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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14


“You had a hand in my rejection?!” I asked again.

I did not feel good at all.

“Avery, calm down.” The moon goddess consoled.

I should calm down?!

How can I do calm down? This revelation was too shocking.

She nodded, “I did. I know you had observed that alpha Jake wasn’t a good mate.”

I stared at her with bloodshot eyes, “So you knew he was a bad person. Why did you pair me with him

then? After all the pain

and suffering I

have gone through!”

“Everybody have the thing that would complete them. Everything

happens for a reason too. Because of the rejection you went through, you would be able to get a good

second chance mate.” The moon goddess explained and I chuckled.

The chuckle wasn’t a pleasant sounding one.

“So, I went through all that pain in other to get a good second chance mate?” I asked with a cynical


“It is like hardwork. The more you sacrifice, the more you reap at the end of the day.” Her words were

understandable but emotions were

something that had always been hard to control.

My emotions were making me biased of the moon goddess’ opinions even if the opinions made sense.

Although I have always knew I was an unlucky star, I did not know it was because a g od and a

goddess were tampering with my fate.

“You were selected by me for great things and you were supposed to have a smooth sailing like with

splatters of obstacle that were within your capabilities to overcome. My enemy made it much harder for

you.” The moon goddess’ face settled in a sad expression.

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“Besides, if I want to do evil to you, I would not have brought you to this space.” She continued and I


She could have killed me ages ago if she wanted me dead.

Although she did hurtful things, her decisions regarding me still had merits.

I levelled my gaze at her, “Nara tried to sacrifice me to a statue of you. How did she get such a

wretched book?”

I know Nara had already said the story of how she stumbled on the book on one of her hunts.

That kind of book wasn’t the type of item a random person can stumble


Besides, why hadn’t the moon goddess acted on the book yet? The book targets innocent werewolves

in order to allow the one performing the sacrifice obtain the power of the werewolf used in the ritual.

The ritual was a malicious act against the moon goddess’ creations in general. Why had the moon

goddess allowed Nara to obtain the book?

A nagging suspicion at the back of my mind hinted me at the fact that someone might be manipulating

the hands of fate so Nara can confront


I exhaled. The unknown person that might have been manipulating my fate have all possibility of being

the g od the moon goddess created. “The last time a person used that book was hundreds of years

ago. I had destroyed that book numerous times but Daemon, the g I created always make a new book

appear with the same contents every time the previous one was destroyed.” The moon goddess sipped

her drink again, “He did not target you specifically when he made Nara the next host of the ritual, he

was aiming at the werewolves in general. You were just a side task.”

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw that Daemon wasn’t aiming at me specifically but the thought of

him putting all the moon goddess. creations in his malicious sights made my heart drop again.

“I killed the last person that tried that ritual but I did not know Daemon would show his tricks again.”

The moon goddess said with a sigh.

After my mind settled down from the rollercoaster ride my emotions had taken me on, I could look at

everything with a new perspective.

I did not continue drilling the moon goddess about her not helping me when u was at my lowest.

At least she made me meet good companions like my best friend and my wolf.

I could not say with certainty that there is not anybody out there in the world without numerous bad

experiences. I wasn’t the first person with traumatic memories and I am not going to be the last.

It is like the moon goddess said. My experiences would act as a polishing that would make me a

rounded person instead of a person with a flawed and one-sided outlook on life.

“Since Daemon was a g od, he is bound by the laws of this world too!” I analyzed.

The moon goddess gave me an appreciative glance.

I enjoyed the feeling her praising eyes gave me more than I can admit.

“You are right. I have plans of defeating him in preparation, all you have to do is help me take care of

his minions.” She said.

My anxious heart finally stabilized. Thankfully, the moon goddess didn’t give me a task that would be

impossible for me to complete.

Although this mission was extremely hard too, it was still within my limits.

Even if the moon goddess didn’t want my help, I would have still gone against Demon, I did not do

anything to him but he was trying to destroy me, it was only right for me to retaliate.

The tricky thing is the fact that I was an omega without any combat experience. I have heard of legends

of special omega warriors that were directly under the moon goddess.

The omega warriors visits packs once in a blue moon and their visits were considered an honor from

the moon goddess herself.

“I am just a weak omega. I don’t know how to fight, how am I supposed to go against the creatures

under Daemon?” I asked.

It was better to clear out all information that might cause loopholes in the long run.


I did not know when but I had started to calculate the moves I am allowed to make and my situations.

Nobody wants a variable.

“Take this.” The moon goddess handed me a white oval pill.

Spiritual essence swirled around the pill. One look and I knew this pill was a supreme treasure.

“This pill would strengthen your constitution. You already have a unique

physique already, this pill’s effects would strengthen it. The moon goddess explained, “It is time for you

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to leave.”

I stood up from my sitting position.

“You will join the tge warriors to grow your combat experience. I have engraved the way to reach their

location in the pill. After you use the pill, you have to travel to the location of the omega warriors.” The

moon goddess instructed.


“Why can’t you just teleport me to them?” I asked.

“Why would I do that?” The moon goddess looked shocked and I felt ashamed at my question.

“Besides, traveling yourself would grow your character and that is not something you achieve by

teleporting.” She said.

Me joining the omega warriors and growing stronger would give me control of my fate.

I would be powerful enough to protect my pups and all those I hold dear instead of cowering beneath

anyone’s pressure.

If I had powers, alpha Jake would not have been able to entertain the thoughts of turning me into his

mistress. Anytime I remembered he had that kind of repulsive thought towards me after he rejected me

before the pack, I wanted to beat him up and tear him into shreds.

I wouldn’t have been subject to alpha Bryan’s control either.

Besides, if I was one of the omega warriors, respect would follow me instead of the contempt I was

used to.


With power at my disposal, I will be able to give me and my pups privilege of raising our head up to

interact as equals with any powerful person we meet. We would not have to let our fates depend on

someone’s. mood and whims.

I could not help the anticipation welling inside me at my thoughts.

I drank the last bit remained in my cup before turning my gaze back to


“You know I would never spare Nara and her tribe if I go back to my body.” I wasn’t asking her a

question, I was just informing her of what I was going to do.

“Go ahead. It is better to settle grudges as often as possible. It would clear your me ntal state.” The

moon goddess agreed before she began to fade.

The white space began to crumble too.