The Pack: Rule Number 1-No Mates
Chapter One Hundred-Fourteen
There may have been a few mistakes in the last chapter. | attempted to change them, however they will not be
live until my Editor approves the changes. | just wanted all to know that | am aware that Rainier was NOT outside
with the rest of them. He left for Port Orchard at the beginning of the chapter.... My had TDL.
One Werk Later
After dropping koda and Emily off at Kola’s place, Dominic and | drove the three mile trek toward his house on
the hill. It was early. after sunrise, and the beautiful evergreens were shrouded in their usud drapery, a fog thick
enough to make the town appear alive in the clouds. | couldn't keep the smile off my face as we edged toward
the top of the hill and closer to the modern extravagance | had missed so much over the past few weeks.
Domonic dimpled beside me, his hand stretching over the center console to slide up the inside of my thigh.
“Missed it that much, did
With a bite of my lip, | nod as | turn my head toward the ocean, a view barely visible at the tip of his driveway.
“Not as much as | missed you though.” | admit, careful to disguise the crack in my voice. “It was really hard
trying to force myself to stop loving you.”
Draven,” he whispers guiltily, his hand on my leg squeezing gently as we pull in the driveway.
Itum toward him, shaking my head. “Don’t. It’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes. | did, you did. Let's just move
on. No more being too afraid to live the way we want to. No more running away.” | smirk. “Provided Margo has
already been relocated, of course.”
He chuckles, Tames is moving her in himself as we speak. He said she was more than happy to go once he
showed her the pictures of the place.”
“It's that nice, huh?”
His silver eyes shudder, his muscles flexing as he pulls the car toward the back of the house. His voice lowers, “It
had to be if it was going to house my princess.”
My face heats as | study the sudden sadness in his eyes. Tm so glad you cafter me.”
He nods, his eyes lifting to stare out the window, as if at something for away. I'm an idiot. | really thought | would
be able to love you
from afar but 1-
“Love me?” | chirp, my eyes watering
He squints, his brow furrowing. “Um... yeah,” he chuckles, “Like | was saying | thought | could do it. | had no idea
how much it would hurt. But | never want to feel that way again. Not now, not ever.”
“I'm sorry,” | interrupted again. “I just want to clarity. You said lovetight?”
He snorts, “Yes Draven. | said - love you. Is there a problem?”
| giggle happily, throwing off my seatbelt to climb into his lap. “No problem,” | say, pressing my ass into his
growing erection as he sits beneathdumbfounded.
“Baby,” he hisses, gripping my hips in his hands to anchorin place. Be gentle. Gryffin should be hear
anytnow and if you keep that up he’s going to catch us fucking in the driveway.”
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Chapter One Hundred-Fourteen
| laugh, leaning forward to nip this rare with my teeth as | mill my higs against him in treatens tom you realize
that that’s the very first tyour'e sald 117 That you love me?”
“Christ,” he moans, his head tipping back in pleasure as | taste his thrrit greedily. To that what's got you on ta
vet my ass as he thrusts upward so roughly that my luck hits the steering wheel and the horn toots to the
“Mmhmm,” | mean, my hands going into his waistband to cup
“Oh fuck.” He groans, sealing my body against his as he whispers in mrr, “That’s not the first tI've said it
baby. Thats not to from tyou've heard it. I've said it plenty of times. While you were sleeping?
1 froze, my lips coming away from his neck as | glared down at him. “Are you serious?”
He bites his lip, nodding guiltily.
eys narrow and his dimples deepen in amusement. “You mean to tellthat you letwander around
wondering if you might it toone day. Because loud knows I've said it at least twice?!?!”
“Didn’t know y you were counting, baby,” he quips with a grin. “But | promise I've said it more than a few times.”
‘Out loud?”
le shrugs, “Does it matter?”
“It does,” | snap, squeezing his dick with the edge of my nails.
His hisses, his body quaking upward. “H-hey now, gentle, be gentle...”
“You know what,” | tease, leaning in just enough for my tongue to trace the cords of his neck. “I think I'm going
to punish you.” | g dick another squeeze just as | hear the familiar sound of a street bike racing up the hill. “You
and Gryffin are heading up to see Benin right?” | trail my nails up his shaft as I release his cock and smack the
side of his face playfully. “I think you should spend the entire dise up with balls of solid rock.”
“Baby,” he groans miserably as | pop open his door and step out into the brisk morning air. | snatch the house
keys out of his pocket as Gryffin and Tadora roll into the drive. “Why would you do that to me? He glares,
grumbling. “You're so evil”
1 chuckle, leaning in to place a hot wet kiss on his lips. Drive safe.”
“Gross!” Taedora says, her braids swinging as she tears off her helmet to grabin a tight hug. “No stroking
your pets in front of your
“I missed you so much!” | squeal, pulling her away from her bike toward the backhouse that she’s agreed to live
in for the endurance of my pregnancy. “You're going to love this place, | say, tossing her the keys to the condo.
She chuckles. “I don’t know about that. But as long as you're around stomach it. Gotta make sure-my Godchild is
“Godchild?” Domonic snaps, as Gryffin slides into the Hummer next to him. “Who decided that?”
“Leave it,” Gryff warns with a shake of his head. “You don’t want to get in the middle of those two,
“Wait a minute, you!” Domonic snaps, climbing out of the Hummer with a wince as the adjusts his pants. “Come
here for a second baby. | have something | want to give you before | leave.”
| cock an eyebrow, sidling up to him as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small black velvet box
My heart thuds in my chest, my breath catching as | realize what must be inside of it. | shake my head,
“Domonic! 1-"
Chapter One Hundred-Fourteen
The reaches oil, lite silver eyes doing dark. “You don’t have to miser met first take it. Hold onto | only ready to
say you? He shrugs, “When you aro - you con po
| smile, my eyes watering as | take his gift and slip it into my pocket, at sounds fair, | say, allowing is in ged me
in for another kiss.
That I ling
The grins, burying his face in the contain of my hair. ‘Til la has blood samples. Will any lock he'll be aldo to give
“I know, | say, “Are you Ininging your dad back with you?”
He sighs heavily. “He says he isn’t ready yet. But, well now,”
“Understood,” | say, stepping back to watch lid climb back into the Hammer,
“Good riddance,” “Tandora mouths as the pair of them oversu groan about his Hon.”
out. “I was getting so damn tired of listening to Gryffin moan and
She eyesas we step into the main house and | wander through
“What the hell are you doing Dog girl?”
‘Checking for strays.”
the fest floor taking deep breaths and sniffing for Marg
She laughs heartily as she lips on the television and tumbles onto the couch.
“All clear down herer 1 exclaim, sauntering upstairs just to freeze the moment my feet hit the landing.
The door to the guest room’ is open and what | see inside has my chest verlowing behind my eyes.
g with warmth. “Oh my God,” | whimper as tears gather
Taedora is behindso fast i llinch
at her sudden neamess, "What
What's wregar She'ghzes past me
into'the room that is now painted the
most beautiful shade of baby blue.
“When?” | choke out. “How?”
| step into the room which has been
turned into a nursery. A crib in on
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corner, a rocking h4G the offen A
cpapgind able Shi anging mobile
along one wall. A giant stuffed sheep
pillow next to the window, with a
painted wolf and her cub along the
closet doors. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Whoa,” Toedora gushies. This is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is,” | say with a smile. “This must be why he wouldn't letchfor a week”
“The boy has more gthan | thought he did,” she croons, wagging her eyebrows up in approval.
| reach in my pocket and pull out the velvet box, smiling at Taedora os lip it open.
But that is where it all ends. The joy, the smiles, the comfort.
Because there isn't a ring inside the
box like | thought there woulgben
No... Instead there's’ Gay scrap of
pEpet message scribblesd in red ink.
And it reads... The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
with two words of a
..No Mates.
Chapter One Hundred-Fourteen
Chapter Comments
Marietta Gary
He is going to kill.
oh hell nah they took the ring