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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3950
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Chapter 3950 Come At Me All At Once

It took Gloria about half a month to finish absorbing the dragon ley line. As she gained a

boost in her cultivation, it bolstered her confidence in triumphing over the impending

battle for the title of Empyrean.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, Eclipse’s Empyrean selection trial had

commenced. During the qualifying rounds, there were thirty outstanding females from

various sects who had managed to stand out.

Standing on the stage was one of the elders of Eclipse. He was announcing the rules of the


“Now, the competition is about to begin. Contestants will compete in a single elimination

bracket, and matchups will be determined by drawing lots. Winners will advance to the

next round. At the end of the competition, the last woman standing will be crowned our

brand-new Empyrean. While sparring, contestants are reminded to observe proprieties and

are strictly prohibited from endangering the life of their opponents. Contestants who fail to

comply with the said rules will be disqualified from the competition. The number tags can

be found in the wooden box below the arena. You may start drawing lots.”

Following the end of the announcement, all thirty candidates began to draw lots. Gloria,

for one, was so calm and collected. That would make sense, for she had just devoured a

dragon ley line, hence further increasing her power. Naturally, she would think nothing of

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her competitors.

“To the contestants with tag number one, kindly proceed to the area and begin

preparation.” Thus began the first round of the Empyrean selection trial.

As the candidates ascended the arena one after another, every one of them put their

ultimate techniques into practice. The battles were intense.

Soon enough, the elimination list for the first round was out. As expected, Gloria was able

to secure a victory without even breaking a sweat. To top that off, she had been using only

one of her hands to fight her opponent throughout the duel.

Alas, before they could move on to the second round, the second lot drawing session had

sparked objections among the contestants.

“Elder, some contestants have had fairly weak opponents in the first round, so they’ve

won without exerting much stamina. It’s unfair to people like us who had fought neck and


“I second that, Elder. Luck really plays too much of a part in that that it becomes no longer

a fair fight.”

“Plus, they even got themselves a bye for the next match. What kind of luck is that?”

One by one, the candidates lodged a protest. Almost all eyes were on Gloria.

There were fifteen of them remaining to compete in the second round, so there had to be

one contestant who would earn a bye into the third round. As chance would have it, Gloria

was the lucky one to be given that privilege.

Considering that she also had an easy win in the first round, the others felt aggrieved and

were jealous of her.

Then came the elder’s utterance with a smile. “Gloria, would you like to throw in your two

cents on their doubts?”

Gloria fell into a light trance before giving her response. “Elder, what they said actually

makes sense.”

“Oh? What do you plan to do, then?”

The elder was quite surprised, for he thought that Gloria would use the rules as an excuse

to demand the continuance of the competition. After all, only that would place the latter at

an advantage.

The other contestants were just as taken aback by the turn of events as well. They were

merely attempting to appeal for a longer break time so that they could recuperate better

and unleash their most powerful combat skills in the subsequent match.

Still and all, they were afraid of being the nail that stuck out and leaving a bad impression

on the council members of Eclipse.

Because of that, they directed their hostility toward Gloria unanimously. From their

perspective, not only was Lady Luck smiling at Gloria, but Gloria was also exceptionally


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In their endeavors to attain the title of Empyrean, Gloria was but their greatest hindrance.

“Since every one of you think that it’s unfair, I don’t mind introducing a handicap on

myself. All of you can come at me at once. Defeat me, and the bye would be void.”

Gloria’s voice rang in the audience’s ears.


The crowd flew into an uproar instantly, their gazes fixated on Gloria in astonishment.

“Has this woman gone mad?”

“How arrogant of her to even think of taking on all of us at the same time!”

“Some nerves she has to look down on us!”

“We need to teach her a lesson of a lifetime. She should learn that there’s always

someone better than her.”

The fellow candidates were inundated with indignation.

Wearing an earnest demeanor, the elder advised, “This isn’t the time to be willful, Gloria!

You’d better think twice before letting words slip out like that.”

Truth be told, the council members of Eclipse had high hopes for Gloria. Nevertheless, it

would be a challenge for the latter to claim victory should she pit herself against all of

them in one attempt.

“Yes, Elder. I’ve already thought it through.”

Gloria paused for a bit before going on solemnly, “Speaking of which, if I emerge

victorious, I’ll be ordained the new Empyrean straightaway, correct?”