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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3964
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Chapter 3964 Prime Association Made The Right Gamble

Everyone was stunned once again. They could clearly sense how powerful Thunder Qilin

was. In fact, it was probably stronger than the leader of a prominent faction.

However, such a ferocious beast obeyed Levi’s instructions so docilely. Furthermore,

Thunder Qilin’s eyes obviously revealed a look of fear. It was easy to imagine how harshly

Levi had bullied it.

Even Sylvan was similarly surprised. However, as he recalled how Levi was powerful

enough to eliminate the strong team from Cordierite Association, his doubts were instantly


“Mr. Garrison, are you willing to collaborate with Prime Association?” asked Sylvan

earnestly. Smiling, Levi threw a question back at him. “How do you plan on collaborating

with me?”

“I’d like to invite you to become the principal blacksmith of Prime Association.” Sylvan

revealed his aim directly.

Levi chuckled ambiguously and asked, “What benefits would I get?”

“Prime Association will offer you the greatest privileges. You’ll have a thousand elites from

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Prime Company at your disposal any moment. Regardless of what the deal is, you’ll be

granted the best. At the same time, we’ll go to all lengths possible to search for any

magical herbs you want. If you want, I’m even willing to offer you the position of Prime

Association’s vice-chairman.”

Sylvan’s conditions evidently revealed his sincerity. He gazed at Levi hopefully, waiting for

the latter’s final decision.

After a moment of silence, Levi said, “Let me think about it for a while more. However,

don’t worry, Mr. Webber. Prime Association will be my first choice if I want to make any

deals in the future.”

Levi did not refuse him absolutely. After all, Prime Association was a powerful force that he

could employ in the future to gain a foothold in Kenfort.

At the same time, however, Levi did not want to agree directly as it would constrain his


“Okay, that’s a deal!” replied Sylvan excitedly.

Although he had not gotten the outcome he wanted, Levi’s promise to approach them as

his first choice was also extremely important.

He was, after all, a top blacksmith. The ultimate weapons he forged were all priceless


It would be a huge source of wealth for Prime Association too.

The others at Prime Association were equally exhilarated upon hearing the news.

Now that a top blacksmith had agreed to make Prime Association his first choice, it meant

that they had managed to secure a limitless pool of wealth.

“The stupid sect leader from Eclipse actually announced that Mr. Garrison had died at

Dragon’s Grave Valley! That’s incredibly foolish.”

“Yeah! Mr. Garrison’s so powerful that even Heavenly Thunder can’t do anything about


“Eclipse is really dumb. They probably have no idea how terrifyingly powerful the person

they’ve provoked is.”

“Considering Mr. Garrison’s strength, it’ll be a piece of cake for him to raze Eclipse to the


“Eclipse will eventually pay the price for their foolishness.”

The council members of Prime Association discussed among themselves, with some

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already mocking Eclipse for its impending demise.

“Mr. Garrison, what are your plans after this? I’m afraid Cordierite Association won’t give in

so easily,” reminded Sylvan.

Completely unbothered, Levi laughed and said, “I’ll deal with it when the time comes. If

the people from Cordierite Association have a death wish, let them seek revenge with me

all they want!”

Seeing how unthreatened Levi was by Cordierite Association, Sylvan did not dare to

persuade him further. It would instead be counter-productive if he provoked Levi.

“Mr. Webber, bring them back first. I still have some things to deal with. If the need arises,

I’ll look for you first.”

Levi was already sending them away.

Not daring to stay any further, Sylvan fished out a red badge from his pocket and passed it

to Levi.

“Mr. Garrison, this is Prime Association’s highest-level badge. It has communication

functions too, so you can contact the people in charge of each respective branch,”

explained Sylvan solemnly.