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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21: Theo

I had gone into town to meet with some local business owners. It was a routine catch–up

to see how the pack was doing. It was something I actually looked forward to. They were

all good, hard–working people, and it was nice to hear about their day-to-day lives and

how they were fairing under our protection. These things reminded me that being an

Alpha wasn’t all about power. We had a responsibility to the people we led. Without them,

an Alpha’s aura meant nothing.

It was also nice to get away from the packhouse and all the usual faces.

My parents had come back from the lake house with me. My mother was spending time

with Kylee and Marie working on planning the ceremony, per Kylee’s insistence. My father

was addressing some of the administrative aspects of the pack, including checking in on

the several businesses our family controlled. We would get together that evening and go

over any updates. It would be a long day. But it was a good one, and I went into it in a

better mood than I had been in weeks.

The meetings always took place at my parent’s restaurant so as not to put anyone out

with the responsibility of hosting.

“It’s business as usual for the most part,” Ozzy Evans said. He owned our biggest

contracting company and oversaw a lot of the housing in the area. “We haven’t had any

major incidents recently. Just a few run–ins with some teenagers vandalizing a few places,

but it was all minor damage.”

“That’s good to hear,” I said. “What happened with the


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culprits? They must not have been too difficult to deal with. I haven’t seen any of them

come across my desk.”

“Yeah, they were just kids being kids for the most part,” Ozzy confirmed. “Just not having

enough to do with school being out. Once I tracked them down, between me and their

mothers, they were eager to clean up their act. We got them signed up in some classes

down at the community center.”

I nodded. “Good.”

“There was that one tenant you told me about, Ozzy,” Mrs. Clayborn said. She owned the

local hardware and gardening


“Oh, yeah, strange guy,” Ozzy replied, scratching the back of his neck. “He liked to ask

questions, but he seemed harmless enough. Just a bit awkward, I guess.”

He made it sound like the guy was a stranger. I was about to ask for more details when we

heard the sirens wailing outside. We all stood up and headed to the front of the building. I

stepped out to try and get an idea of where they were coming and going.

It didn’t take long to figure it out. Fire trucks and an ambulance flew down the street,

heading toward a plume of smoke billowing into the sky. It looked like it was coming from

the library.

I started running toward the building. I was only a few streets

away and would be faster on foot than navigating through traffic in a vehicle.

I was there in less than five minutes and confirmed the library was up in flames. I rushed

to the entrance, helping guide


more people as they rushed out. The flames seemed to be concentrated in the back of the

building. Several stairwells on that side led to different floors that held offices. I ran up to

the fire captain, and his men started hooking up hoses and getting to work. Some were

already inside looking for anyone who needed help.

I started calling out orders, trying to organize those who were now outside, figuring out

who needed medical attention, and reigning back the bystanders that had begun to


“Alpha Theo,” some called behind me.

I turned to see Sarah Walport rushing toward me. We had gone to high school together.

“Alpha Theo, my mother is still in there. She works the desk down in the archives. I don’t

know if she can get out,” Sarah said desperately.

“We’ll get someone down there,” I said. “Stay here.”

I relayed the information to the captain. He radioed the information to the others inside.

“They’re bringing out a few right now, but they’ve got their hands full. They’ll have to go

back to check for her.”

I made a split–second decision and bolted into the building. Entering through the side

entrance, I crouched low to take the scene of the building.

The smoke was thick and heavy toward the back, but I wasn’t far from the stairwell that

led to the lower level. I shifted into my wolf to keep low to the ground better and made my

way to the basement. I could barely see anything when I got down


Chapter 21: Theo

there, and the heat was intense. It seemed like this may have been where the fire started.

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I crawled along the wall, trying to remember where the desk was and feeling around for

any sign of anyone. I felt the hand before I saw her. Trying to calm my coughing, I nudged

her to get a response. She must have passed out from the smoke. I gripped the back of

her shirt with my jaws, dragging her toward the stairs. When I reached the base, I shifted

back. I couldn’t get her up the stairs with my wolf while she was unconscious.

Within minutes I was rushing back out of the library just as my vision started to fade, and I

was thoroughly lightheaded. Someone met me and grabbed the woman from my arms. I

fell to the ground in a coughing fit, trying to pull in ragged breaths of clean air. Someone

wrapped a blanket around me and maneuvered me further away from the building.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed when I heard the firefighters calling that they

had managed to get the fire under control and doused the flames. I stood as Ozzy

approached me with a pair of shorts.

There were only a few ambulances still there. Most must have left with those who had

experienced the more severe injuries. I had recovered enough to walk through the crowd,

ensuring everyone was accounted for and attended to.

It was hours before everything settled down and the area cleared out, leaving only a

handful of officials to start investigating and cleaning up. My mother had shown up to

assist earlier, but we hadn’t had time to speak with each other as we cared for our people.

Once things had settled enough, my mother came up and threw her arms around me.




Chapter 21: Theo

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