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The Man's Decree

Chapter 3915
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Chapter 3915 The Banquet Upon seeing Jared step out, Cloud informed him, "Mr. Chance, we're almost at Imperial Fox City!" Jared nodded, then moved closer to the porthole. Indeed, a city had appeared before him.

The city was vast, its expanse not any smaller than that of Imperial Beast City.

Catina, her legs aching slightly, walked over and asked with a smug expression, "Well, what do you think? My city isn't small, is it? From now on, you will be the master of this city!" Catina leaned against Jared's shoulder, gazing down at Imperial Fox City as she spoke.

Jared had never imagined that Catina, a Seventh Level Tribulator, could actually conquer such a vast expanse of territory.

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The airship gently descended onto a plaza in Imperial Fox City.

A large group of beastmen had gathered around, seemingly very unfamiliar and curious about the airship. "Move away! Everyone, move aside..." Following that loud roar, a squad of soldiers clad in armor charged forward, encircling the airship.

One of them, donned in a golden helmet and gripping a longsword, was warily watching the airship.

Pointing at the person wearing the golden helmet, Catina explained, "This is my guard captain, Knox!" Jared glanced at Knox and casually remarked, "He's stronger than you. Do you really think he'd willingly let you boss him around?" "Hehe, and that's why I'm amazing," she said.

With a smile, Catina instructed Cloud to open the airship's cabin door.

Upon seeing the cabin door swing open, Knox instantly becalert. However, when he recognized it was Catina descending, his eyes instantly lit up.

"Fox Queen, you're back!" Knox hurriedly stepped forward, assisting Catina as she descended.

Upon witnessing the scene, those around immediately fell to their knees, exclaiming in unison, “Long live Fox Queen!" Noticing Jared and the others appeared somewhat stunned, Catina urged with a smile, "Con down, you guys!" Jared, accompanied by Cloud and Feenix, finally disembarked from the airship.

"Fox Queen, who are these people?" Knox watched Jared and his group, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"They are my friends!" Catina replied.

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Knox didn't say anything else but instead ordered his men to prepare the carriage to return to the palace. Catina's palace was far more lavish than Yuven's. After all, females loved beautiful things! That evening, Catina hosted a grand party for Jared, Cloud, and Feenix.

There was no doubting Catina led a luxurious life in Imperial Fox City.

After all, as the queen of the city, she ruled supreme. She could do whatever she wanted here..

At the banquet, Catina turned to Knox and asked, "Knox, while I was away, did anyone from the Foster family cause any trouble?"

"Fox Queen, the Foster family hasn't caused any trouble. They seem to be preparing for something these past few days and have been gathering their forces. I think hink they're searching for someone named Jared Chance. I E heard that the Demon Seal Alliance issued a Decree of Execution, and they're even willing to reward a hundred-year offering. Right now, the entire Foster family is preoccupied with this matter. I even heard that an elder from the Demon Seal Alliance personally visited the Foster family, likely regarding the smatter," Knox said. Upon hearing this, Catina subtly glanced at Jared, then asked, "Where's Winona? I haven't seen her since I returned." "Winona has been out of town for quite a few days now, gathering herbs. She should be returning soon!" Knox responded.

Catina simply nodded, choosing not to say anything further.

After the banquet had ended, Jared, driven by curiosity, turned to Catina and asked "What's the connection between you and the Foster family? And who is this Winona?"

"The Foster family is considered a prominent clan in the central region. Moreover, they are a vassal family of the Demon Seal Alliance. They have attempted to collaborate with myn Imperial Fox City on numerous occasions. However, I have never agreed. The Demon Seal Alliance is no good, and now that they've issued. a Decree of Execution on you, there's no way I'll collaborate with them. As for Winona, she's a maid who has been withsince my childhood. She took care of me, and what's more, her medical skills are quite impressive," Catina meticulously explained.