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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33


“Moon goddess, please help me.” I pleaded in my mind and something miraculous happened.

Everything I could see paused.

Fredo was trying to speed to my side but he was stopped in the middle of his


By his action, he planned to grab me.

I don’t know if I have given Fredo a psychological shadow.

I don’t know if he thinks I still have a card to play. I feel like he had already establish my image as a

cunning girl with her hands full of trucks.

He knew my heart did not agree with him or I wouldn’t have tried to escape so he wanted to catch me


When the moon goddess paused the way the world moved, I was able to see him try to grab me.

If she wasn’t here, I would only hear the wind shift before I would be in his arms.

He would have caught me like he was catching a chick.

If I hadn’t called for the moon goddess then, Fredo would have caught me. I would have been at his


I didn’t want to visualize what he would do to me.

His previous words had already given me a glimpse of his deranged mentality. I did not want anything

to do with Fredo.

He is bad news.

This time around, the moon goddess didn’t pull me into a white space. appeared in Fredo’s bedroom.


The only people or thing that can move were just me and the moon goddess. Even the air and the

miniscule dusts flowing within it seemed to pause.

The moon goddess was cloaked in a white dress. The color of her dress shone. with a celestial light.

I walked to her and bowed.

I felt happy.

Although I knew that the moon goddess would save me, the fear that she might not heed my call


To me, Fredo was just someone I dislike but now, my image of him had downgraded to the one I would

attribute to monsters.

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My fate would be one that screams misfortune if I stayed with him.

If someone like Fredo claimed to love me, I would run in the opposite direction instead. I would not

even entertain the thought of giving him the benefit of doubt. His emotions were scary and deranged.

“Moon goddess, please take me directly to the location of the omega warriors.” I said and the moon

goddess smiled.

At her smile, I felt guilty.

She told me that the reason I wasn’t allowed to go to the omega warriors‘ camp immediately was to

grow my experience of the world.

She wanted me to have knowledge of combat too.

Now, I am currently asking her to teleport me there directly.

I felt like I have let down her expectations somehow.

I did not want to fail her.

It was the reason I tried to solve my problems myself. I wanted to show her that I was growing since I

knew she was watching me.

My current predicament is impossible to get out of if I used my capabilities so I cried out for help.

The moon goddess patted my hair softly and all my worries flowed away like an ocean’s receding tide.

“You didn’t disappoint me. I thought you would have asked for my help sooner. For you to stay this long

is something that needs commendation. I am proud of you.” The calming voice of the moon goddess


I did not follow what she was saying until I remembered that she had the ability to read my mind.

I blushed in embarrassment.

“Do you want to go to the omega warriors‘ camp now?” The moon goddess asked and I almost nodded

my head before what I had forgotten came to my mind.

Fredo had used Diana and her group to threaten me and that is something I would not stand for.

Without them, executing my escape plan would be a lot harder. They had done me a favor by rendering

necessary help to me.

I can not let them fall into tragedy and mishap because of me.

If I leave with the moon goddess like this, my mind would be riddled with guilt for the rest of my life.

Diana had helped me when I needed information about the unknown place I was brought to.

She had approached me first and by her gesture, she saved me from trying to

befriend other girls without knowing the way the place runs its activities. She tried to stop me out of my

plan of leaving this place out of concern.

I did not want Willa and Annette to be caught up in the results my messes too. Their help had been


I wouldn’t have been able to poison the humans in Fredo’s mansion if I didn’t have their assistance.

Even Sika is included.

She was not fond of me but she did not betray me by reporting to Miss Freya about my actions.

I had poisoned Sika’s food as payback for her antagonistic attitude towards me.

Sika clearly knew the trick I played on her and everybody in the mansion but she did nothing except

insulting me with her lips.

She did not try to obstruct me in what I am doing even with the bad blood between us.

That act from her was worth commendation.

“Please, help me save my friends too. Goddess, bring them away from this place. too.” I requested but

the moon goddess shook her head.

I knew she could read my mind so she would have known everything these girls did for me.

I know the moon goddess is aware that I can’t leave these girls here to a miserable fate.

I would be unstable if I tried to leave without saving them. I would not be able to do the mission the

moon goddess gave me wholeheartedly if I am weighed down by guilt.

Why didn’t she want to help?

I respected and adored the moon goddess. I really do but right now, only anger surged through me.

The moon goddess was my benefactor. I couldn’t get angry at her.

I tried to stump down the rising fury within me.

There had to be a reason for what she said.

Everything in this world has a reason even if the reason is either a good one or nonsensical one.

“Why?” I asked.

The moon goddess looked at me with a complicated emotion on her face.

“Avery, you are judging this girls with the mentality you have. To them, this place had already become

their home and you dragging them away would have the opposite effect of what you wanted.” The

moon goddess explained and I ruminated on her words.

My anger had began to decrease and the rational part of my mind came back. The moon goddess was


I don’t know how long Diana, Sika, Willa and Annette had been here. I don’t know when Fredo bought


They had already adapted to this place and their original identities won’t be viable for them to use

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Their families would have accepted their disappearance as death and it would be weird if they suddenly

came back.

Besides, even if the moon goddess didn’t take them back to their families,

problems might still crop up. If she takes them elsewhere, Diana and the other girls might not be able to

adapt well enough to survive.

The moon goddess was right. I didn’t think my request through before I started blaming the moon


I had not asked of the opinions of these girls before I made the decision to ask the moon goddess for


Nobody would appreciate another person deciding their fate without consulting them first.

I don’t know about other people but I knew myself. I hate it when people tried to control my fate.

For the first part my life, I was under the control of people that are more powerful than I am.

I hated the moments I couldn’t decide my fate.

Alpha Bryan would not have tried to give me away to Alpha Jake as a way of furthering his affiliations if

I was someone powerful enough.

“What should we do for them? I can’t just leave them here like this.” I said worriedly.

“The only way I can help you without disturbing their lives is for me to erase their connection to you

from everybody’s memories.” The moon goddess said and my heart jumped in excitement.

“If nobody remembers their relations to me, Fredo would not be able to use them. to threaten me.

Diana and the other girls would be safe from Miss Freya’s wrath then. The more I spoke, the more my

excitement climbed.

This was the best solution!

“Do you want to leave now?” The moon goddess asked.

I nodded to her question.

I can now go the the omega warriors‘ camp with peace of mind.

The moon goddess smiled at me and I felt the world before me spun.

When my eyes cleared up, I found myself in a room with walls decorated with

murals and a statue of a woman holding a wolf pup.

My heart dropped.

I knew the moon goddess won’t deliberately take me to a place that would hurt. me but this scene

before my eyes reminded me of Nara.

Nara had wanted to sacrifice me to a statue of the moon goddess.

The hut I woke up in after I collapsed from stress had murals and other similar decoration in it.

This place the moon goddess teleported me to had a lot of resemblance with Nara’s hut so it brought

up memories of my bad experience.