their cultivation in swordsmanship.

Of course, all the other sects had done the same by sending out their elites. How could

they not when they shared the common goal of killing the robber to get revenge?

As for Blithe Lord’s camp, they had stabilized pretty quickly after their last defeat and

elected a new leader.

The new Blithe Lord was just as highly skilled in controlling beasts, so it didn’t take long

for him to put together a formidable army of thousands of spirit beasts, ten of which were

close to achieving King class.

Like an army of well-trained soldiers, they quickly assembled into a line formation and

awaited their orders. Meanwhile, Albert stood on the cloudship and surveyed the hundreds

of sects gathered below.

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Battle flags flew high while troops stood strong and proud. The entire area was filled with

an intense, murderous aura.

“Kill the robber! Vengeance will be ours!” Albert thundered, his voice resonating in

everyone’s ears. “Kill the robber!” “Vengeance will be ours!” “Kill the robber!”

“Vengeance will be ours…”

Several fighters from various sects shouted in unison, their angry roars filling the sky and

turning it ominously dark.

“Set out!”

Following Albert’s order, the allied army swung into action and began marching toward


Naturally, the sight of the alliance rushing out of Willowbank caused many fighters from

the surrounding areas to look on in awe.

Some of them were utterly perplexed, so those in the know had to fill them in.

“Oh, so they’re off to kill that robber… Why assemble such a terrifying lineup, though?

Isn’t Mr. Fitzgerald making a mountain out of a molehill?”

“I can’t believe Tenebrous Sky Division has even deployed their Devil’s Chariot armored

vehicles. Those are the divine tools used to deal with top fighters!”

“Exactly! Even Blithe Lord has dispatched his spirit beast army. By the looks of it, there are

at least ten beasts close to attaining the King class. I reckon this spirit beast army alone is

strong enough to wipe out three to five large sects!”

“Look! Those are the fighters from Divine Blade Sect, aren’t they? They even have sword

formations circling them as they walk… That’s the mark of a fighter who has achieved the

highest swordsmanship level!”

“Oh, even the Battle Tiger Tribe has joined in the fight. I have no doubt they all possess

incredible combat prowess. Otherwise, we wouldn’t hear tiger roars when they walk.”

“Let’s keep our distance from them! Cordierite Association looks serious this time, and I’m

sure they’ll kill anyone who gets in their way.”

The crowd continued chattering among themselves, but no one dared to go any closer

because they feared they might get caught in the crossfire.

Meanwhile, Gloria, who still hadn’t gotten over how Levi had slapped her, joined the

onlookers as soon as she received the news.

When she saw the mind-blowing lineup the alliance had sent, her resentment from before

quickly turned into glee.

“Ha! Let’s see how that dastardly robber will fend off this attack! So what if he’s powerful?

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Given the combined strength of this army, there’s no way he can come out of this alive,”

Gloria muttered to herself as her lips curled into a smile.

Alas, she accidentally tugged at one of the wounds near her lips, causing her to wince

from the pain. Needless to say, that only intensified her bitterness toward Levi.

“This time, I shall see how the robber dies with my own eyes!” Gloria muttered angrily.

With that, she began tailing the alliance from a distance, determined to witness the entire

process of the robber being defeated and killed.

If there’s a chance, I’ll even gladly end the robber’s life with my own hands. Revenge shall

be mine!

At the same time, Sylvan, who was in Lightspring, had also caught wind of the news.

In fact, he had already deployed many informants to watch Cordierite Association’s every

move ever since Prime Association decided to side with Levi.

Thanks to the constant stream of information, he knew Albert was rallying the troops even

as it happened.

However, it wasn’t until Sylvan heard about the total strength of the alliance that he

became utterly dumbfounded.

“Oh, sh*t. We’re doomed. I can’t believe Cordierite Association has brought out all their

big guns!” he mumbled worriedly. “There’s no way they’d give up without a fight!”