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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3925
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Chapter 3925 Successful Forge Of The Ultimate Weapon

Prime Association’s Super Fighters’ informants soon returned with the news. Even Sylvan

had given up hope—he had previously hoped that Levi would be alive. After all, Levi had

displayed great power previously.

Of course, the most intense emotion he felt was a sense of pity. He believed that Levi

could have been a master forger.

It would be Prime Association’s greatest luck if Levi made it out of there alive to work with


Alas, all traces of hope were gone. Sylvan then sent out the order for the informants’

retreat. There was no point for them to keep wasting their time on Dragon’s Grave Valley


Of everyone, Void Sect stuck around the place the longest. Naturally, it was so that they

could show Eclipse their loyalty.

When a week went past, and there was still no sign of Levi, Geraint and the others gave


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“The robber must be dead, and there’s no need for us to keep wasting our time on him

anymore. Let’s retreat,” Geraint ordered.

Other sects followed suit when Void Sect departed Dragon’s Grave Valley.

Dragon’s Grave Valley had terrified everyone by then. Many first-in-commands of sects

listed the place as a restricted area and ordered their apprentices not to step foot into

Dragon’s Grave Valley.

Nevertheless, the bounty hunters continued to work in Dragon’s Grave Valley per their

original plan.

“I thought that madman was invincible, but now, he has reaped what he sown and paid

the price for his arrogance,” Primo uttered.

Santino barked out a chuckle. “God will come for the haughty ones. Still, I have to say that

the Heavenly Thunder is simply unnerving. I’m sure there are plenty of magical herbs

within the place. Of course, what is worth most inside is Divine Bones.”

Heptino chimed in morosely, “Also, I sense a special kind of spiritual ley line inside. If only

there were no Heavenly Thunder attacks.”

His words caught many people’s attention.

They all knew that Heptino had the ability to sense spiritual ley lines. If he could sense it

from that far, one could only imagine how potent the spiritual ley line of Dragon’s Grave

Valley was.

Gloria was stupefied, too. There were not many spiritual ley lines that Heptino would

classify as special.

“Sad to say, even if there are treasures inside, all would be for naught if we can’t get out

of the place alive. So, stop dwelling on it. There’s no point in dying on this hill,” Geraint

said in a low voice.

The crowd sighed. As Geraint said, they would stand no chance in Dragon’s Grave Valley if

the place could even decimate the robber and his squad.

If they died, they would not be able to get any of the magical herbs out of the place.

When I upgrade myself again, I’ll have to enter and survey Dragon’s Grave Valley, Gloria

noted to herself.

In the meantime, Levi used seven whole days to create the first ultimate weapon.

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It was a sword with a ninety-centimeter-long Divine Bone hilt, and its glow was eye-


In fact, both Cheriette and Larissa found it impossible to look away from the sword.

The blade of the sword was crystalline clear—even crystals of the best quality would be

nothing in comparison with it.

Electricity sparks appeared once in a while by the edge of the blade, and they could feel

the iciness of it too.

Furthermore, as if one with the world, a slight swing of the sword would spread a gentle

wave of energy outward.

“Master, can you demonstrate the power of the ultimate weapon for us?”

“She’s right, Lord Garrison! I’d like to witness this too!”

Both Cheriette and Larissa were excited.

Levi nodded and replied, “Sure.”

Like them, Levi was curious about the sword’s power too. After all, it was the ultimate

weapon he had poured most effort into.

Then, with the sword in his hand, Levi gently waved in the direction of the faraway Arctic
