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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 187
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Chapter 0178 ASHANTI'S POV.

I made a prayer of thanks in my heart to the moon goddess when I walked into the arena and saw no sign of Alpha Reagan. I want to be as far from him as possible until I learn to face his mean and cold behavior towardswithout bawling my eyes afterward.

Training with Delta Kyle was amazing as always even though there was Alina who tried to make my life miserable.

Nelly and I are still not on good footing. I also noticed she has grown quite close to Alina these days. They are like finger and nail here in the arena.

Good for her! (Note the sarcasm.) "Everyone, gather around me. There's an important announcement to be made." Kyle announces after the last duel for the day and everyone starts grumbling.

Training today has been very rigorous and I'm sure everyone is exhausted. For me, I just want home, shower, and sleep for the rest of the day.

to go Groaning, I pick up my backpack and go to join the others who have surrounded Delta Kyle to listen to what he has to say. Because I'm too tired, I squeeze my way through a group of guys and sit on the floor before Kyle. He looks down atand laughs.

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"This won't take long, I promise." I simply smile and nod my head. "Right..." He says, rubbing his palms together, his gaze drifting to each and everyone's faces. "The higher-ups have decided to host a competition among fighters in the pack.

"A competition?" A guy called Shawn, asks and Kyle nods at him.

"Yes Shawn, a competition." "What kind of competition?" That's me, craning my head up so I can have a better look at Kyle's handsface. "Well... the competition is mainly for entertainment." "Entertainment?" Alina scoffs. "As in fun?" "Yes, Alina. Entertainment as in fun. The higher-ups have seen how hard you all have been. training these past months to improve your combat skills and they want to organize an event where you guys can have fun and win amazing prizes." "We are Lycans, we don't do things just for the fun of it. Only werewolves do that. That's why they are weak and pathetic." She fires rudely and the entire hall goes dead silent. I heard her from behindso I turn my head in her direction and shoot her a piercing gaze. She sniggers 1/3 +15 BONUS at me. "That one hurt deep in your heart, didn't it, Ashanti?" I open my mouth to shut her up but close it.

It's not worth it.

I simply shake my head and look away, hoping Kyle will fight this battle for me.

"That's enough, Alina. You can make your point without insulting werewolves." Kyle calmly. tells her. I can hear her rolling her eyes behind me.

"I'm just trying to say organizing a competition for fun among fighters is a child's play." "Unfortunately for you, your opinion on this issue is like adding a drop of water to the ocean. Irrelevant. So, keep quiet and listen. Unless you wantto send you to the highest-ups. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to hear you disregard their idea of organizing a fun competition for their warriors." My head drops as I chuckle lightly.

Kyle never misses the opportunity to put her in her place.

"So, as I was saying. The competition. It'll be in two categories. The male and female. categories and only fighters from eighteen and above are allowed to participate. It's not compulsory." He's looking right pastand I know that point is for Alina. "If you don't want to be part of it, you are free to stand by and be a spectator. What do you guys think?" He asks and there's an outburst of confirmatory words from the men around.

They all like the idea.

"Good." Kyle continues. "The competition only involves duels between two people until there's a winner in each category. The higher-ups will be responsible for pairing you with your duel partners and the best three fighters in each category will receive handsrewards. So, anticipate something big." "Sounds cool." "Yeah. Also, there'll be two important guests present for the occasion. Alpha Morgan of the Creek Bay pack and Alpha Rowan of the Blue Diamond Pack. They'll be present to watch." "But those are enemy Alphas. They hate our Alpha Reagan, why invite them over?" Leonard asks unamused. Kyle simply shrugs his shoulders.

"I have no idea. But don't concern yourself with that. The higher-ups definitely know what they are doing. The competition will take place this weekend, so, throughout the week, there'll be no normal training sessions. You're to chere and train for the competition instead. You have till the end of today to decide if you want to be part of this or not. When we meet here tomorrow morning, I'll be getting the list of those who want to compete. The swill be done in the other training arenas and from there, the organizers will decide your duel partners and the list will be pasted here so you can see who your duel partners are and get to prepare better. More information about the competition will be divulged to you in the days ahead." He +15 BONUS stops talking and the men start murmuring again. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out toand ask. This session is over." The crowd around him disperses in little groups. I look around me, regretting why chose to sit down.

I can't seem to find a way to rise from here. I'm too tired.

"Need help?" I look and see an outstretched palm. The smiling face of Delta Kyle is what comes next when I look a bit higher up. I smile.

"Thank you.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I place my palm in his and he circles.

my fingers, pullingup to my feet m like I weigh less than nothing. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and smile even wider as I look at his face. "Thanks again." "You're welcome."

"Kyle." Alina interrupts our smiling contest. She marches towards her brother with a frown on her face. "I am not impressed with this whole competition saga." "Alina, it's simple. Go meet the higher-ups and express your disappointment to them directly. You know who they are and I'm sure you have access to them." "You know I can't do that!" "Then be quiet! Sheesh... you're always nagging about something." He shakes his head and walks away. Alina averts her burning gaze to my face which heats all my facial features.

This girl is a powerhouse of terror and intimidation.

Her aura is so dark, you just have to be in her presence to feel depressed.

"And you..." She finally addresses me. I swallow dryly.

"What about me?" "Make sure to hold out till the finals. I look forward to kicking your ass in public." She says confidently and I'm stricken by shock and surprise.

"Wait... a while ago you just expressed utter disappointment in the higher-ups for organizing this competition. I thought you were going to pass on it."

"And miss the chance to beat you up mercilessly in front of everyone? Never! See you at the finals" Rem usual wicked smirkish-smile forms on her lips as she whips her head around and sashays towards the door. She's not the least interested in the competition, but she's joining because she wants to beatin public.

She's obsessed with me.

Nothing can convinceotherwise.