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The Man's Decree

Chapter 3920
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Chapter 3920 Gift Blinds The Eyes Jared instructed Cloud and Feenix to stay in Imperial Fox City for a while. He then followed Dato the Violet FlSect.

The terrain of the central region differed significantly from the southern region, with fewer mountains and mostly plains.

As they got closer to the Violet FlSect, the temperature began to rise, and a vast expanse of desert cinto view.

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Jared was puzzled about why the Violet FlSect would build their sect in such a harsh desert environment as it seemed too difficult to endure.

Soon, Jared saw a vast expanse of buildings in the desert, intricately designed and grand.

At a glance, he noticed the orderly arrangement of the buildings' tiers.

"Mr. Chadwick, this is the Violet FlSect. If you want to beca disciple, you must pass the assessment," Daexplained. "See those buildings over there? The closer to the center, the higher the disciples' ranks. The outermost buildings are for outer court disciples, and you need to start by being assessed as an outer court disciple." Jared, now going by the nAxel Chadwick, furrowed his brow and asked, "Mr. Barclay, do I really have to start from the outer court disciple assessment? Can't I directly take the inner court disciple test?" If I need to take the outer court test, how long will it take forto becthe senior disciple of Violet FlSect and meet Mr. Ortiz? Dalooked at Jared hesitantly and stammered, "Well, it's not impossible, but..." Jared immediately understood Dario's implication. It was clear he wanted a bribe.

Although Jared found this greedy behavior distasteful, he had no choice since he needed Dario's help.

Jared took out smystical herbs, spiritual stones, and a large bag of purple spirit coins from his storage ring. "Mr. Barclay, this is all I have right now. Please accept these. Once I becan official disciple of the Violet FlSect, I won't forget your kindness," Jared said. “I just arrived here and am unfamiliar with the place. I'll need your guidance in the future." Jared handed all the items to Daobediently.

Dario's eyes lit up at the sight of the offerings. “Mr. Chadwick, you're too polite. If you need anything in the Violet FlSect, just cto me. I'm not an elder for nothing," he said with a broad smile. “I have a good relationship with the Fox Queen, and since you're her friend, of course, I'll take care of you. Just follow me, and you can skip the outer court disciple assessment." As the saying goes, "gift blinds the eyes." With Jared's gifts in hand, Dabecmuch more agreeable.

He and Jared floated in mid-air as he explained the layout of the Violet FlSect. “See those two large clusters of buildings in the front? Those are for outer court disciples. Only the buildings further in are for inner court disciples. The middle section houses the higher-ups of the sect, and the back is for Mr. Ortiz's family. Since the recent transition between the old and new sect masters, there's still much to be handled within the sect." He added, "For a new disciple like you, remember not to snoop around or offend anyone. Focus on your cultivation, and you'll eventually get a chance to meet the old sect master." "Got it." Jared nodded in understanding.

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The two descended from the sky and entered through the main gate of the Violet FlSect.

Despite being in the middle of a desert, the interior of the sect had no sand. There were green trees and even small fountains.

The ability to construct such large-scale structures in the desert, complete with green trees and fountains, clearly demonstrated the substantial wealth of the Violet FlSect. Daled Jared through the Violet FlSect without any hindrance.

The outer court disciples guarding the sect's entrance dared not stop an elder. Daguided Jared past two massive building complexes, arriving at the inner court disciples' area. X