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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 97
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Jacob saw a furious face that slightly resembled his late girlfriend and stood up calmly. “You must be

Naeve’s cousin, Moira. Nice to meet you.”

Moira Thornborough came over in her high heels and pulled Heidi behind her. She glared at him and

demanded, “What are you doing here?”

Seeing her treating him as an enemy, Jacob forced a smile and said, “I’m here to see my daughter.”

“You don’t have a daughter here!” Moira stood tensely, and her eyes burned with fury.

If not for this bastard, my cousin wouldn’t have died young!

On the other hand, little Heidi craned her head and looked from one adult to another with confusion in

her eyes.

“I know you are lying.” Jacob looked down and felt a pang in his heart, seeing his daughter lost and


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Moira gritted her teeth and did not reply. She held Heidi’s hand and walked away.

Jacob shook his head and smiled bitterly as he watched them enter a nearby car.

As the car traveled home, Heidi sat on Moira’s lap and bit her fingernails.

Moira would usually stop Heidi whenever she started doing that. Unfortunately, Moira was too

distracted by her thoughts to notice anything.

Suddenly, Heidi let go of her nails and looked up at Moira. “Aunt Moira, was that man my father?”

Moira trembled slightly before looking down at Heidi’s expectant face. She took a deep breath and

answered, “He is your father, but he is a bad father. He abandoned you and your mother before you

were born.”

Heidi’s eyes’ brightened. “I have a father!”

However, she quickly turned disappointed again. “But my father is a bad father who abandoned

mommy and me. Mommy…”

Moira looked pitifully at Heidi, whose mother died from childbirth. She held Heidi tightly and said,

“Heidi, it’s okay. You still have grandma, grandpa, and me. We love you very much!”

Meanwhile, Jacob followed them in his car a few meters away and listened to their conversation, filling

him with guilt and sorrow.

He followed his daughter to her residential area and watched her and Moira enter it. There was a hint

of determination as he drove away.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Fernando welcomed Jacob and Jerry into the main hall of Paramount’s

police headquarters.

The following morning, a private jet with a dragon painted on its fuselage landed gradually at Catalina

Airport in the North Precinct.

Jerry leaned against a luxury bus at the end of the runway, watching the private jet gradually coming to

a stop near him.

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Soon, the cabin door opened. A group of young men in black trench coats, high combat boots, and

stern expressions came out one by one. They each carried a duffel bag.

Jerry waved at them before turning around to enter the bus.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, a cargo plane flew among the clouds thousands of meters above

Lagrasse in the Central Federation.

One could see the many mountain ranges below, looking like dragons resting on the ground.

Then the cargo plane traveled southeast, nearing a vast valley surrounded by three mountains. The

valley was misty and shaded by many giant trees. As strong winds howled, a large square soon came

into view in the middle of the valley. One could see a palace in the middle of the square.

Jacob stood in the cargo plane and ordered, “Kill everyone. Don’t leave even one of them alive!”

“Yes, sir!” Gerald and eleven Dragon Guardians answered in unison.