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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 132
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“I’m actually your dad.” He nodded exasperatedly. “Would you like to play in the castle?”

“Yes!” She nodded excitedly. After a pause, she pouted. “It was clearly my turn just now.”

“I’ll bring you over immediately,” he said firmly, picking up her hand and holding it.

Under the curious gazes of the other children, Jacob brought Heidi to the entrance of the castle.

Pushing the door open, he poked his head into the castle and found the plump little boy in no time.

Then, he grabbed the boy, who was happily playing with his friends, out of the castle.

Of course, the little boy was not happy about this. “Who are you? Let me go!” he huffed angrily.

Jacob kicked his butt gently as he demanded, “Who taught you manners? Didn’t anyone tell you that

you should queue first?”

“You kicked me! How could you do that! You’re an adult, yet you bully children like me!” How

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shameless!” He wailed and yelled on the ground, throwing a tantrum.

“Get in there and play.” Jacob looked at his daughter lovingly.

Heidi looked at the plump boy and pursed her lips before nodding and running into the castle quickly.

As soon as Jacob heard her squeals of laughter, he smiled widely.

However, the boy was still throwing a tantrum, so he frowned and threw a sharp look at him.

With just a look, he was so taken aback that he stopped crying and wailing at once. Instead, he got to

his feet and slowly walked to the entrance of the room.

What a useless boy! If he were my son, I would teach him a good lesson! Jacob shook his head.

A few minutes later, on the 21st floor of The Pavillion, Moira, who was dressed in white, spoke gently to

a man sitting opposite her.

“What a coincidence to meet you here! Are you here for the charity auction as well?”

Jonah Zabinski, who Jacob had assumed was in the human trafficking industry, looked back at Moira

intently as he replied, “What about you? Who did you come here with?”

“My boss,” she replied without a second thought. “I couldn’t reject it. But my boss is a great person who

gave me a half-day leave, and I could even shop for clothes and claim the expenses from the


“It seems like your boss is a good person indeed.” Jonah’s smile became slightly tense. “But isn’t he

being too nice? We have known each other for quite some time now, yet you refuse to accept the dress

I gave to you the other day!”

Looking at the feigned smile on Jonah’s face, Moira rolled her eyes. “What are you thinking? My boss

is a woman!”

“Is she?” As the surprise faded, Jonah looked overjoyed. “That’s good. Now I’m relieved.”

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However, Moira teased, “What for? It’s none of your business if my boss is a man or a woman, is it?”

“How could you say that?” Jonah stared into Moira’ beautiful eyes as he was about to break the

platonic bridge between them.

However, at this moment, a sudden commotion rose in the inner part of the cafe.

“Dear, you shouldn’t pay attention to only your business! Our son was being bullied by someone! Head

over to the 16th floor right now!”

A young woman, wearing expensive jewelry and thick makeup, was calling her husband while a few

other similarly dressed women followed her as she walked away angrily.

“I wonder which suicidal fellow dared to antagonize her!” Jonah shook his head as the group of rich

women disappeared around the corner.

“Is she someone impressive?” Moira asked after retracting her gaze.

“Well, probably. She’s Yuna Fest – her husband is only the CEO of Perennial Group, and her father,

Benny Fest, is just a nobody,” he said with a twinkle of sarcasm in his eyes.