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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7


I was on my usual evening run. The wind rustled through my pelt as I cut though the air.

On my left and right sides, the forestry blur because of my high speed of motion.

I was taking more time in my runs these past few days because of the issue weighing on my mind.

I can not forget the lady I spent a passionate night with.

I had been very lax with her so she used that opening in my defenses to slip away. I had indulged too

much in the pleasure of finding my mate.

I thought she knew I was her mate, I didn’t know that the next day she would be gone from my life as

suddenly as she entered it.

All my mind can generate are just her beautiful face and her lovely eyes. Everything about her amazed


To me, she was the best creation the moon goddess made. She was too perfect.

Lycans were considered a higher existence than werewolves. The moon goddess crated us as natural

born warriors but as our bloodlines were too powerful, we find it hard to find our mates.

My right hand man, Luca was so shocked when I gave him the task of finding her. His search came up


I had delayed my stay in the town I met her but it didn’t help matters. After I tasted the sensation of

having my destined mate in my arms, I couldn’t handle doing without her.

Sometimes, I doubted my charms. I thought shewolves preferred men who were handsome and

charismatic but my mate left without looking back.

Nothing was missing from the room so I knew she wasn’t like those girls that would abscond with the

possessions they could find after a person sleeps with them. She wasn’t interested in my wealth.

I howled to the moon in dissatisfaction before I headed back to the Lycan City.

I had wanted to wait for my mate in the town I met her for as long as I can but my official duties stopped

me. I could only stay for a maximum of two days.

I shifted back to my human form before freshening up.

I headed to my office to finish the paperwork that was half done.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

A knock sounded.

“Come in.” I didn’t lift my head from my work when I instructed whoever was at the door to come here


It was an unwritten rule. A lycan with issues to solve mustn’t come to me except it is very important.

Luca deals with the less important matters.

“Son, I came to visit you.” A sweet voice said.

I raised up my head when I heard my Mom’s voice.

A groan slipped past my lips when I saw she was with a petite girl.

This was the major reason why I don’t like my mom’s visits.

After I came back from the hellish training every lycan king has to go through, my mom went into a

matchmaking spree.

She kept bringing female lycans to bombard me. She wanted me to chose my future mate.

In the past, I just disliked it and I told her so. Now that I had found my destined mate, I hated her acts

even more.

If she wasn’t my mother, I would have acted against her.

I took a deep breath to calm my emotions so I would not lash out at her. “Mom, what are you doing

here?” I asked in a level voice.

My mom

“norted. “Can’t I visit my son again?”

I didn’t reply her words, I just stored at her impassively.

I did not want to hear her spiel on chosen mates and the likes.

“I heard you were looking for the woman you had a one night stand with. Don’t focus on those types of

women, they are whor es at their core.” My mom said with a frown, “Those kinds of women are only

interested in your power and money. Her game is for you to miss her and search for her.”

The beast in me made my eyes turn crimson in anger. The words my mother said about my mate made

me want to strangle her to death. I had

to curb the urge by digging my elongated nails into my palms.

“Don’t talk about her like that.” I growled as I stood up. The desk creaked under the weight of my


The sound cut through the atmosphere like a knife.

The aura of a lycan king spread from my body. It was supposed to be used to intimidate my foes but

now, I had to use it.

I didn’t like how my mother kept testing my bottom line every time.

“For the records, I would have preferred it if she was interested in my wealth and power. At least then,

she would have stayed by my side.” I said before sitting down.

“See?! She had already bewitched you! That girl knew what she was doing.” Myother acted like a cat

that had its tail stepped on.

I directed an intense stare at her.

“Leave.” I ordered before going back to my work.

“Look at this girl I brought. Her family background is good and she is strong. She is worthy of staying by

your side as your mate.” My mother’s words went in though one ear and came out in the other.

I was used to all her antics. I can’t count how many girls she had introduced to me.

When my mother saw I wasn’t giving her any chance to spout nonsense, she left with the girl that came

with her.

For some reason, the girl that came with my mom seemed to annoy me more than the others before


Since the day I met my mate, all females felt like they had lost their charm.

After I was done with the paperwork remaining, I went to my bedroom

to rest.

Lycans and werewolves can do without sleep but we still perform the …action.

As I laid on my bed, I couldn’t catch a wink of sleep. All I could think about was my runaway mate.

Her green eyes were expressive emeralds that could suck the souls of men away. Her face could

cause civil war because it draws people in with the mix of seduction and innocence it exudes.

I have heard about men going crazy because of women. I always thought

those men were weak and spineless people who wouldn’t go far in life but now, I am in the same


I feel like if she comes back to my side, I am willing to be in the same category as those men I


Memories of the night I shared with her kept surfacing in my mind. I regretted giving into my urges that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


I should have known her better. I should have asked for her name.

That night, all I cared about was becoming one with her because I thought she would still be by my side

in the days that followed. Her hands were full of callouses that should have been caused by repeated

heavy work.

I knew she wasn’t a lycan. She was a omega.

Werewolves heal rapidly but the rate of their healing depended on their constitution. Besides, even if

her body has fast recovery, doing strenuous jobs frequently can cause callouses too.

My eyes narrowed at the thought of her undergoing suffering

somewhere. Anybody that dares to touch her should be prepared to give their lives in exchange.

The scent of her pheromones seemed to linger around me and I could catch a whiff of it sometimes.

After we mated, her scent seemed to follow


I would do anything to find her but I had no leads.

There are innumerable werewolf packs sca ttered across the world. Even the Lycans’ City had

numerous branches.

I don’t even know where to begin. Even if I had the resources, looking for her among the billions of

creatures living on earth is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

My only lead was the town we met each other. I had already instructed some of my subordinates to

stand guard at the town in case she appears again.

I wondered if she had someone she was dating. I knew I was her first man in bed matters but I don’t

know if she was in a relationship.

No matter how selfish it was, I didn’t want her to be in a relationship with anybody.

The thought of her being in the arms of another causes me to burn with

flames of dark jealousy.

That kind of jealousy wants me to lock her by my side while I tear the man she might be in a

relationship with to shreds.

As a renowned lycan king, I wasn’t supposed to wear my emotions on my

sleeve but my mate makes me want to break all the rules for her.

All I ask from her is for her to be my queen.