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The Perfect Luna by Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68. The North Star
“Will you just tell me what exactly the problem is there?” Riannon was losing her patience with her mate. This was the first time
they didn’t agree on something at once and it was very new. And confusing. And she didn’t like this at all.
“Can you just trust me on that?” Gideon ran his hand over his face, “That pathetic excuse of a king isn’t worth talking about.”
“See, this is the problem here,” she was putting her diamond studs into her ears while watching him in the mirror, “I can tell that
there is a story, but you are not sharing this with me.
“There isn’t too much to share,” he finally admitted as he was buttoning his shirt, leaving the last two buttons undone. Just the
way she liked it so much.
“You’re doing this again,” Ria reprimanded him with a small smile on her lips, “and here ! thought that you could share anything
with me. We need that alliance, you know that.”
“Fine,” he growled, surrendering to her, and went to the window to check if Reid and Maya were already waiting for them outside,
“We would have already been in that alliance with the Northern Kingdom. It was in the plans and my father worked for it really
“And what happened?” Riannon was now interested more than ever, sensing that there
would be something worth hearing. Daily new chapters update on www.jar.com
“They wanted an alliance through marriage,” he gave a pointed cough, and she knew at once why he did not like that story.
“And who was the happy couple?” she already regretted asking him about the North.
“It was supposed to be me and Kai’s sister, Elene.”
Kai was the name of the northern king. Riannon knew that because it was her job to know these things. But the mysterious
princess of the northern kingdom – there was no information about her anywhere. They were hiding her as if she was their most
precious treasure.
She didn’t notice how her fists clenched. She did not like the thoughts but we’re now in her head. Did he have a betrothed? Did
they have anything? Did he kiss her? Were they doing other things? He didn’t get all these skills from nowhere. She knew he
had experience and she did not care before. But right now, Onyx was growling angrily inside of her, sharing her

“How nice.” She didn’t know why her voice came out so high pitched. She wasn’t herself. Gideon strolled towards her through
the room and caught her in his arms. “It never happened, Ria,” a smirk was dancing on his lips as he pulled her closer and took
“Why?” she looked at him, feeling her heart beating faster. She needed to know this for so
many reasons.
“I refused,” he told her, lowering himself to place his forehead on hers.
“Why did you?” she rubbed her nose over his, feeling the warmth spreading over her. was the one to say no to the princess. Not
the other way around. This knowledge was important to her for some reason and Onyx was calmer inside of her now.
“I did it because of you,” Gideon said and now she wanted to let out a little laugh, but when she opened her eyes and saw him
staring at her, the smile faded. “Because deep inside, even though I never wanted to admit it, I always wanted to find you, my
mate. My one and only. Mine...”
She felt a jab of guilt deep inside her chest. He waited for her. He even risked a relationship with another kingdom just because

of the possibility that he could find her. Meanwhile, she gave up on him early on and married Brayden, the biggest mistake of her
“And this is why you think that you will not be able to form an alliance with him?” she asked, instead of telling him what she really
wanted to tell, “It was years ago as far as I understand. Maybe he already cooled down after that.”
“No,” Gideon stepped away and rubbed the back of his neck, “This... Wasn’t the end of
the story.”
For a few moments he wasn’t saying anything and that got her scared. How bad was
“Do tell,” Riannon insisted, furrowing her brows and bracing herself for the worst. Daily new chapters update on

“That deal was between our parents and they brushed that under the rug,” her mate continued, “They were wise and did not
want to ruin our relationship. But after his father and my parents died, everything changed. We both became kings but we
couldn’t maintain a civil...
partnership. He was competing with me in everything and it never ended well. But what was worse, one day he sent us a
message that he wanted to arrange another marriage between our royal families. He asked for Savvy’s hand in marriage and
she was just fifteen at the time!”
Riannon bit her tongue. She was also fifteen when her parents started talking about her marrying Brayden. It was typical for
alpha families and especially for the royals.
“Ria, I just couldn‘t do that to my sister,” Gideon sighed. She knew that he felt responsible for Savannah. In many ways, he was
replacing a father for her. “She was just a kid back then... And deserved better than this. Better than a contract marriage. But of
first place. Because after that he could use everything as a perfect excuse to do whatever he wanted. He is such a prick, Ria.
She walked to him and brushed her palm over his cheek, enjoying the prickles his stubble
gave her.
“We still need to talk to him,” she said firmly and, judging by his knitted brows, this was
not what he expected.
“Ria, I am telling you,” he grunted, but she placed a finger on his lips to make him stop and then met his gaze.
“No, Gideon, I am telling you. We need him.” She looked him in the eye in hope that he would see everything that was on her
mind, “We are not letting people die because of your pride. And his. We still don‘t know which werewolf packs would betray you.
And if. There are many pieces of the puzzle that we don’t have. But one thing is certain, they were sure that they wouldn’t be
able to handle both of you. We have to use it. Otherwise, we still may lose even now. And I... I don’t want to witness anything
like that ever again.”
“Fine,” the Lycan king growled in annoyance. But in truth, he knew that for her he would do whatever it took. “We will try to deal
with Kai after all this mess.”

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She couldn’t hold back her grin and stood on the tips of her toes to give him a quick kiss. “That‘s my king,” she praised him, “And
now, it’s time for the show!”
They met with Maya, Reid and Ash outside of the mansion as they still didn‘t have the time to check the building properly and

were not sure that there were no surprises from the foxes
and bears inside.
“Ash,” Riannon turned to her Gamma, “You will need to keep an eye on Marcus at all
times. In no way make him feel special today. He is just a regular warrior for you, so only give
him his usual tasks. See who he talks to and at 3 pm make sure that the warriors have a run
through the eastern side of the forest.”
“What for?” Ash looked curious now.
“He is a traitor and I need him to have something to give to his masters,” Riannon smirked and then turned to Maya, noticing how
her friend looked better than she expected.“ Are you...”
“I am fine,” her best friend interrupted, “Just tell me what to do.” “Well, we are having Dean’s funeral tonight. His body will be
burned according to our “There is no need for this,” Maya stopped her and now her eyes were glistening with tears that wanted
to escape her, “He was one of the traitors too...” Daily new chapters update on www.jar.com
“He was misled,” Riannon gave her a weak smile, “I am not judging him for what happened. And we will never know all the
details. But, Maya, he can help us now. Let him.”
They stared at each other for some time and then the Beta simply nodded, giving her permission.
“What do you want me to do?” she asked.
“I want you to be you and drown yourself in work,” Ria informed her, “I need you to assign every omega you can find a task today
that would keep them busy. Everyone but Alice. Make her help in the kitchen today. And leave only the chef and her. I need her

“Why would you need Alice?” Maya was surprised to hear that name. She knew the omega but she was never anything special,
to begin with, to pay her any attention.
“She works for the foxes,” Gideon told her, and the Beta’s eyes glowed as she tried to control her wolf.
“I will kill her,” she growled.
“Not if you want real revenge,” Ria interjected and it helped. “We need her alive now.”
“Is this why you want Marcus too?” Maya gritted her teeth, still fighting with herself, “He is a traitor too?”
“Yes,” Riannon nodded and Ash growled.
“Do you even realise what you are asking?” the beta had her claws out, “If they are the traitors, then they are the ones guilty of
Dean’s death too! They could have helped her catch him.”
Daily new chapters update on www.jar.com “And we will deal with them when the time comes,” Ria promised, “But right
now we need
to take care of everyone. Time for revenge will come. I swear.”
“If you can’t perform Beta’s job at the moment, everyone will understand,” Gideon said, and Riannon gave him a glare. However,
this was what made her calm down and she retracted
her claws.
“No, I am fine,” Maya said and Reid wrapped her arm around her. “I‘ll be with you the whole time,” he leaned down and kissed
her forehead.
“Okay,” Riannon forced a little smile, “We will meet after the funeral and talk. I have a lot to tell you all. But work first.”
searching the Luna’s and the Alpha’s office and found a few bugs in Brayden’s old desk and bookshelves. However, her office
was clean.
“This is a bit insulting,” Ria rolled her eyes, “As if they didn’t pay me any attention!”
“That was obviously a big mistake on their part,” the lycan chuckled, “Look what happened thanks to that!”

They had a map before them where Riannon had already made a few marks. Now, all
they had to do was wait. And Alice didn’t make them wait long...