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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 88
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Evelyn asked a member of the Special Forces Unit in the Ministry of Defense to investigate Jacob

Lynch. They found out that he was the leader of the Scarlet Dragons.

But the Ministry of Defense in Paramount only scratched the surface of the truth behind Jacob Lynch

and the Scarlet Dragons. After all, those that were in Paramount, which was the center of the Central

District, had always looked down on the other districts. Only those who lived in the outer districts would

know of the power and dominance of the Scarlet Dragons.

Only organizations like the Blood Thorns that had vast authority could compete with the Scarlet

Dragons. However, the Blood Thorns had underestimated the organization. Although the Blood Thorns

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managed to eradicate the Scarlet Dragons’ South District subdivision, the organization was wiped off

the face of the earth in return.

When it happened, the East and South Districts were shaken. Even the mercenaries in the South

District had to halt all activities if they wanted to survive the Scarlet Dragons. The reason Evelyn could

return a month earlier from the South was the Scarlet Dragons.

As the wind died down, Jacob walked past the men on the ground, unscathed. He spent years in the

outer districts. With the power shown in recent years, not many would dare to cross his path. Which

fool from Paramount would dare to send people to kill him?

I’ve overpowered the outer districts. Do you think I’ll fear the Central Federation?

“Jake, are you alright?” The young man wheezed, noticing that the middle-aged man was ashen-faced.

The middle-aged man shook his head. “I’m good. How about you?”

The young man opened his mouth to speak but stopped, lowering his face in chagrin. “At least you

managed to do something. I couldn’t even move a muscle.”

Looking at Jacob’s figure walking away, Jake sighed. “We are not weak, Colt. He was too strong.”

“The Scarlet Dragons is just an organization from the outer districts. Is the leader really that strong?”

Colt asked grudgingly.

Evelyn managed to recover her energy and was walking towards them when she heard Colt speaking.

Paled, she asked with a quiver in her voice. “Did you just say the Scarlet Dragons?”

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Back at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, the director was yelling at his subordinate in his

office on the 27th floor of the Paramount Police Bureau building. “Who gave permission for the Special

Forces Unit to dispatch?”

The supervisor of the unit, also known as the Elite Forces, shrugged helplessly. “Sir, you know that I

have no control over the unit.”

Lawrence was furious. “Call them and order them to stop whatever they’re doing and return, now!” He

glared at the supervisor. “You better pray that nothing has happened, or else, none of us will make it

out alive.”

What’s the worst that could happen? The supervisor was doubtful. Then again, those brats from the

unit never took him seriously just because they were skillful. This would be a good chance for them to

get into trouble with the superiors.

The supervisor nodded. “Yes, sir. I’ll call them at once.”