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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 316
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Chapter 316

Percival was driving Vivienne towards the city center

Noticing Viviennes low spirits, he gently asked, “Feeling down? Is it because of that person from


What was her name? Miss Penny?

He had forgotten already


Vivienne stared out the window with a somber expression on her face

Indeed she was upset, but not because of Calista

Calista couldn’t stir am emotional response from her

Her frustration was due to the fact that despite the long duration of her research and having found the

necessary cobra grass, the sturdy was still at a standınal

The CTO organization had begun to infiltrate her surroundings. If her pace in developing an antidote

didn’t surpass GTO’s development of their poison, she feared that the organization would resort to

more drastic meatums

She wasnt worried about herself but she had people she wanted to protect now

“You mentioned you had something to show me† Vivienne, not wanting to talk about it, changed the


On the way to the research facility. Percival sent her a message, hinting at some mysterious secret.

Relax. It’s something you’ll love once you see it

With a smile on his face. Percival looked at her affectionately and said, “Leave your worries behind for


Vivienne hummed in response. She somehow felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders

She didn’t know why but Percival always somehow seemed to soothe her

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“Sleep for a bit I’ll wake you when we arrive Upon seeing the fatigue etched on Vivienne’s face,

Percival felt his heart ache

She was such a strong–willed giri, so she always kept her problems to herself

“Okay” Only when she was with Percival did Vivienne let down her guard. She closed her eyes and fell

into a light sleep

Vivienne slept for half an hour in the car. When she woke, they had parked on top of a hill.

“Why didn’t you wake me

Noticing that they had been parked for a while, Vivienne stretched and straightened her posture.

Percival had draped his suit jacket over her to keep her warm. She didn’t know when he had draped it

over her. She hadn’t even noticed

“I didn’t have the heart to wake you You looked so peaceful Percival replied with a smile. “Come on,

let’s see the surprise I’ve prepared for you!

He opened the car door for Vivienne and led her to the top of the hill

“What is it?”

Just as she asked a loud noise echoed through the sky

Streams of light shot into the air and a spectacular display of fireworks lit up the night sky

Vivienne had seen fireworks before but she had never seen fireworks as dazzling and stunning as this.

The fireworks lasted for a full twenty minutes lighting up her heart with their brilliance

She turned to look at Percival, who was only showing his profie, yet he still looked captivating

Her eyes traced down his face to his delicate lips and on a whim, she tiptoed and planted a kiss on him

Caught off guard. Percival froze for a second before wrapping his arms around her deepening the kiss

Linder the shower of fireworks, the atmosphere between them intensified.

After a while, Vivienne pulled away from Percival and softly said. “Thank you, Mr Wolf

From a young age, her heart had been hardened like steel. It was rarely affected by anything

But ever since the left the Emerald Monastery, she found her heart softening unexpectedly

The warmth from Dorian and Cordelia the affection from Percival

It turned out that even the deepest part of her heart needed tenderness

She was only rubeteen. She wanted to be like other girls her age. She wanted to have simple likes and

dislikes and do what she wanted ta da

Percival raised his hand and gently stroked her head as a faint smile spread on his lips. “Vivienne. I

can be your neck You can truai be with your bac hurt you

He had never dated anyone before He didn’t re

Especially Vinente a truly resilient woman

know how to make his girlfriend happy

Taking her to watch the fireworks was an idea he got from a picture he saw on hea phone He thought t

Vivienne looked up into his deep eyes and smiled “Okay. Mr. Wait from now on, you’ll protect me

Percival held her close and placed uss on her forehead “Okay”

For the sake of protecting his giri, he needed to get to work

After the fireworks ended. Percival drove Vienne back to the Brooks Mansion

Once Vivienne was inside. Percival drove away

Halfway through his drive. Percival nanowed his eyes. He slowed down

would like it, and it veermed ike he was right.


The car moved slowly down the road, filling with swirling smoke

He rolled down the window stubbed out his cigarette, pulled over, and got out

While leaning against the car, he bathed in the moonlight, making his silhouette look long and straight

He cast a casual glance at the distance and spoke in a calm tone. “You’ve been following me the entire

tima. funt it time to make a move?”

As soon as he said this, more than a dozen men in black appeared and surrounded Percival

The man leading them eyed Percival wanly. “How did you spot us?–

He never expected Percival to discover them

They were the cream of the crop at the assassination organization Normally, no one could detect them

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Percival gave him a small smile Is it hard to notice you?

The man sneered t seems the person who wants you dead underestimated you.

“Oh Percival raised an eyebrow “How did the other party describe me?”

“She said you’re more than meets the eye and that you’re not a pushover” The man answered


Perowal’s lips curled into a small smile “That someone must know me well So, you believe her?

“Of course! The man said seriously. We’re now the third group sent by our organization Apparently,

everyone before us failed”

The man kept his eyes on Percival He was constantly on guard

Anyone who could detect them so easily was a dangerous character

“Enough with the chitchat. Someone’s put a price on your head, and if you don’t meet your maker

today, we’re done for With a nod of his head the man gine his men the go–ahead “Let’s get this over

with ”

Almost instantly the group of men sprang into action

But just as they took their first step, Percival suddenly yelled, “Hold on!”

The group paused, and the man in charge furrowed his brows at him “What is it now?”

He didn’t understand what was happening Usually, when he was on a job, even if the target found out,

there wouldn’t be much of a conversation. They’d simply get down to


But somehow, this man always seemed to control the narrative

“What’s the price on my head? How much did they offer you?” Percival casually lit another cigarette as

he asked.

“30 million The man didn’t hesitate

Percival took a drag from his cigarette as a smirk played on his lips. “My life is worth only 30 million?”

The man was momentarily speechless.

Was he complaining that the price on his head was too low?

100 million, Would that be enough to get you lot to switch sides? Percival nonchalantly said after

extinguishing his cigarette

The man and his crew were stunned into silence