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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 61
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Marry a stranger

The hall was in total silence after what Peach had said, and everyone was still staring at her, some with

looks or disdain and others with expressions that showed their disbeliel.

Sighing, Madam Jewel shook her head slowly and said, sounding disappointed, “Mr. Meeks, give her the


“‘Yes… I will get it from my car now.” Lawyer Meeks hastily replied, looking slightly nervous, and Elijah

caught onto it quickly, smirking faintly at the sight of his shaky gaze.

Something was off about him, and Elijah could sense it, and his gaze followed Meeks as he walked off,

holding back his desire to follow the lawyer and question him.

“Do you think I will lie on my late husband’s name, especially on the day he passed… Am I that of a

monster to you, Peach…” Madam Jewel cried, tears streaming down her face, as she placed a hand on

her mouth in grief, drawing Elijah’s attention back to her, and his expression hardened.

With not a single care in her eyes and a numb expression, Peach shrugged and said, “I just want to

know the whole truth.”

Seeing that guests were expressing their disbelief at Peach’s behavior towards Madam Jewel through

their whispers, Dean approached his mother, placed a hand on her back, and glared at Elijah. “Why are

you here?! I don’t remember us inviting a bastard like you into our home..” Dean snapped, glaring at

Elijah, and guests’ gazes were immediately focused on him as they began whispering amongst each

other. Immediately. Matt grew tense, ready to defend his boss, but holding off speaking or taking action

because neither Elijah nor Peach seemed threatened by the sight of Dean, and he didn’t want to act

unless the situation forced him to do so, “Terry, come and get this idiot out of my mother’s sight. He

doesn’t deserve to be in the midst of important humans.” Dean mocked, gaining a couple of laughs from

some of the guests. Looking into Dean’s eyes, Elijah gave fum a stiff smile that made him flinch a little at

how intimidating one look from a dodger could carry such Intense pressure

“Who made such a rule, that Elijah is not as important as any of us here, huh uncle?” Peach retorted, her

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eyes turning hard as she stared at Dean’s cold expression when he looked at her.” What you want to hit

me again make me bleed from my lip like before_ teach me the lesson that my late father didn’l train


The bitterness in her voice was evident, along with the resentment, and it was clear she meant ‘V’ry word

she sald as a faint smirk appeared on her lips when she asked casually, “Huh, unile or you want to do

more than that.. beat nie.” “Pearl” Madam Jewel Interrupted loudly. glancing up at her daughter

anxiously, worried by the look her un was getting froin others

What Grandma? Why are you acting like you weren’t there when he raised his hand on me How could

you forget so quickly the sight of blood pulling from my lips?” “Nop.”

The room lell silent once more as people shifted uncomfortably, looking at Dean with contempt, and he

clearly heard someone say, “How could he be so cruel… her father is dead, and he dared do something

so horrible to her?!”

“You’re right, and it shows he is completely ruthless…. how can he possibly hit a girl tül she bleeds… As

a father mysell, that just makes me sick,” another person agreed, and Dean clenched his jaw tightly as

rage filled his veins.

Eyeing her husband with a look of worry on her face, Patricia sighed and said, “And just like that Peach

is becoming more rebellious by the minute! Can your mother tame such a wild creature?”

“We just need to get her in our grip. She will break. Trust me, we will damage that feral spirit of hers and

teach her her place in this family if she continues acting insolent in front of us. She’ll learn respect one

way or another, whether it be physically or inentally.” Tommy stated boldly as he folded his arts across liis


Frowtung in rage, Martha looked at Peach and whispered, clutching her skirt, “How dare she provoke

such a humiliation for my husband. That brat has no respect towards hier elders, and that’s why she

caused such a great coinmotion!” As her face squeezed in disgust, Jessica look her attention off Peach

and looked at Melina, saying, “I don’t like your cousin or care what happens to her, but I begged my

father for days to maintain my friendship with you, and if he finds out this. how violent your father is, i

don’t thunk he will want me near you again.”

“Peach is a liar! My father never laid his hands on me, so why would he do something to hurt her?”

Melina asked with narrowed eyes, looking angry

“Then why is he just standing there like a dummy and not defending himself against her outrageous

accusation?” Becky inquired angrily.

“Yeah,” Tracy said, nodding in agreement with Becky. Feeling like her friends were ganging up on her,

Melina gritted her teeth as she thought, it’s all this bitch laulu… Why is she standing up for my sorry ass

ex and causing trouble for my father! He has nothing to offer her that is worth anything, except his body’

“And just like that. We are off to a disastrous start! All because of her!” Matthew spat furiously, glaring

fiercely at Peach as he drank his shol “I say, Mother should just forget about Peach and ignore her like

before I don’t see anything good in bringing her back into this family if this is the start of it all.”

** Mother is not the type to back down easily from anyone, especially when soincone disrespects her.

Peach doesn’t know what she has gotten herself into and I’m sure her attitude is going to bite her deep in

the ass,


The whispering from around the room madde Madam Jiwel enraged from within, but on the surik dhe

forced herself to relax, trying to act like everything was okay between her and Prach, despite loowing thal

it wasn’t Glaring ut Terry. As he approarhat Elijah, Madam lielforced a smalle.Ind sald, “La Elijah be He’s

a guest of this lamily, invited by my granddaughter

Shock, Elijah looked up at Madam Jewel with widened eyes as she smiled at him in a friendly manner,

and in that instant, he knew the exact door that Peach could open for him, and a sense of dilemma

overcame him, guilt or vengeance. “Mr. Meeks!” Madam Jewel called out as he entered the hall again,

trying to shift people’s attention off Peach’s accusation and back to the main reason she hosted this party

in the first place.

And her plan worked, and guests turned their gazes toward Mr. Meeks… After all the Hayes had power

and most of their evil deeds get swept under the rug and pretentiously get forgotten by others.

“I have the will your grandfather addressed to you, Peach.” Mr. Meeks said, his voice a little bit shaky

after he stopped and looked into her eyes. When he handed the folder to her, Peach accepted it without

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batting an eyelash, opening it and reading the contents, and when her eyes scanned through it, and she

read the final paragraphs of the document, her brows furrowed deeply, but then she recognized her

grandfather’s signature

Adrop of tear fell from her eyes and hit the paper, making a small stain, and she whispered,” Why would

he leave such a harsh decision for me.”

“Do you believe me now – Peach, honey, all your grandfather ever wanted for you is to settle down and

take over his business…” Madam Jewel murmured, wiping away a few stray tears from Peach checks

But she was too emotional to care about Madam Jewel’s fake cancer as she traced her linger over her

grandfather’s signature and thought, ‘I thought you trusted me. You said that I was the only one you

trusted the most with your heart you told me so in the hospital, so why did you demand such a thing from

me.’ A sense of disbelief overwhelmed Elijah’s heart as he stared at Peach tears dropped into the paper,

feeling hesitant about his thoughts “Mother got her.” Cora whispered to Amelia

Her sister faintly smiled and nodded, as she watched Peach continue crying as she ran her fingers over

the papers, and multered. It’s a good thing mother knows how to lake lather’s signature, or else that

loafer was going to make it hard for Peach to believe her”

Gently tugging Peach’s loose hair behind her car, Madam Jewel then caressed her cheek and wid, “I just

want to fulfill my late husband’s dying wishes, and you are the last and trompirte That’s why I hope you

can expect the arranged marnage that I have set up between you and Michael It seems like a perfect

match. I promise ** Who the luck is Michel Elijah growled inside his mind, anger filling his veins, and he

rouldn’help but clench his fists at his sides

“Who the herkis M

Pe.ch blurted out in shock, raising her head from the document Ti dinhel and staring at Mwam, her we

filled witli both anger and bewilderent

Thor Whitlock lamily were among iho pusta Mixtam lowel invited, and when Michael Whitlock heard the

amayan in Prah’a vulce when identioned his w, his fane contorted in displeasure

“He’s from a decent family and he is a promising young man, with excellent skills and a brilliant future

ahead of him, If you are interested in pursuing him in marriage_” Madam Jewel replied smoothly

“Seriously.. you want me to marry a stranger?!” Peach exclaimed Incredulously, shaking her head rapidly,

and the color drained from her face when she realized where the conversation was heading