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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3968
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Chapter 3968 How Dare You

Gloria sneered, “They are a bunch of thick-headed bozos. Everyone, join me to tear down

Astre Lune Sect!” “Affirmative,” all the fighters of Eclipse responded in unison.

Gloria fought at the head of the troops. Her brave feat had won her the respect of all the

council members and disciples of Eclipse.

“Wipe them out!” With Gloria’s order, the army of Eclipse yelled their battle cry and

attacked the main helm gate of Astre Lune Sect.

The elites slid through the air and landed directly on top of the city wall before charging

their attacks. Meanwhile, the disciples fought on the ground.

Quirina also ordered her men to counterattack. Immediately, a battle broke out when the

two armed forces fought against each other. Not long into the fight, Eclipse gained the

upper hand on the battlefield.

The outcome was not surprising as the fighters of Astre Lune Sect were often seen

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besieged by multiple fighters of the same level or even stronger.

Gloria continued to take the lead. She swung the long sword in her hand with a formidable

aura. Three elders of Astre Lune Sect had already lost their lives under her blade.

Quirina wanted to rescue her men, but she was besieged by three elders of Eclipse. She

herself was in dire straits too.

Gloria felt quite bored after beheading another elder of Astre Lune Sect, so she changed

her target to Quirina. If I kill the Master of Astre Lune Sect, I will definitely gain higher

prestige in Eclipse.

With this thought in mind, Gloria held the long sword and charged toward Quirina in a

flash, aiming her sword at the latter’s back.

Danger! Quirina, who was struggling to defend herself against the siege of the three elite

fighters, sensed the imminent danger. She instinctively dodged to the side.

Unfortunately, she was half a beat too late. Quirina gasped in pain as the sword stabbed

through her shoulder. “You have pretty fast reflexes.”

Gloria was slightly surprised. She thought that since Quirina was held back by the three

elders, she could easily kill her.

Unexpectedly, not only did Quirina dodge her killing move, but she also launched a

counterattack. In desperation, Gloria had no choice but to pull out her sword and retreat to

avoid Quirina’s palm strike.

The rest of the elders took advantage of this opportunity and intensified their attacks on

Quirina. The latter was caught off guard and was hit by three palm strikes again.

Immediately, she spewed out blood, and her breath weakened.

Fortunately, the other elders of Astre Lune Sect rushed to her rescue in time. Otherwise,

Quirina would have been killed on the spot in the ensuing siege.

Although Quirina escaped death by a whisker, her serious injuries made things worse for

the already precarious Astre Lune Sect.

The injuries of the chief commander sent the morale of Astre Lune Sect to rock bottom

and boosted the spirits of Eclipse even more.

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Disciples and elders of Astre Lune Sect kept getting killed. Quirina, who was helped to a

safer place by others, felt a pang of sadness in her heart.

“Is the two-hundred-year-old Astre Lune Sect going to perish in my hands today? Was I

wrong not to listen to the opinions of the elders and surrender myself to Eclipse at that

time? Forget it. It’s useless to think about it now.”

Quirina let out a long sigh. Despair crept into her heart as she watched the disciples fall

down one by one. She slowly closed her eyes.

Gloria exclaimed loudly, “Continue attacking. They can’t last long. We will crush Astre

Lune Sect and kill their master today.”

“Crush Astre Lune Sect and kill their master!” all the elites of Eclipse shouted in unison.

Their thundering sounds shuddered the disciples of Astre Lune Sect.

“Kill!” Gloria charged again with a group of elders. Their target this time was Quirina. The

latter slowly opened her eyes. At this moment, she lost her will to put up any resistance.

She waited for her last moment to come.

“Do you really think you can take out my sect this easily?” Right then, a cold voice rang
