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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 475 - Fly Like A Bullet
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___A few Minute before__

"By the way, this is only one key, Mo Ning Yuan got the other three keys" Lory bounce the lotus statue while contemplating.


"I know…." Zhao Li Xin replies briefly.

"And even if we did have the keys, we do not know where the secret entrance is" Lory eyebrows creased as she muttered.

"True…" Zhao Li Xin answer indifferently.

"Young madam Lory, we can force Mo Ning Yuan to surrender the keys and the location!" Mong Yi chimed in.

'Since when I become Young madam Lory' Lory mouth twitch, she wonders is it because she forces Mong Yi to called her Lory and make them feel awkward instead 'Whatever' she decide not to make a big deal over it, this poor subordinate already have enough pressure from his Lord

"Can't we?" Lory prop her chin with her palm on her knee as she sits on the small stool "That woman basically have no family who cares about her, what she got is bedridden father, crazy mother and dead psycho older brother not to mention she had no reputation or wealth, and for all, we know Mo Ning Yuan is a ruined woman, although I'm not judging other people lifestyle, however, the society will not tolerate her wanton behavior" Lory let out a long heaved.

"Yes, she got nothing…" Zhao Li Xin sits elegantly on the small stool courtesy of Mong Ki of course.

"And we can't threat someone who got nothing, these keys are the only thing matters for her, I bet even if you threaten to kill her right now she won't budge" Lory straighten her back "We also running out of time…sooo…. I have a plan" Lory face beamed and 'mischievous' written clearly on her face.

"I don't like it!" Zhao Li Xin interjects swiftly, he got a bad feeling when he saw her face. 

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[Yeah, your plan is SUCK!] Girsha joins Zhao Li Xin, he knew Lory discover another crazy idea.

"Heeey, I haven't say anything yet!" Lory pout.

Zhao Li Xin sighs heavily "Fine, tell me your plan…" he decide to give his princess a chance.

Lory smiles excitedly "I will pretend to work together with Mo Ning Yuan and let her take me to the secret entrance inside the forbidden library" Lory clapped her hands with a big grin.

Zhao Li Xin feel instant regret "DENIED!" Zhao Li Xin reject her plan firmly

Girsha also scoffed [I know your plan will be SUCK!] 

"Come on guys, why?" Lory whines as she feel dejected.

"It's too dangerous!" Zhao Li Xin says sternly.

[Why you like courting death so much!] Girsha scolds Lory harshly.

Lory ignores their refusal she already used to it "Is a good plan!" she tries to convince two different male species but oddly they think alike. Lory weakly lay down her hand on her laps "Look…" she tries to persuade them "There is no danger, Girsha will accompany me along the way, and Li Xin will follow me from behind even Mong Ki and Mong Yi will watch over me, just use concealment amulet to hide your presence…and if you see I'm in trouble both of can…" she make squeeze gesture with her hands.

Zhao Li Xin and Girsha narrow their eyes then exchanged look, Lory got worried when they look at each other in silence.

'They can't do telepathic communication aren't they?' Lory suddenly feel nervous.

Zhao Li Xin and Girsha can't telepathic communication but they have a tacit understanding that they don't believe Lory but she will do it anyway so it's better for them to follow her plan and intervene when something goes wrong.


They finally stop right above the cliff, Lory looks up to the steep rock cover with white fog, the forbidden library is right above it, a normal woman wouldn't able to climb this height. Mo Ning Yuan throws demeaning eyes towards Lory because she knew Lory is not cultivator she thought Lory would have no choice but begging her help.

"It's a long climb, do you need help? I can't order my subordinate to carry you if you ask nicely" she jeered at Lory.

Mo Ning Yuan subordinate glare at lory he obviously despised the idea, lory thought he might deliberately drop her in the middle of climbing, and one more thing that bothers Lory is a pair of cold piercing eyes that bore the back of her head if she dares to let other men carry her, Lory is certain beyond a reasonable doubt that a certain Lord would go ballistic.

"Don't worry, I'll manage" Lory smiles sweetly as she tilts her head cutely, for her safety she has to decline the offer.

Mo Ning Yuan and her subordinated laughing at Lory, they thought Lory was being stubborn to refuse their help. Mo Ning yuan can't help to taunt Lory "Really, what a waste woman like you could do, will you fly to the top of the mountain?" she obviously mocking her.

"You better begging and kowtow in front of my miss when she still nice" he laughs at Lory stubbornness.

'Fly? That's not a bad idea'

Lory smiles calmly as if she doesn't hear their taunt "Nah, I'm not good at begging…beside from my experience begging is never works" Lory crouch on the ground, she press her one of her feet with her palms then she close her eyes. A strengthening spell often used during combat to increased their body ability beyond normal human could do, but this spell is too strong for Lory's current condition so instead of using strengthening to whole her body and drain all her mana why not strengthened her legs alone.

[Girsha, give me a little push] she grins mischievously.

[Sure, be careful tho…] he still not forget to reminds her.

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Lory chuckles lightly [Where's the fun in that]

Her joking answer make Girsha roll his eyes in annoyance.

Lory slowly opens her eyes as she remains crouching on the ground she looks at Mo Ning Yuan "I see you up there!" 

Then she jumps like a cannonball, Girsha use the wind power to boost her farther and just like feather blow by a strong wind she tossed as a bullet pierces to the sky, Mo Ning Yuan jaw hang open, her subordinated froze he look at to the sky with a shocking expression he blinks his eyes a few times just to make sure he is not dreaming.

Meanwhile, The Hei Shen shadow guards including Mong Ki and Mong Yi watch with ghastly looks, they struggle to maintain their calm. In that kind of speed, could Lory still alive? Mong Ki eyes search his Lord for guidance but his Lord already vanished in thin air, Mong Ki sigh as he expected this reaction from his Lord.

"WOOHOO!" Lory screams excitedly as she pierces at incredible speed to the white thick fog. Unlike when he was carried with Zhao Li Xin she scarred sometimes because she had no control over the situation but the wind that carries her now is under her possession because the power of wind is a 'Gift' from Girsha she borrows a little bit of Girsha power to mend the lack of her mana so she doesn't feel too tired while using the spell.

Few seconds letter she reaches to the top of the cliff yet she passed to it, Lory make summersault on the air then the white orbs penetrated her chest then white wings appear behind her back, the wings bring her down to the ground smoothly, when her feet touch the ground the wings disappeared instantly.

"That was FUN!" Lory grins widely, then she realizes something "Oh my, I torn my clothes" she reaches her beck and the place where the wings appear is torn.


Suddenly she was hit with sturdy chest then she wrapped in tight embrace "Are you hurt, are you okay, is there any discomfort, why are you so quiet!"

Lory hit the frantic Zhao Li Xin back repeatedly "I…I can't breathe!" she was squeeze like orange juice inside Zhao Li Xin's deathly embraces.

Zhao Li Xin then realizes how strong she holding her right now "Sorry, tell me are you hurt?" he immediately released her. 

Lory's face becomes red because of the lack of air, and her nose also become redder from the violent hit, Lory stare at Zhao Li Xin with misty eyes "I'am now!"