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The Mating Run by Leeka

Chapter 72
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Zeke's POV In His Eyes: Indifference With Ettie unconscious on her shoulder, Alina moves urgently, her footsteps echoing in the silence. With blood flowing from the wound on Ettie’s neck, | keep a vigilant eye and my hands poised, ensuring they remain steady and upright. The air feels heavy with tension as I trail behind them, my senses on edge, alert to any potential danger.

“Alina, what do you need?” As | ask, my words seem to dissipate in the stillness, unnoticed by her. All her attention is devoted to the critical mission of rescuing Ettie.

Alina guides Ettie to the makeshift bed in our dimly lit cabin, her movements gentle and deliberate. My eyes nervously flickered back and forth between the two women, uncertainty creeping into my thoughts. While | remain skeptical of the blonde woman, the intensity in Alina’s eyes is undeniable. | know that if | tell her to stop right now, she’s going to respond in a way that feels like she’s biting my head off, both figuratively and literally.

Alina’s face was cast in shadows by the dim light, her features taking on a more serious and intense expression. | can tell that the task requires her complete concentration by the deep lines etched on her forehead. The rawness of her commitment is undeniably beautiful.

With each passing moment, Alina’s focus intensifies, her determination growing stronger. With steady hands, she carefully tends to the grueswound, never wavering. The tension in the air was palpable, and the only sound that could be heard was the irregular breaths escaping Ettie’s unconscious body. With precision, Alina’s hands swiftly retrieve a nearby first aid kit. She starts working on the wound, meticulously cleaning it to prevent infection.

Tseems to stretch endlessly as Alina works tirelessly. Every gesture she makes is filled with purpose and fueled by an invisible, inner strength. The air is IVIL In His Eyes: Indifference heavy with the distinct metallic scent of blood. Finally, Alina steps back, her sweat-drenched face showing a mix of exhaustion and determination as her eyes finally meet mine. | see a myriad of emotions reflected in her eyes - relief, exhaustion, and an unwavering determination. The makeshift bandage on Ettie’s neck, though rough, was tightly wrapped to stop the bleeding.

“I think she’ll be okay, for now,” Alina says, her voice hoarse, and | realize the toll this improvised operation has taken on her. “But we have to get her out of here or she’s going to die.” No matter how much | desire to give her a reassuring and accurate answer, | am unable to do so. And from the sorrowful expression on Alina’s face, it is evident that she is aware of my inability to do the same.

“You know we can’t leave until the gis over or until Ettie finds a mate.” A soft sigh escapes Alina’s lips, a silent admission of the seriousness of our situation. With care, she reaches Ettie’s side, where she lies unconscious on the bed, and softly runs her hand along her face. It was a gesture that stirred a sense of familiarity, evoking a history that eluded my understanding.

“We'll get you out of here,” Alina assures her, her gaze shifting from Ettie to meet mine. “We will, won't we?” The unspoken emotions hang thickly in the air, and | can feel the dryness of my lips as | prepare to speak. “We'll do our best.” A quiet request follows.

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“Helpclean up.” Together, we set to work, the task at hand offering a temporary escape from the feral, unconscious woman lying on the bed, who was once her closest companion. As we painstakingly scrub away the remnants of Ettie’s blood on the ground, | steal occasional glances at Alina, trying to gauge her emotions. | observe Alina’s unwavering commitment to the task as she stands with her back turned to me. However, her subtle glances towards Ettie evoke a confusing blend of bitter resentment and almost jealousy in me.

2/8 18:41 Mon, 11 Mar In His Eyes Indifference Alina’s dedication to Ettie remains steadfast, even after she lost her memories, mirroring their bond from the past. A stark contrast to the uncertain ground on which our relationship now stands.

“Zeke,” Alina’s voice breaks through the tumultuous thoughts swirling in my mind. “Handthe rag, please.” | hand her the rag, and | watch again as Alina moves closer to the bed, wiping the blood that got on Ettie’s legs.

The tenderness in her actions was undeniable as she went about her tasks, taking extra care to ensure Ettie remained undisturbed.

“Thank you,” Alina says, breaking the quiet as she surveys our handiwork. “It feels better in here.” “...Yeah.” As | watch, Alina leisurely strolls over to her friend and takes a seat right next to her. Without hesitation, Alina begins to run her fingers through her friend's hair, as if it were second nature to her. The act was so intimate that | wondered if she had forgotten | was even in the sroom. My attention is fixated on Alina’s graceful movements, the way her eyes delicately caress Ettie’s calm features, causing a knot to form in the pit of my stomach.

Unable to ignore my mounting unease any longer, | finally gather the courage to break the fragile serenity of the moment with my words.

“What do we do with her when she wakes up?” Alina glances at me, confusion etching lines across her forehead.

“What do you mean by that, Zeke?” | can feel my frustration building up inside me, and eventually, | can’t help but speak my mind. | wish | didn’t sound so consumed by jealousy, the sound echoing in my own ears.

“I mean, what's the plan? Are we just going to act like nothing happened? Like she didn’t try to kill me?” 3/8 f 18:41 Mon, 11 Mar 7 O In His Eyes Indifference “She was just confused.” Alina’s eyes narrow, a spark of anger flickering within them. “This shouldn't even be up for discussion. We take care of her. She’s my best friend.” | feel a sudden chill down my spine, which only adds to the growing heat of my anger. in disbelief, | shake my head while a forced chuckle of anger escapes from my lips.

“Alina, she tried to strangle me.” “Ettie’s not herself right now. We can’t abandon her!” “She might not be herself, but she’s dangerous. What if she attacks again?” | slam a hand over my chest, appalled by Alina’s reaction, as if | had physically punched her. “What if she decides to attack you instead ofthe next time?” With a glare, Alina locks eyes with me, her jaw visibly tense.

“I don’t know about you, but | don’t abandon the people | care about, no matter what.” | take a step closer to Alina, my frustration escalating into anger. “Alina, | care about you. | care about us. But | can’t just act like nothing happened.” “Zeke, you're not thinking straight. Ettie needs us.” “I'm not thinking straight?!” Taking a step back, | let out a mocking laugh as if she had just cracked a joke. “What about us, Alina? What about our safety?” “Our safety matters, but not at the cost of abandoning someone | care about,” Alina takes a deep breath, her anger dissipating as a strong determination takes its place. “You want an answer? Fine. We find a way to help Ettie without hurting her. That's what we do.” “I can’t believe you're putting her needs above ours,” I.throw my hands up frustration. “She tried to kill me, Alina!” in “And | can’t believe you're willing to abandon my friend in need!” Alina screams 4/8 MORE IT WICH In His Eyes Indifference back, her voice echoing through the cabin as her eyes burn with unshed tears out of anger. In an instant, my anger vanishes, and all | can think about is approaching her and pleading for her forgiveness. Alina’s throat clears, and she averts her eyes from me, pinching the bridge of her nose in discomfort. “She’s not herself, Zeke.

We help her, and we do it together.” Just as I'm about to speak, Alina beatsto it, her words filling the air before mine can escape.

Alina’s focus shifts fromto Ettie, her eyes unwavering.

“I need stalone, Zeke. Please. Get out.” “I won't.” | tell her, eyes on Ettie. “You can be mad atall you want, but | won't leave you alone with her.” | could see in Alina’s eyes that she recognized the seriousness of my words. Without a word, she turns away fromand begins to sob. As much as | want to comfort her, | don’t want her to think that I'm agreeing with what she wants. She can have anything she wants from me, as long as her well-being is not compromised.

Silence lingered in the air, thick and tangible, following the intense exchange of emotions between Alina and me.

Her tears fell softly, filling the room with our conflicting feelings. It’s been intense, but now there's this weird calmness in the air.

With her shoulders hunched, Alina’s tear-streaked cheeks are visible to me. The gap between us has grown wider, and | yearn to utter words, any words, to mend it. But | can’t find the right words to say because of all the tension between us.

As | contemplate the fractured space between us, a sound breaks the oppressive quiet-a soft rumbling, like distant thunder. At first, | mistook it for the low growl of an animal just outside the cabin. But then it returns, impossible to ignore and utterly tangible-the rumbling of her hungry stomach.

| turn my gaze toward Alina, her stomach growling loudly. | catch a glimpse of her downcast eyes, intentionally avoiding mine, and a wave of guilt washes over me. She must be upset, her growling stomach a testament to her hunger, while | sit here 5/8 In His Eyes Indifference like an unspoken observer.

In an attempt to break the heavy silence, | find myself drawn towards the table, where a basket of ripe fruits, generously provided by a sponsor days ago, beckons me. Apples. oranges, and a bunch of grapes. As | pluck a couple of fruits, | cautiously approach Alina, carefully offering them to her. | notice that she avoids making eye contact with me, her attention seemingly fixated on something in the distance. I clear my throat, shattering the stillness that hangs in the air.

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“You should eat something.” She remains silent, her attention solely focused on the enticing fruits in my outstretched hand. | worry for a moment that she might reject the offer, but then her stomach growls again, the sound echoing through the cabin, a clear indication of her hunger.

With a hesitant gesture, Alina accepts the fruits from my outstretched hand. It's a wordless exchange, where our eyes do all the talking. She murmurs a quiet response, barely audible, as | slowly back away to allow her sspace.

“Thank you.” I nod, acknowledging her gratitude, and discreetly make my way to a corner of the room, granting her the solitude she appears to desire. The soft crunching sound of her biting into an apple punctuates the stillness. | watch her from a distance, the dance of shadows playing on her face as she consumes the fruit in silence.

Minutes pass by, and the only sounds that break the silence in the room are the occasional faint whispers of the forest outside. With the last bite of the apple, Alina looks up at me. Her eyes, once clouded with tears, now hold a flicker of something else-resignation, perhaps. | offer a slight smile, attempting to convey a silent understanding.

Silently, Alina stood up and gracefully settled beside me. | sensed her presence before | saw her, the subtle shift in the air tellingthat she was approaching. My body remained motionless, but | could feel a slight tension in my muscles as she settled down and leaned her head against my shoulder.

6/8 | could feel her warmth seeping into my skin, comforting and soothing. Unsure of how to navigate this newfound closeness, | couldn't help but feel a slight tension Her voice, a gentle murmur, broke the silence of the tranquil cabin.

“Im sorry for everything. But | need you to understand. | can’t just leave Ettie like that. | would hate myself if | let her die when I have all the means to stop it.” | wanted to be angry, to demand that she prioritize our relationship over Ettie’s well-being. Still, there was an undeniable sincerity in her plea that | couldn't ignore. Lexhaled heavily, my breath becoming one with the heavy, uneasy atmosphere in the room a “... just don’t want to see you hurt. The bitch- sorry. | mean, she tried to kill She shifted beside me, the subtle rustling of fabric echoing her restlessness.

“Zeke, | get it. | do. But Ettie’s not herself. Something happened to her, and she’s not in control. | can’t abandon her now, not when she needs us the most.” “...I can’t promise that I'll be okay with this.” For a brief moment, she said nothing, her gaze unwavering. Then, she took a deep breath, her words escaping her lips like a gentle whisper.

“I know it’s not easy, and | can’t ask you to accept it right away. But please, try to understand. Please?” Initially, | choose to stay quiet, but eventually, | release a sigh and tenderly press my lips against the side of her head.

Then, I lie.
