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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23


After collecting the small tube of pink liquid and the key to the armband on my wrist, my patron led me

outside to a high end Lamborghini packed at the rear of the building the auction was held in.

I was not in the mood to fawn on my patron so I looked out of the tinted. windows of the Lamborghini in


My patron sat by my side.

Since he was very close to me, my senses that had been dulled by the armband noticed that he was a


My heart sank.

My worst fears had come true.

My patron was a werewolf and by the look of things, he was a strong and influential werewolf.

My chances of escaping went below the average percent.

My patron did not say his name. He didn’t even say anything to me but I felt like the calm he was

exhibiting to me would be the calm before a storm.

My mind tried to come up with solutions to this new twist in my predicament but I still came up blank.

I was entangled with my thoughts so I did not know when we arrived at my patron’s residence.

My patron cleared his throat to bring me out of my thoughts.

I looked down in embarrassment.

I came down from the vehicle as slowly as I could.

It is as if time would slow down if I moved like a snail.

I did not wish to face my situation but there was nothing I could do.

I could not stall forever.

I followed my patron into the huge mansion before us.

The mansion was big on the inside unlike the portable outside appearance it had. Luxurious

decorations and furniture came into my sights as I entered.

My patron rang a bell that was beside the door and footsteps sounded.

A plump woman appeared.

She bowed to my patron.

“Teach her the rules of this place. When I need her, I would call for her.” My patron said before he left.


He did not hand over the key to my armband and the small tube of pink liquid to the new arrival. He

brought it with him when he exited.

Immediately my patron left, the ingratiating expression on the woman’s face disappeared and a cold

one took its place.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Follow me.” The plump woman said before she led me through a couple of hallways.

I did not have any time to admire the furnishings of this mansion because if I slowed down for a

second, the plump woman leading me to our destination would turn around to scold me.

Finally, we reached our destination.

Square iron cages that was as big as a large window filled the left part of the open ground.

On the right side, a building with numerous doors stood.

Ragged girls were stuck inside the iron cages. The postures the girls were in was similar to a folded


There was not enough space to move around and the girls in the cages had to sit in one position.

I felt disgusted.

Although I had dropped the evaluation of my patron’s overall image because he had attended the Dark

Dome’s auction to buy slaves, my impression of him fell. further at the scene before me.

He had a righteous face but his deeds were the opposite.

The faces of some girls that were in the iron cages was numb.

It was like they did not feel the difference between life and death.

My sixth sense began giving out warning signs.

The man that bought me had a background that was darker than I thought.

I don’t know why he had girls locked up inside cages like this.

“Stop spacing out!” The cold voice of the plump woman that led me here jolted me out of my spiralling


I schooled my features so I won’t show what I was feeling on my face.

The plump woman led me to the building that sat on the right side of the space she brought me to.

She showed me to a room.

“This is your room. We do things in a special way here.” The woman started.

Ihad my ears geared up.to hear what she has to say.

She seemed like a key person in this place and her words would give me a hint on how things are done


“You follow the instructions you are given without any questions.” The woman said.

I nodded at her sentence.

There was a nagging question I had to ask or I would not be okay.

“Why are those girls inside cages?” I asked and the look on the woman’s face turned colder than it


With her look, I knew I had overstepped some kind of invisible boundary. “What is your name?” She


I kept my eyes on her, “My name is Avery.”

“Avery, like I said before, we have special ways we do things here. I don’t know if you have forgotten

the first rule I mentioned previously.” The woman spat, “I will repeat the first rule again. The first rule is

to follow every instructions without questions.”

“Right now, you are asking me questions on matters that don’t have any relation with you.” The woman

continued and I nodded again.

I did not say a word because I don’t think this woman would appreciate any replies or words that comes

out of my mouth.

“The other rules are to be obedient and subservient to those in higher positions. The last rule is to

worship everything Mr. Drake does. He is like a god here.” The woman finished.

She entered the room she assigned to me and she pointed on the light clothes that was folded on the

narrow bed.

“You are to wash up and get ready for when Mr. Drake would call you to serve him.”

The sound of her words did not sit well with me at all.

It was giving me the same vibes the word ‘patron‘ gave me when I heard it.

It seemed my patron was named Mr. Drake.

“Serve?” I repeated.

I could not wrap my head around what I think the word might imply.

Although I had an inkling of what is to come when I was sold by the Dark Dome organization, I had

hoped for an alternative way to the norm.

Reality hit me like an high speeding truck.

“You are as old as this and you are behaving like a virginal maiden. You know what serving Mr. Drake

means. It means you have to sleep with him. Simple.” The woman said with a gloating smile when she

saw my distraught face.

The woman was still smiling as she left my room.

I did not stand up to close the door because I was still digesting everything I heard.

Hate began to burn in my heart for Mr. Drake.

I don’t know who he thinks he is to amass girls for his enjoyment and pleasure.

Did he think he is an ancient era emperor or king?

After sleeping with the stranger I met at the club Sadie took me to, I wanted to only have sex with my

lifelong partner instead of men I knew I would go nowhere with.

I can never sleep with Mr. Drake.

It is against my feelings and principles.

I would rather try to escape even if the action would turn out to be a futile endeavor.

There was a bathroom connected to the room I was assigned.

Water was already in a bucket and aromatic soaps and lotions was on a shelf inside the bathroom.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After my bath, I went out my room.

Some girls were outside their room too.

A girl with glistening green pupils and red hair walked up to me.

Unlike the training camp the Dark Dome created for their female slaves, the girls here did not seem to

like being seperated and categorized by their feelings or their race.

“Hello. My name is Diana, nice to meet you. What is your name?” The girl stretched out her hand to


I smiled, “My name is Avery.”

Diana gave me an easygoing approach but I was still skeptical after everything both humans and

werewolves have shown me.

I had already learnt in a hard way that people are more than they seem.

Even if I cherish the way Diana made the first approach, I was still wary of her intentions.

I had not been here for long so I did not know how this place is.

It might even be a mini ecosystem on its own and my arrival here might be encroaching on somebody’s

interests and desires.

All the girls here had to be serving Mr. Drake and I would not believe it if somebody tells me that there

is no competition between these women and girls.

It was impossible for there not to be infighting.”

This life wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns.

Even if Daiana’s intentions are good, i hd every reason to double check her intemtions.

Formr her to approach me first is a red flag on my part.


I knew I was new here.

I was the most easiest person to trick and deceive right now so I was on the lookout.

I still remembered what Lily did to me when I was still a member of the Silver Crescent Pack.

I wasn’t the same gullible girl I was in the past.

I had grown up in the ways of the world.

I might not be the person with the most experience on the ways of the world but I knew my ways

around some things.

Lily had approached me first too.

Later, I learnt that she just used the friendship between us as a way to show off and further her

relationship with the other members of the Silver Crescent Pack. I did not want a repeat of what had

happened then.

I can still remember how distraught and heartbroken I had been then because the friendship between

me and Lily had been very precious to me.

I responded to Diana’s attempt at familiarization as best as I could.

Even if I am wary of her intentions, I still had to scout for information.

It would do me good to be close to one of the residents here.