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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 287
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Ring, ring …

Jaylen Mondez’s phone suddenly went off.

“It can’t be that they’re done already? They sure know how to surprise us.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Jaylen picked up the call with a face full of delight, but as soon as he picked it up, he heard a loud bang

on the other side of the call.


“What’s happening? What are you doing? How could you let off the fireworks before we join you?”

Jaylen asked impatiently with a crease between his brows.

“Sir, it’s not fireworks but a landslide! The pipeline has been covered. Ah…” There was panic from the

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person on the line, followed by screams. Soon after, there was only silence on the other end.

“Landslide? How could there be a landslide?” Albert Mondez asked angrily as he had heard the whole


“This… might be an accident. Let me make another call.” Jaylen had a subconscious thought that

things were not looking too good.

This pipeline construction on Mt. Simeon was the Mondez family’s saving grace. The Fest family and

all the other big groups had control over the overseas oil business, it was very hard for the Mondez

family to sell Mt. Simeon’s oil at a high price. Now that the Fest family’s ship was detained, it was a big

opportunity for the Mondez family.

The Mondezs had put in all their effort to grasp this opportunity. The family was not left with much after

offering up ninety percent of their assets, so this was their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

After hanging up on the call, Jaylen continued to call other supervisors, but to no avail. No one

answered, and no one was in the offices.

No matter how optimistic they were, it was clear that a problem had arisen.

“Sir, we have a problem. There’s a landslide on the north side of Mt. Simeon, and our pipeline…” A

supervisor rushed in from outside and reported hastily, his face full of anguish.

“What happened to the pipelines? Spit it out!” Jaylen asked loudly while grabbing onto the man’s collar.

“All the pipelines have been smashed!”

“What do you mean? All our pipelines are underground, how could they be smashed?”

Albert was calmer than Jaylen and so was able to understand the problem quicker.

“Mr. Mondez, I don’t know if it was because no one realized, but our pipeline was actually situated two

meters away from a river. When we were installing the final part of the pipeline, we dug too deep, and

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water started sprouting from the hole, the same time the landslide was happening.”

“How could a landslide happen on such a steady mountain?”

The supervisor did not know how to answer that question.

They did not have time to ponder on such a question.

Albert had liquidated the rest of the Mondez family’s assets and had taken loans to invest in the

pipelines. He had even taken a large sum for prepayments from some companies that needed oil. The

Mondez family would face a great loss now that they had no way to extract the oil from Mt. Simeon.

“What should we do now, Uncle? We’ve taken a lot of money. Those big corporations are like tigers

that eat people. When we needed money…”

Albert waved his hand at Jaylen.

There was no point talking about all that now that sh*t has hit the fan. What to do? They couldn’t do

anything without money!