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The Protector Novel

Chapter 4007
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Chapter 4007 To Leave No Loose Ends

Levi knew about Sylvan’s worries. Dragon’s Grave and Thunder Slaughterer were

powerful. If they were to start fighting, Lightspring was bound to be decimated.

Furthermore, Lightspring was the base of Prime Association and Sylvan’s everything.

Naturally, the man did not wish to see it destroyed. “All right, in that case, I won’t insist on

this fight, Mr. Webber,” Levi said after a moment of silence.

Even though Prime Association had not helped much in the battle, he still owed them a

favor for being on his side from the beginning.

Moreover, Prime Association would be a good choice for a partnership after Levi stabilized

his position in Kenfort. Hence, Levi chose to agree with Sylvan’s request.

After receiving the answer he hoped for, Sylvan sighed in relief. “What do the rest of you

think?” Sylvan turned to look at the people of Cordierite Association.

The expression of Cordierite Association’s chief elder was shifting from gloomy to

ruminative. It was clear that he was still conflicted about what choice he should make.

He wanted to fight, but he had received no response from the people in charge of Inkflame

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Court, Drakotigris Order, and the other sects.

Could it be that those forces have been decimated?

The moment that thought appeared in the chief elder’s head, he inhaled sharply.

“Since you’re the one asking for the favor, Mr. Webber, I’ll do as you say for now. Just

know that we won’t let this matter go easily. Men, we’re leaving now,” the chief elder of

Cordierite Association uttered.

After mulling over the matter, he had decided to retreat for now. Then, he quickly sent his

men to Astre Lune Sect’s location to find out more about the situation.

If the other forces were indeed annihilated, he would have to think of another way to deal

with the situation. Rashly starting a fight might leave him with a massive loss.

“We’re leaving!”

Once the order was out of the chief elder’s mouth, the tripartite alliance retreated out of


The tension in the atmosphere eased up immediately. Even the eight hundred fighters of

Prime Company let out a sigh of relief.

They did not know what Levi’s cultivation level was, but they were up against ten

thousand members of the Tenebrous Sky Division. Even if they won the fight, they would

be losing many of their men.

Furthermore, fighters of the Sea of Stars Guild and Cordierite Association’s headquarters

were going to be in the battle as well.

“This way, please, Mr. Garrison. Let us discuss our next move,” Sylvan said and gestured.

Levi and the others walked into the conference hall.

After everyone took their seats, Sylvan asked for his men to serve tea.

A while of small talk later, he asked, “Mr. Garrison, did you really kill all the members of

Cordierite Association’s allied forces that went to attack you?”

“Most of them. The leaders have all been killed, and the ones who escaped are just small

fries,” Levi replied nonchalantly.

Immediately, the people in the conference hall gasped.

Even the fighters of Prime Company were stunned. They never thought Levi would be that


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“Any one of the elites from the six major sects, including Inkflame Court, Divine Blade

Sect, and Drakotigris Order, would be more than enough to destroy one of the large sects.

Yet, the alliance of the six major sects was annihilated. This is something I would have

never imagined!”

“There were so many other affiliated forces and mercenary organizations who had taken

on the bounty in the alliance too! This is unbelievable.”

The crowd could not help but be stunned.

Although Sylvan had witnessed Levi killing Blithe Lord and the others, he was still

astonished to hear those words from Levi.

He could not believe Levi really killed the members of those powerful sects.

“It looks like you’re far more terrifying than I imagined!” Sylvan could not help but

comment. “Mr. Garrison, what plans do you have after this?”

Since Prime Association had chosen to be on Levi’s side, Levi’s plans would directly affect

the association’s fate.

Levi then gloomily said, “Take me to Willowbank. I’m going to make sure there are no

loose ends left.”