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The Man's Decree

Chapter 3971
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If Juliet doesn't know the fire fusion technique, I'll have to see Gael! Datook my money, so he has to help me! "In fact, if I want to, I can arrange for you to see Mr. Ortiz. However, Mr. Ortiz is seriously ill and often mad, so even if you see him, it won't be useful if he's not lucid." Daglanced at Jared and revealed the truth.

"What? Mr. Ortiz has gone mad?" Jared was shocked.

Isn't this settingup? If he'd toldMr. Ortiz was mad earlier, I might not have come! I also wasted so many resources and money! "Don't worry, Mr. Ortiz isn't always delirious. It's only occasionally. No one knows why he suddenly beclike this. Because of this, he was forced to retire and let Harlan becthe acting sect leader," Daexplained hurriedly when he saw Jared's expression.

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Standing nearby, Judd was puzzled. Why is Master explaining things to Axel? Could it be...

After glancing at Daand Jared, Judd could roughly guess what was going on.

Judging from Jared's generous behavior, it seemed he had spent a lot of money on Dato be brought into the Violet FlSect.

"Acting sect leader? So Harlan isn't the true sect leader?" Jared asked curiously.

"Of course not. The true sect leader needs to be recognized by the Divine FlSeal. Harlan doesn't have it yet. Before Mr. Ortiz went mad, he showed signs of it. So, he placed the Divine FlSeal into Divine FlMountain. Now, without opening Divine FlMountain, Harlan can't get the Divine FlSeal. We've always suspected that Mr. Ortiz's illness is related to Harlan, but without evidence, we can't say anything," Daexplained thoroughly "Divine FlSeal? Divine FlMountain? What are these things? And there's no mountain around here. It's just barren all around, right?" Jared asked, puzzled.

Dachuckled. "You'll understand when Divine FlMountain is opened. After Mr. Ortiz went mad, only Mr. Cunningham could open Divine FlMountain with the formation plate. Mr. Cunningham is impartial and upright, so he won't open it easily. Otherwise, Harlan would have already had him open it to seize the Divine FlSeal." Jared was surprised by how many secrets the Violet FlSect held.

"So anyone who gets the Divine FlSeal can becthe sect leader?" Jared asked.

"Not exactly. The Divine FlSeal must recognize its master. To becthe sect leader of the Violet FlSect, one must possess two kinds of demonic fire, which already disqualifies many. Many elders don't even have the violaceus flame. Even with two types of demonic flames, you still need to make the Divine FlSeal recognize you as its master. As for the method of recognition, that's top secret. I don't even know it, so what use would it be for someone else to get their hands on the Divine FlSeal?" Darevealed.

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Listening to their conversation, Judd was shocked. Even as a deacon, he was oblivious of many things.

These were secrets of the Violet FlSect, and now Dawas m telling them all to Jared! The content Jared! is on novelenglish.net! It showed how much Dahad benefited from Jared.

"So, only Harlan can becthe sect leader if he gets the Divine FlSeal?"

After all, Harlan was now the head of the house, and he also had the m violaceus flame. It was believed that eus flamedt Whow he knew how to make the Divine FlSeal recognize him as its master.

oth now "Not necessarily. Juliet, Mr. Ortiz's daughter, is also eligible. However, Juliet lacks the strength now and has been training hard rarely seen. Since Mr. Ortiz went mad, Juliet has been even more diligent, spending all her tin the spiritual energy pool. If it weren't for my position, you wouldn't even dream of seeing her," Dasaid.