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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 152
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Moira and Jonah widened their eyes in shock as they stared at the apple. Oh my goodness! Is he a


Seeing the surprised look on their faces, Ludwig smiled in satisfaction while Krish, sitting beside him,

straightened his back proudly.

Ha! This must have taken you aback. We can send forces out of our bodies and control their movement

with our minds. We can easily take one’s life just by a snap of fingers!

However, Krish was perturbed when he turned to see Jacob and Jerry, who showed no signs of

astonishment or shock.

Oh, come on! Can you at least give some reaction? My senior is one of the most experienced and

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reputable masters in Mount Everest Sword Association, and he doesn’t usually show off his skills!

“I want to have that!” Heidi pointed at the apple as its rich aroma wafted into her nose.

Jacob reached out his hand to take the apple and passed it to Heidi.

Holding the apple which was almost the size of her face, the little girl took a huge bite on it. Jacob

caressed her braids. Amused by Heidi’s stuffed mouth, he cooed gently, “Take it slow. No one is going

to snatch it away from you.”

On the other hand, Ludwig had never thought that Jacob would completely ignore him. His face

darkened instantly as his eyes glowed with irritation.

Turning his head to look at Ludwig, Jacob retorted, “Please don’t interrupt my daughter’s meal time.”

Standing aside, Jerry tilted his body forward. An inner force from his body formed an invisible needle

and pierced through the air. “Did you hear that? You’re not welcomed here.”

Shocked, Ludwig dodged and gazed at Jerry with a nonplussed look.

After remaining silent for a moment, he did a fist-palm salute and said, “My apologies. We’ve been

abrupt. Nevertheless, the proposal from us will always be effective.”

“This is my contact number.” Krish placed a white name card on the table and took back the token of

Mount Everest Sword Association.

Fidgeting with the token, he cast a bizarre glance at Jacob and Jerry, thinking that they were ignorant.

“Let’s go, Krish,” Ludwig called out to his junior in a deep voice. Thereafter, the two men turned and

walked toward the exit of the hall.

Watching the two figures disappear at the exit, Jerry took up the name card and glanced at it casually

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before throwing it back onto the table contemptuously.

Meanwhile, Jacob did not spare a glance at Ludwig and Krish since they left because all that was in his

mind was his adorable daughter.

Outside the hall, Krish caught up with Ludwig and asked, “What happened to you just now, Master


Ludwig halted his step and turned to look at Krish. “Didn’t you feel it just now?”

“Feel what?” The latter was perplexed.

Blinking, he then nodded resentfully. “Yeah, I did feel that the two guys were looking down on Mount

Everest Sword Association.”

Ludwig shook his head as his eyes darkened. Then, he continued walking forward.

Moments later, his voice came forth. “Keep an eye on them. We can’t lose the master sword of the

association again!”