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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3921
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Chapter 3921 Large Sects

As it turned out, Levi’s method of draining the Arctic Lake was by using it to


He absorbed the lightning energy, the earth ley line’s power, and even the subarctic

elements imbued in the water before channeling his basic techniques to evaporate the

rest of the water.

Alas, the moment Levi entered his elementary stage of metamorphosis, Heavenly Thunder

began to put up resistance and struck him continuously.

After all, Levi was disrupting the new energy balance he had achieved only a while ago.

However, given his tremendous power, Heavenly Thunder’s attack felt nothing more than

an itch that he could scratch and shrug off.

After a long, futile struggle, Heavenly Thunder finally gave up and allowed the water in

Arctic Lake to be drained at an alarming rate.

Swoosh! As lightning energy in the water sent sparks flying, Levi quickly absorbed them

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into his meridians.

Since he had previously metamorphosed with the lightning energy in Dragon’s Grave

Valley, the effect of Arctic Lake on him was almost negligible.

Despite that, Levi knew the metamorphosis would still help to stabilize his new cultivation

level, so he didn’t want to waste any of it.

Cheriette and Larissa were dumbfounded as they saw the rapidly decreasing water level.

They had initially thought the whole process would take a long time, but from the looks of

it, three days might be more than enough.

“Our haul of magical herbs should be comparable to what large sects have, shouldn’t it?”

Cheriette piped up.

To her surprise, Larissa scoffed, “Oh, you’ve sorely overestimated those large sects.”

As an ex-Empyrean of Eclipse, she had seen a lot in her life and had a vast knowledge of

the workings of large sects.

The magical herbs found in Kenfort could be classified into ten different grades, and a mid-

level sect like Astre Lune Sect would mostly have Grade One or Grade Two magical herbs.

Their Grade Three herbs were few and far between, and it’d be impressive if they could

even have one or two Grade Four herbs.

Eclipse, on the other hand, had more Grade Three magical herbs in their storage. Their

number of Grade Four herbs might have fallen, but they still had one Grade Five magical

herb to boast about.

Larissa had once chanced upon Divine Bones only because a top fighter had planned on

using it to exchange for Eclipse’s ultimate technique.

That transaction caused an uproar in Eclipse, but the council members eventually turned it

down after holding a discussion.

As impressive as the Divine Bones were, nothing could change the fact that a sect’s

ultimate technique was its greatest asset.

If that technique got revealed, other sects would have a chance to develop

counterattacks, thereby endangering the welfare of Eclipse. Worse come to worst, Eclipse

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might even be wiped out.

Of course, turning down the deal was painful even for Eclipse’s council members. After all,

the Divine Bones were a Grade Six magical herb.

To Larissa’s delight, their haul of magical herbs from Arctic Lake was more than

spectacular. They were mostly Grade Five, Grade Six, and Grade Seven herbs, and there

was also a considerable number of Divine Bones and other Grade Eight herbs like fire lilies

and spectral flowers.

It was, without a doubt, a stunning collection that even the most prominent families and

super sects in Kenfort could only dream of.

If word got out, Larissa was sure it’d shock the nation, including Prime Association’s

council members.

After all, Prime Association mainly dealt with the trading of various magical herbs. The

better the magical herbs were, the more they’d want to get their hands on them.

“Oh, so large sects don’t have as many magical herbs as I thought!” Cheriette exclaimed

after having heard Larissa’s explanation.

Wow. Who’d have known? I always thought large sects would have an impressive

collection of top-grade magical herbs, but from the looks of it, even those are just as rare

for them.