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The Perfect Luna by Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29. That’s Not The Rea…

Riannon needed time to process what was happening. Why was he holding her in his arms in the

middle of the night and why did he barely have any clothes on? And now that her mind went there,

there was no going back. Werewolves were a gorgeous race, but having her arms on a Lycan’s chest,

the heat was spreading fast all over her bloodstream. Gideon looked as if his body was carved out of

stone by a true master. With love and not sparing any effort to sculpture perfection. His chest was so

hard and all his body lines were so perfect that she

couldn’t form a proper word for a while.

“Are you alright?” He asked her as his fingers were pressing harder into her flesh. She realised that she

herself was wearing next to nothing. Just a flimsy silk slip was all that separated their two very hot


“My king,” she said and immediately heard a growl, not being able to decipher where it was one of

pleasure of anger(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com). However, her heart started

beating faster and her chest started going up and down… Gideon couldn’t ignore that as it was creating

some friction between them and he was barely managing it as it was.

“Riannon,” he said in a much lower voice than usual, “Call me by my name. Please.” She sucked in a

breath because he still did not let her go. And also she still did not push

him away.

“Gideon,” was all she said, again catching herself on the thought that she did not ask him to leave. She

should have done it and yet she hadn’t.

He was looking at her as if he was expecting this but at the same time, the look in his eyes was strange

and feral. As if he was about to devour her any second. And she doubted if she would even mind that.

Just what was going on between them?

“You were screaming,” he told her, trying to clear his throat, “I was afraid that something happened.

And that’s why…”

“How did you hear me?” she asked and bit her lip, which made him let out a heavy sigh. “Our rooms

are adjacent,” he clarified the situation, “Goddess, Ria, I thought someone

attacked you.”

“No, no, sorry,” she shook her head, “I am fine. It was just a bad dream.”

Suddenly, he placed his palm on her chin and made her look at him, caressing her gently

with his thumb.

“What kind of dream make a person scream like that?” he looked her in the eye in hope

that she would open up to him.

consequences, he pulled her into a hug. Strong and warm. And just what she needed for a

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while. She relaxed into his arms and he wrapped them tighter around her, inhaling her

wonderful scent deeply as long as he had the opportunity.

“You can tell me,” he whispered and she flinched at his words, knowing very well that she couldn’t.

Gideon was a good man, she could tell. Even though he made the worst first expression, he was

earning points back very quickly. He seemed reliable. And most importantly, he was generally

interested in her and her wellbeing. She did not have it with Brayden for a while.

But it was one thing to ask him for help with her divorce. It was perfectly normal and understandable in

her case.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) However, it was completely another

thing to tell him that she already lived her life, died and came back to fix her mistakes..

Who would believe in something like that? What if he thought that she was crazy and refused to help

her after all?

No, she couldn’t risk that much. He didn’t have to know. It didn’t make any difference in

the long run.

“It’s okay,” he said, distancing himself from her slightly to give her space, “You don’t have to tell me. It’s


She found herself nodding. And also feeling guilty for some reason. As if she owed him

the explanation.

However, all that was gone as soon as she saw him lying down comfortably on one side

of her bed. She stared at him for a while, startled and confused. In the meantime, the lycan king

folded his hands under his head and closed his eyes.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked without any hint of embarrassment, “Go to sleep.”

Riannon’s lips parted in shock. Just what did he think he was doing here?

“Excuse me,” she tapped his firm stomach. And yes, she could have gone for his arm, yet

somehow ended up feeling his washboard abs instead. Which he, in turn, was flexing while

pretending to sleep.

He did not respond and she coughed loudly.

“Excuse me!” she repeated herself, “What is the meaning of this?”(This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com) “The meaning of what?” he now looked at her curiously.

“Why are you lying on my bed?” It took all herinner strength to raise her chin and look


“Isn’t it obvious?” he said calmly.

“Not really,” the Luna in front of him folded her arms on her chest to his disappointment. Only that he

didn’t move a single muscle.

“I am staying here to keep you company,” he informed her.

“In bed?!” Riannon practically yelled at him but he remained reserved.

“Why not?” he asked her bluntly, “Since I am already here and you are having nightmares

that sound as if someone was killing you.”

Blood drained from her face as she heard his words. He had no idea how right he was

about everything.

And yet she couldn’t let him stay.

“You need to leave,” she sighed, exhausted.

“Give me one good reason why,” their eyes locked and Riannon realised that she didn’t have any. So,

she came up with the usual.

“It’s inappropriate,” she stated plainly, and he chuckled softly. He liked that she was like that. She-

wolves that weren’t even his mates were always happy to share his bed. He didn’t even have to say

anything. Just one look was enough, and any woman was his.

But not Ria. She respected herself. Or maybe there was another reason? (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)“Do you love your soon to be ex-husband?” he hated even saying that

out loud.

“No,” the Luna replied and covered her mouth, realising that she answered way too quickly.

“Then again, what is the problem? I will just guard you at night and that’s it,” he smirked, “I will not

touch you… If you don’t ask me to.”

“As I have already said,” Riannin exhaled through her nostrils loudly, “This is improper for

us to stay like this. I mean… I wearing next to nothing.”

“No worries, it does not offend me,” he grinned at her and she let out an exasperated


“But you could practically see..” she started saying when he interrupted her.

“I have already seen more,” the lycan king confessed and now her cheeks were flushing not from

embarrassment but from anger.


“I have no doubts that you have seen women of all shapes and sizes, but that doesn’t

So, please, go and find one of those…” She almost cursed, which she never did.

“Oh, no,” he rolled to his side and rested his head on his hand, watching her blush again,“ That wasn’t

what I meant. I mean I saw you… as in all of you.”

She swallowed hard, meeting his stubborn and challenging gaze.

“What do you mean? I never…”

“…swim naked in the lake close to the border?” he smiled softly, watching her realising where he saw

her the first time.

“That large wolf last time!” she gasped, “It was you!”

She remembered the majestic creature that couldn’t take his eyes off her and swallowed


“Yes, Riannon, it was,” he nodded, “I saw you enjoying yourself in the water under the moonlight and

let me tell you that it was impossible to forget you ever since.”

“Oh, my Goddess!” she closed her face with her hands, feeling the heat of her cheeks, but then looked

at him quickly again, “Is that why you want me?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Now everything suddenly started to make sense to her. Wolves were predators. (This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)He saw a prey that he wanted and was ready to do whatever it took to

get her. But it wouldn’t last if that

was the case.

“No, Riannon,” he cupped her face and leaned lower, so that their lips almost touched,“ That’s not the

reason. But it’s a part of it too. I am not going to hide the fact that I want you

more than anyone and anything in this world!”

They were looking at each other, a million thoughts circling through their heads.

Riannon hesitated. This was so wrong. They barely knew each other. And she was still married. Not

that she owed anything to Brayden at this point. She didn’t. And Gideon was… He was too tempting It

felt as if he was able to fill the void in her heart that formed after everything that she experienced.

Somehow with him, she felt… safe. That was why she couldn’t help but part her lips and this was all

the invitation that he needed.

He didn’t slam his lips into hers like she expected him to. He lowered and nibbled them gently first,

making her give him better access. And when their two hot breaths mixed, he covered her mouth with

his, deepening the kiss. Slowly. At first. But the more he tasted her, the more he realised that the

control he was so famous for was slipping away. Bit by bit. Irrevocably. Until a wave of feral desire

overwhelmed him and he couldn’t tear himself off her anymore, towering over her and kissing her

madly, hectically. He waited for her for so many

years without even knowing. She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet.

But the best part was that she was responding to him. Her soft hands were now sliding up his back,

creating so many tingles that he thought he would explode. He growled into her soft lips and she

moaned, their breathing ragged. He was only breaking away from her for a mere second here and

there to gulp some air greedily and then he was returning to her, devouring her and making her almost

whimper in his arms.

Riannon forgot about everything. What was clearly so wrong, felt so right. (This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)But her whole body shuddered when she heard Onyx howling loudly in

her mind. “What happened?” Gideon reacted at once, worried to death that he did something


“My wolf” Ria looked at him, shocked, “She was just here… I felt her.” “That’s amazing,” he smiled,

“Happy to help.”

He leaned lower to kiss her again but this time she placed her palm onto his chest.

“What do you mean?” Riannon quirked her brow up. “She surfaces when you are close to me,” he

smirked, “Haven’t you noticed?”

She hadn’t. She didn’t even have time to think of it because she was dealing with too much. But now

that he said that out loud, he was right. The three times she felt her wolf alive all happened to be when

they were together. What could be the reason for that? Was Onyx reacting to the lycan king’s power?

Or was there something else?

Her phone rang and she tried to ignore it. But it kept and kept ringing. Until it was clear