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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 30
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A criminal

In less than a second, security came rushing towards Elijah and this dude because of the commotion this

guy was creating, and Matt quickly stood in a defensive position, ready to take care of whoever dared to

attack his boss if things went awry.

“What is going on here?” The security guard asked angrily as he stopped right next to Elijah.

“This thief stole someone’s invitation to the League private club and is using it to get access and benefits

of the membership. I suggest that you arrest him!” The guy barked, pointing an accusing finger at Elijah.

“Sir, you are.”

“We all know he’s Melina’s, cheating, good for nothing, ex-stay-at-home husband. There’s no way he can

afford to get into such a club… Hell, I have been trying to get into that club for years now.”


And you think this idiot here can get in?! He must have stolen that from someone else or he used a fake

one. Either way, I demand the arrest of this criminal!” Frowning, Matt clutched his fist as he glared at the

man, then mumbled beneath his breath,” Who is this dickhead calling, ‘Idiot?’ Criminal?’ Haha, does he

think I would not knock the shit out of him for disrespecting my boss just because we are in public?!”

People started whispering amongst themselves as they watched the scene unfold with wide eyes and

that only hyped this dude up more.

Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, the security looked at the guy and said, “We would like to

see this matter resolved as much as you do, but we need you to calm down now, and let the receptionist

check the records.” “What’s the need of checking when it already proves that this man has the card, and

he is not qualified to have such a membership! You should be investigating this matter and toss this

scum out before he does more than steal a card.” The fellow stated with an angry sneer.

Deciding that he had had enough of this piece of garbage speaking nonsense about his boss, Matt

couldn’t wait any longer and stepped forward, but Elijah gave him a side-eye, warning him to stand

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With a restless look in his expression, the guy continued loudly, “You are wasting time here, why don’t

you just go ahead and put this thief behind bars? It might save us all some trouble.”

Suddenly, the receptionist looked at Elijah with an apologetic expression on her face and said, “I am so

sorry, Sir. Mr. Checks have been waiting for you for like fifteen minutes now.” The dude’s face turned

blank when he heard the level of respect in the receptionist’s voice for Elijah, making him raise his brow

in surprise. Looking away after Elijah nodded, the lady gazed at the securities and said, “Please escort

Mr. Glenn out of the premises. He is attacking guests and it’s a direct violation of our policies.”

The look of shock on Glenn’s face and the dumbfounded expression he wore when he heard those

words were amusing, to say the least, but Elijah managed to keep his composure.

“Your membership to this hotel will be revoked, and you are not allowed to set foot inside the building

again unless authorized because we don’t condone bullying against other guests or patrons within our

grounds.” The receptionist finished sternly.

The security glared at Glenn, and he knew they were about to escort him out, so to avoid more

embarrassment, he shoved his hands into liis pocket and started walking away feeling others’ eyes on

him and the weight of embarrassment hitting him hard.

After watching him walk out of the glass door, the Receptionist looked at one of the security and said,

“Can you please escort Mr. Darius to the private room?”

“Yes,” The security said humbly, before looking at Elijah. “Please follow me, Sir.”

“Thanks,” Elijah mumbled, staring at the security’s back as he escorted him and Matt away.

When they got to the private room area which had a balcony, a large pool area, and a bar, Elijah’s gaze

rested on Bryan, seated inside with a glass of whiskey in front of him.

“Excuse me,” The security said and then walked out of the area.

“Ahha,” Bryan uttered as he suddenly looked back at Elijah’s unreadable face. “You didn’t keep me

waiting as I thought you would, even though you are five minutes late.”

“I had an issue at the front desk,” Elijah answered simply.

Laughing softly, Bryan looked down at his whiskey and shrugged, mumbling, “I see. Honestly, I thought

you would have stood me up.”!!

“For a man with such a high reputation, you show worry a lot about a ‘nobody’ like me. Why is that?”

Elijah asked casually, sitting opposite Bryan.

Another faint chuckle echoed from his lips, but this time, Elijah could hear genuine amusement coming

from his voice. “That’s a little personal, but I guess…. It’s just natural to be generous to someone I take a

liking to.” Bryan answered, leaning back onto his chair, and looking at Elijah.

“Bullcrap. Hit me with a different reason, because if you are just doing this out of concern for someone

you don’t know, I’m not buying it.” Elijah replied, raising a brow.

Bryan smiled faintly and took a sip of his drink before sighing, shaking his head slightly, and saying,

“Honestly, I have been way too into your business recently, and I know you paid Grace Hayes’s hospital

bill. Why? What do you stand to gain from helping total strangers?”

“I see what you are doing,” Elijah said bluntly, narrowing his eyes at Bryan and crossing his arms in front

of his chest.

“Are you just helping two strangers out of concern? Should I not buy that explanation? Should I believe

the news about Peach and you then?” “We both know there is more to your interest in me… You see,

you are not the only person who did some digging into someone’s business. So, we can spin this

conversation with either the truth or lies.”

It fell silent between them for a while until Bryan rested back against the leather armrest, taking another

sip from his whiskey glass and then saying, “How did the only heir of the Maxwell’s become a nobody in

another man’s country?”

Staring into each other’s eyes, Elijah finally gave a half-smile and said, “I guess we are spinning this

conversation with the truth then. But answer me… What do you stand to gain from helping me?”

“Syldavia doesn’t know what they got, but us, from Bordoria, know. Considering how enormous of a

country Bordoria is compared to Syldavia, I am not confused that they don’t know who they are dealing

with.” Biyan explained, leaning forward in his chair and giving his full attention to Elijah, waiting for his

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response “And you know who you are dealing with?” “Yes, I attended a fundraiser once with my

grandfather when I went back home, and that’s when I was lucky to spot the hire of the Maxwell family

with his mother and father… You were much younger then.”

“Hmm, I see.”

“My mother is from here, but I visited my grandfather often, even after moving on this end to start a

branch of our company… He’s a big fan of your father… My grandfather…”

“Well, that’s not the first.”

“I wasn’t kidding when I said that you are someone I want on my side. That’s the catch.” Both men drew

back into a silent moment, watching each other’s eyes while drowning in their thoughts.

“Even after all that you have said, why would I trust you?” Elijah asked seriously. “I don’t ask for your

trust. I just need you to use me, however, you need to, but remember me too, in my troubled days when I

need your help. And that’s enough for me.”

“You make it sound like a millionaire like you, needing my help is a simple thing, but we both know a rich

man’s problem is not always easy to solve,” Elijah told him, tilting his head to the side and narrowing his


Frowning, Elijah looked at his untouched wine glass and said, “It can get messy, so why should I

entangle myself in a future minefield that I don’t know when it will explode.”

“I don’t know what game you are playing in Syldavia, but I have a good connection, power, and influence

with the right people here. My friends and allies could help you in ways that no one else could, and if you

help me, we’ll both benefit greatly.” Bryan explained earnestly, smiling lightly. Looking over at Matt, Elijah

stared calmly, but his eyes told Matt that he might consider Bryan’s offer.

“Until I can find up that you haven’t gotten yourself into some deep shit, I will not work with you,” Elijah

said firmly, turning his gaze back to Bryan.

Trust is a very complex thing and one that cannot be easily gained through words alone. Elijah knew this

better than anyone, and he wasn’t going to risk getting himself involved with Bryan when he didn’t know

if there is a wolf under all those wools.